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Originally Posted by BangDak

^please tell me you were blazed as hell when you said that...
no i agree. If we get noone ele, +@#* Duhon another season. Lets give Nate a chance to shine. Nate at times was our best player last season andput up wayy better #s than Duhon and he came off the bench. Unless Sessions is somehow still in play (crosses fingers) i say let Nate get a chance to prove hisworth as a starter not JUST an energy guy...

At worst he fails and we go after a pg in the offseason next summer or via trade, at middle he has another very good yr and helps alot of people out and wehave a suprisingly good season but we decide to go in another direction but Nate's play earns him a fat chack, and at best maybe just maybe he will come toplay and earn the PG of the future roll. I know its a longshot but Nate has paid his dues ive been saying since pretty much the allstar break last year hedeserves a chance to prove himslef, because its unfair to call him off when he doesnt have a shot (kind of like the Marbury saga
). I mean he is definitley eay more skilled than CD i think that is agreedupon, and maybe CD is more of a "controlled" pg but Nate is more skilled and has a WAY higher ceiling and if he can learn how to play controlled likeChris he will be WAY better and he has a much better chance of being part of our future imo.
While I agree that Nate is more talented than Duhon, let's not forget that Nate isn't going into his 2nd season, what he is now is what he will be forhis career. He simply is not a PG. Having him start would mean giving him starter minutes. Do you want to spend the majority of the game without a real PG onthe floor.

And how fast we forget how good Duhon actually played. Give him some kind of help, and we should see an entire season of excellent play. Nate is our offensivespark, and taking him off the bench (for most of the season) would be a bad move.
Why does everyone act like it's sacrilegious to think Nate should start?

If I'm not mistaken, every starting line-up the Knicks put out on the court had a problem with getting and maintaining a lead at the start of the game.Whenever they fell behind, D'Antoni would call Nate in and he would almost single-handedly put them back in the game because of how he forces the tempo ofthe game.

Why NOT let him start?? It's not like Duhon will spearhead the Knicks into the playoffs by himself. Plus the few times Nate did start or got constant 30+minutes his turnover numbers were much lower than normal and he made pretty decent decisions because unlike coming off the bench, you don't have to forceyourself to do as much when you come off the bench.
Originally Posted by The Game is a Foot

Why does everyone act like it's sacrilegious to think Nate should start?

If I'm not mistaken, every starting line-up the Knicks put out on the court had a problem with getting and maintaining a lead at the start of the game. Whenever they fell behind, D'Antoni would call Nate in and he would almost single-handedly put them back in the game because of how he forces the tempo of the game.

Why NOT let him start?? It's not like Duhon will spearhead the Knicks into the playoffs by himself. Plus the few times Nate did start or got constant 30+ minutes his turnover numbers were much lower than normal and he made pretty decent decisions because unlike coming off the bench, you don't have to force yourself to do as much when you come off the bench.
word to all of that. Nate has carried us at times and there were games where he not only ran the floor like a true PG but he did so while stillbeing a scoring threat (unlike Duhon) and as explosive as possible (unlike Duhon) aka that game vs the the Clips with 33 pts along with 9 boards 15 assists andonly TO. Duhon isnt bringing anything new to the table, unless we give Sessions i say give Nate a start. At its full potential Nate/Will/Gallo could be one ofthe most exciting young combos in the east (it could fail with Nate at the 1 and Will at 2 but still worth a shot) while Duhon/Will/Gallo really doesntmaximize the full xcitement level.

Nate always was brought into the game to get us out of %%!+ i say we shoud AT LEAST let him compete with Duhon for the job. And the %+@% does that mean, Natewill never be better than he is now? He just turned 25 last month and has improved every single season thus far to become one of the best 6th men in theleague, with work he could improve upon that no doubt, and thats not even taken into consideration that he has never had a real oppurtunity to start for ateam.
[h1]Knicks to meet with Jamaal Tinsley[/h1]
BY Frank Isola

Tuesday, July 28th 2009, 4:00 AM

The Knicks will meet with free agent point guard Jamaal Tinsley, according to a source. Tinsley, banished by the Indiana Pacers last season for disciplinary reasons - he recently reached a settlement with the team - is scheduled to meet with president Donnie Walsh and coach Mike D'Antoni at some point this week.

The Knicks failed to land free agent point guards Jason Kidd and Andre Miller this month and the feeling is that Tinsley is a cheaper, and more experienced, alternative to Milwaukee restricted free agent Ramon Sessions. D'Antoni has been pushing for Sessions. Walsh acquired Tinsley, who attended Tilden High School in Brooklyn, on draft day in 2001 when Walsh ran the Pacers.
I'd welcome Jamaal Tinsley. That year off mightve learned him a lesson about who he associates it. I wouldn't start him over Chris Duhon though.

As for Nate, dude is a fun player to watch, but after the All-Star break, his act got old real quick. At times he thought it was him against the opposingteam's star player
. He would also shoot out of games, but also shoot us in games. Nonetheless, I wouldn't start him.
There is no point in signing Tinsley. At all.
$+#@ this offseason. Atthe very least all I wanted was Ramon, which would've been easy.
Originally Posted by NYelectric

Wait, this was a hilarious joke, right? He was just kidding?

lol you been out of the loop i assume...nah, he was really crying, ate vaseline to clear his throat..he's streaming his life 24/7

as a matter of fact, he's on right now

http://www.justin. tv/starburytv������� (take out the space between justin and tv in the address)
yeah this has been a real frustrating off season

lebron started contract talks with the cavs as well. This was expected though.
bender had so much potential. just had terrible knees. showed flashes whenever he was healthy. donnie walsh loves this guy.

only guy that could beat larry bird and reggie miller in shooting contests, lol
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