Glen Davis at it again (NSFW)

Now that picture in the MS paint thread is starting to make sense
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I know nothing about his sexual orientation. Do you?

Sounds like you have some unresolved issues with me, though. PM me.
So when you say..
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Stepping lines.


This has nothing to do with Glen Davis' sexual orientation or sexuality?  It doesn't matter whether anyone on here knows what Glen Davis' sexual orientation is.  These Glen Davis' threads all have one purpose.  It's to ridicule Glen Davis' perceived sexual orientation.

Am I free to make threads questioning, ridiculing, and implying that you're a homosexual (you sure do use a lot of smileys) because I know nothing about your sexual orientation?  Of course not. That would make for a hostile environment for homosexuals on NikeTalk and certainly should not be and is not permitted on NikeTalk.
If Colin Farrell or Charlie Sheen were in the picture, my response would've been the same. Have you never seen a frat boy who is as straight as straight can be do some foolishness like what's going on in this picture while everyone around him cracks up? Has nothing to do with being gay and everything to do with being an idiot. Do you also think that the reason Glenn Davis pulled his pants down while throwing a tantrum was because he's gay? Maybe he had an insatiable urge for every male in the arena to see his boxers? Or… he's an idiot. And it's funny.
How is calling Glen Davis a "habitual line stepper" the same thing as calling him an idiot?  

"Has nothing to do with being gay."  


Yeah, right.
It just dawned on me that maybe the reason you're having a hard time believing that we are laughing at his idiocy is because maybe you think all gay men prance around flamboyantly wearing next to nothing.

How shortsighted and offensive.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

It just dawned on me that maybe the reason you're having a hard time believing that we are laughing at his idiocy is because maybe you think all gay men prance around flamboyantly wearing next to nothing.

How shortsighted and offensive.

Where did I ever say or even remotely imply that? 

My complaints and concerns have strictly been about the constant badgering of Glen Davis for his perceived homosexuality.  

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ Have you not seen his pic laying down with the NBA Finals trophy?

Did you not hear about him straight up pulling his pants down on the court during a game as he threw a tantrum to the ref?

What was so "idiotic" about the way Glen Davis was laying down with the NBA Finals trophy? 




Calls Glen Davis Habitual Line Stepper

Says it has nothing to do with being gay.


It just dawned on me that maybe the reason you're having a hard time believing that we are laughing at his idiocy is because maybe you think all gay men prance around flamboyantly wearing next to nothing.

How shortsighted and offensive.
Where did I ever say or even remotely imply that?
you haven't explicitly said it, but the following is more than an implication:
My complaints and concerns have strictly been about the constant badgering of Glen Davis for his perceived homosexuality.
His perceived homosexuality? The implications there is that you apparently perceive him that way, and you're projecting that perception on everyone else, and you are outraged by it.

I perceive him to be an effeminate idiot, but that's because I'm not one to assume that someone is gay just because they go prancing around near naked. I've known guys who are straighter than straight and did idiotic, effeminate shenanigans that I found hilarious and... idiotic.

In the end, your argument is hinged on proving what other people perceive, and that's a shaky foundation at best. If you want to rid the world of hostility towards homosexuals, build a foundation stronger than "I think that you think…"
I perceive him to be an effeminate idiot, but that's because I'm not one to assume that someone is gay just because they go prancing around near naked. I've known guys who are straighter than straight and did idiotic, effeminate shenanigans that I found hilarious and... idiotic.

That's how I perceive the guy, he's just a clown, and I'm all for that.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

It just dawned on me that maybe the reason you're having a hard time believing that we are laughing at his idiocy is because maybe you think all gay men prance around flamboyantly wearing next to nothing.

How shortsighted and offensive.
Where did I ever say or even remotely imply that?
you haven't explicitly said it, but the following is more than an implication:
My complaints and concerns have strictly been about the constant badgering of Glen Davis for his perceived homosexuality.
His perceived homosexuality? The implications there is that you apparently perceive him that way, and you're projecting that perception on everyone else, and you are outraged by it.

I perceive him to be an effeminate idiot, but that's because I'm not one to assume that someone is gay just because they go prancing around near naked. I've known guys who are straighter than straight and did idiotic, effeminate shenanigans that I found hilarious and... idiotic.

In the end, your argument is hinged on proving what other people perceive, and that's a shaky foundation at best. If you want to rid the world of hostility towards homosexuals, build a foundation stronger than "I think that you think…"

I never even mentioned, referenced, or brought up anything about Glen Davis pulling down his shorts.  Where are you getting this implication from that says I think anyone pulling down their shorts = gay?  I've said ZILCH, NADA, NOTHING on Glen Davis pulling down his shorts, much less implying that he's gay for doing so. Talk about projection...
  You're the ONLY person who has said that.  Stop making stuff up.

I did bring up a specific quote by YOU calling him a habitual line stepper.  You then tried to tell everyone that you meant "idiotic."  And now you're backtracking with "effeminate idiot." 

You called Glen Davis a habitual line stepper.  FACT.

Habitual line stepper = "acting gay" to put it simply. FACT.

Most Glen Davis threads are made to highlight and ridicule his "effeminate" (to put it in your backtracked word) behavior. FACT.

We should put a stop to this because not only is it offensive and hostile to gays, but it violates NikeTalk's ROC.

Want an even simpler breakdown?

NTer posts a picture of Glen Davis or whomever covering his genitals and chest with kid's toys.

You call Glen Davis gay in response to said picture.
Originally Posted by NikeAirForce1

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Where did I ever say or even remotely imply that?
you haven't explicitly said it, but the following is more than an implication:
My complaints and concerns have strictly been about the constant badgering of Glen Davis for his perceived homosexuality.
His perceived homosexuality? The implications there is that you apparently perceive him that way, and you're projecting that perception on everyone else, and you are outraged by it.

I perceive him to be an effeminate idiot, but that's because I'm not one to assume that someone is gay just because they go prancing around near naked. I've known guys who are straighter than straight and did idiotic, effeminate shenanigans that I found hilarious and... idiotic.

In the end, your argument is hinged on proving what other people perceive, and that's a shaky foundation at best. If you want to rid the world of hostility towards homosexuals, build a foundation stronger than "I think that you think…"

I never even mentioned, referenced, or brought up anything about Glen Davis pulling down his shorts.  Where are you getting this implication from that says I think anyone pulling down their shorts = gay?  I've said ZILCH, NADA, NOTHING on Glen Davis pulling down his shorts, much less implying that he's gay for doing so. Talk about projection...
  You're the ONLY person who has said that.  Stop making stuff up.

I did bring up a specific quote by YOU calling him a habitual line stepper.  You then tried to tell everyone that you meant "idiotic."  And now you're backtracking with "effeminate idiot." 

You called Glen Davis a habitual line stepper.  FACT.

Habitual line stepper = "acting gay" to put it simply. FACT.

Most Glen Davis threads are made to highlight and ridicule his "effeminate" (to put it in your backtracked word) behavior. FACT.

We should put a stop to this because not only is it offensive and hostile to gays, but it violates NikeTalk's ROC.

Want an even simpler breakdown?

NTer posts a picture of Glen Davis or whomever covering his genitals and chest with kid's toys.

You call Glen Davis gay in response to said picture.

that you Glen??
Habitual line stepper = "acting gay" to put it simply. FACT.

This term was actually coined by Charlie Murphy during the Chappelle Skit regarding Rick James. It has no implications of homosexuality.
How you going to argue in a Glen Davis line-stepping thread

It has nothing to do with him "being gay" and everything to do with him being caught in awkward/funny situations. All the time. Son seems to set himself up. line stepper

No reference to homosexuality whatsoever in any of the UD definitions of habitual line stepper, in case more proof was needed.
[table][tr][td][/td][td]habitual line stepper [/td][td]215 up, 8 down line stepper# line stepper#[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td]
One who constantly steps over "the line" whatever that line may be. This has the effect of forcing you as an observer to set him or her straight with physical force or the threat of physical force.

(from Chappelle's Show: Charlie Murphy True Hollywood Story)

RICK JAMES "Charlie Murphy!!! (punch to the head, leaving a mark)

Then Charlie Murphy proceeds to kick Rick James' !%@ because he's gotta check that +@%% so it don't happen again, forcing him to stop being a habitual line stepper.

buy habitual line stepper mugs & shirts

!@!%*#$$% ++%@-nut #@*@%#+ mutherphucker prick
by Christophe Graham Apr 14, 2006 share this add a video
[/td][/tr][tr][td]2. [/td][td]habitual line stepper [/td][td]86 up, 17 down line stepper# line stepper#[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td]
Some one who always takes it too far. They step over the line again and again. Sometimes You Have To Check Em.

Yo man Rick James just put his dirty cowboy boots all over your suede couch. That dude steps over the line. Habitually. He's a habitual line stepper.

buy habitual line stepper mugs & shirts

line stepper rick james chappelle's show dave chapelle habitual
by Dicap Apr 7, 2006 share this add a video
[/td][/tr][tr][td]3. [/td][td]habitual line stepper [/td][td]61 up, 17 down line stepper# line stepper#[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td]
One who always goes over the line. One who always goes too far and exercises no apparant regard for the consequences. Term was coined by Charlie Murphy on Chapelle's Show when describing the antics of Rick James.

Rick James was an habitual line stepper.

Greg owes me utilities and just had sex with my girlfriend for the third time this week. That guy is such an habitual line stepper.
[/td][/tr][/table][table][tr][td]habitual line stepper [/td][td]215 up, 8 down line stepper# line stepper#[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td]
One who constantly steps over "the line" whatever that line may be. This has the effect of forcing you as an observer to set him or her straight with physical force or the threat of physical force.

(from Chappelle's Show: Charlie Murphy True Hollywood Story)

RICK JAMES "Charlie Murphy!!!
[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][/table][table][tr][td] [/td][td] line stepper#[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][/table]
at yall posting definitions.

What line is Glen Davis stepping on?  Ska has already admitted to the line as being "effeminate idiot" after backtracking from just "idiot."  Look up the origin of the F-word for homosexuals.  It has nothing to do with homosexuality.  Yet, it's a slur today.  It's all about context and how it is used.

You want more proof of yall taking shots at Glen Davis' sexual orientation or sexuality in these Glen Davis threads?

No One Saw What Glen Davis Did Last Night During The Spurs Game? Vol. Pants On The Ground Big Baby Davis is a habitual Line stepper Vol. 2
AYOOoo..Glen Davis Raises More Suspicions Vol. Living A Lie

a few select quotes from said threads.

Originally Posted by mjshoefanatic


Originally Posted by Lemonade41

He's just giving Richard Jefferson a preview of their post game activities.
Originally Posted by miamib30514

wow. In front of Jefferson just made it that much more disturbing.

Originally Posted by supahoopa

 i got excited when i heard this thread is back.. 
son is a habitual line stepper

seems like you're doing a bit of line stepping yourself...

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

But I'm going through changes. I'm in a cocoon and I'm coming out a different player

too easy,

Imma leave this thread now.
Originally Posted by pdoggy85

Gay baby?

Originally Posted by Smedroc

Glen "Ayo" Davis

Originally Posted by IKnowRap

damn I would have never known dude was getting roasted on some ayo tip on here

I know dude, and he aint ayo by no means in real life...far as I know....but nonetheless the roasting is funny as hell

 "habitaual line stepper" thread is 50 pages

nickname: G- Double... long as he rocking the #11
Originally Posted by Ryda421

glen out of the closet davis

Originally Posted by shaqtus92

Originally Posted by mjd77

J.E. Skeets
Just happened to be in a thread about Glen Davis. Hmmmmm. Carry on.

Originally Posted by shaqtus92

Originally Posted by mjd77

J.E. Skeets
Just happened to be in a thread about Glen Davis. Hmmmmm. Carry on.

notice the espn ticker?

Nothing to do with Glen Davis being gay? Right...

 I wonder why most of these Glen Davis threads get locked.  hmmm..  It's not Ska locking them though because he participates in them.
NikeAirForce1 wrote:

Nothing to do with Glen Davis being gay?  I wonder why most of these Glen Davis threads get locked.  hmmm..  It's not Ska locking them though because he participates in them.


This might be news to you but an internet message board where the majority of posters are straight males is going to have a homophobic sentiment to it. Not saying its right but it is what it is. If you want to be a crusader for gay rights and tolerance on NT more power to you. Ska and the other admins can lock all the threads you find offensive but the homophobia won't go away. You are better off entering all the threads you find offensive and talking to other NT'ers about your point of view.
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