Giving Tip for Delivery?

You are unrealistic my dude ... More like a cheapo then anything. Your entire argument is base on getting paid more and or they are charging way to much. It's cool if that's how you like to live your life .. Not me .... I understand there are some hard working people out there that deserve better no matter the circumstances or system. I'm not the one to leave a not saying tell your employer to pay you better. I'm done ....
Eating out at a sit-down restaurant is a luxury. If that's how you're getting your meals on a regular basis you're pissing away a lot of money on (generally) unhealthy food.
pissing away refer to someone that doesn't have enough to spend. That's like me saying you have an SUV you are pissing away money.

Believe it or not there are tons of people that eat out on a daily basis. and is unhealthy if you are eating junk or eating more than its required.
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had some drinks and food with my coworkers my bill came out to 27 and i was going to give 31 which is 15% but i took the dollar back to have something in my wallet... the waiter wasnt that great... they were mad slow like checking up on us every half hour and not to mention spilled water on my coworkers friend :smh:
You tip your barber/hairdresser

You tip your mailman/garbageman during the holidays

You tip you cab drivers

You tip waiters/waitresses

You tip delivery men

These are things your parents should have taught you

This. These are the polite, societal norms in America that I was taught by my parents.

When I was living in Asia it was hard to get used to NOT tipping because it was so instinctive for me to do. I remember leaving cash tips at restaurants only to have the waiter come chasing me out in the street and give me change back after, McDelivery guys refusing to accept a few extra dollars for a tip, cab drivers not accepting tips, etc... That's just the way it is over there. And the way it is in America is that you are expected to tip for certain things.

I never tip for pickup orders though.
You could play the fool all you want but in this country there are industries where tip is expected and others where it is not.

I don't tip the dude that delivers my weed but that's because it's not expected in that kind of service.
It's expected to give a tip in any establishment where you sit your *** down and have dinner. Simple as that, you don't just make your own rules because you want to be cheap about it.

Exactly homie unwritten social rules. I tip very well but to those I deem fit and yes my money is subject to my idea on where to put it. Not because the majority thinks it's best to give it to a waitress mechanic paper boy etc.
This is what I have a problem with. If the tip wasn't up to your standard you going to throw shade on them next time they come in? Since they didn't tip good once, they never going to tip good? The could've left the restaurant and raved about the food and service (yours in particular) and sent more business (more tips for you) your way. Appreciation of service doesn't always have a set monetary value to it.
Have a problem with it if you want....but that's just the way it is. And lets get one thing straight. It's not MY standard, but the standard that American society has already established. If I consistently get 20% or more from my tables EVERY night, then it's obvious that it's EVERYONE'S standard, not just mine.

You might call it "throwing shade", I call it looking out for myself and my fellow co workers. I know how good of a waiter I am. If I try my *** off for you, nailing every desire, modification, and request you want perfectly, while anticipating needs you didnt even know you had (like wet napkins BEFORE the end of the meal, refills BEFORE they go empty, and other endless details of service you don't normally expect of your server)....AND YOU STILL tip me only 10%? That's terrible. 10 dollars on a 100 dollar bill is an insult. I'd only expect that if I was absolutely terrible as your server. And if I see them in the restaurant again, I forewarn the waiter of how ****** they tip (unless I dropped the ball somewhere during their last visit). ALL SERVERS do this for each other. Same way that we tell each other if a good tipper is sitting in their station.

Yes, I'm very courteous, attentive, nice, and hard working for my customers. I go above and beyond as much as I can. But let's be realistic. It's because I'm selling something, and I expect proper compensation for it.  I'm selling my service. A service I feel is worth a certain amount. If that amount is not met, then I feel like only one of us held up our end of the deal. Then, in the future, they'll only get the bare minimum of what's expected, if not less, because that's all you are going to pay for anyway. Pay for ****** service, get ****** service, it's only fair. If you don't wanna pay for good service, we have take out. You don't have to tip them much, but that's because they won't do anything we do, for you, at your house. (even take out gets about 8-12% on average, from their customers).

On the other side, i feel TERRIBLE when I know I messed up a few times during the guests' stay, and they STILL tip me 20 or more percent, when I feel like I only deserve 15. I feel like they got cheated. 

 And to everyone that thinks minimum wage is enough compensation to serve tables, you're crazy. It's a skill, a craft, that takes a long time to learn, and even longer to get good at. A lot of people fail at it and quit.  Remember, we aren't just serving your table, but upwards of 6 other tables, all expecting the same timely, quality service you're getting. ALL OF THE TABLES, AT THE SAME TIME. Say what you will, but it requires a RIDICULOUS level of multitasking mentally and physically...well beyond any minimum wage job. There are extended periods of time where my mind is RACING with everything I need to accomplish, constantly prioritizing everyone's needs.  If I wanted minimum wage, I'd go work at game stop where I could be stoned and or drunk out of my mind and still excel at my job.....or basically do nothing for extended periods of time.

Last night a server wore a pedometer during his 5 hour shift. He walked 8 miles during his shift. Just an interesting tid bit.
Looking forward to this. Also @AKsuited   are you calculating your % based on pre-tax or post-tax bills? Curious. Go get 'em. 
I'm calculating my percentage on post tax bills...because that's how people tip. You take the total, then tip 20%. Then I'm happy, you're happy, everyone's happy.

It's 1:30 in the morning here, so I'm gonna post my findings tomorrow. I didn't have the greatest shift. My sales weren't as high as they could have been because I had some campers, and I got some parties of 2 or 3 on my tables that fit 6 easily. I normally sell between 1300-1600 on a saturday night. Tonight I only sold 1000. All things considered I still walked with 15%. That's after I tipped out the bartender, bussers, hosts, food runners, and drink runner the required total of 4.25%. So I averaged about 19 percent on my sales.

I'll post my findings tomorrow. As a fun little extra, I noted the age, gender, and race of every person that paid the check and left the tip. I figured NT would have fun with that, they always do.
I normally tip well when eating out. my only thing is I hate how its based on a percentage. I can get the same exact service at two different restaurants, one being average priced and the other being higher priced plates/meals. so because a plate can be say $50, I have to tip more on receiving the same exact service than a cheaper restaurant because of "percentage"
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:lol: @ eating out being a waste of money. I eat out twice a day. don't want to cook when I'm off work. Don't go to crappy places and it's not bad for you. Bet my tips get me the hookup too. Not servers fighting over who has to serve me.

How are you guys comparing fine dining servers to Applebee's? That right there tells me you never dropped more than 75 bucks on two people.

We get it. You're cheap/struggling/greedy or whatever. Must suck to keep track of every cent you spend. Type to walk 17 blocks vs pay for parking.

Keko has a valid question. Y'all ever been to a strip club? :lol:
I'm calculating my percentage on post tax bills...because that's how people tip. You take the total, then tip 20%. Then I'm happy, you're happy, everyone's happy.
 Of course you're happy, you just got 20% on tax that didn't have anything to do with you. 

I usually do tip at least 20% on the post tax bill, but for the record, proper tipping etiquette suggests your tip be based on the pre-tax amount. Interesting you don't calculate it that way. In reality, it's not a big difference (maybe ~2% total) but I go 20 on the post-tax with the understanding that I'm going above the real 20 to give a little something extra. 
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This is what I have a problem with. If the tip wasn't up to your standard you going to throw shade on them next time they come in? Since they didn't tip good once, they never going to tip good? The could've left the restaurant and raved about the food and service (yours in particular) and sent more business (more tips for you) your way. Appreciation of service doesn't always have a set monetary value to it.
Have a problem with it if you want....but that's just the way it is. And lets get one thing straight. It's not MY standard, but the standard that American society has already established. If I consistently get 20% or more from my tables EVERY night, then it's obvious that it's EVERYONE'S standard, not just mine.

You might call it "throwing shade", I call it looking out for myself and my fellow co workers. I know how good of a waiter I am. If I try my *** off for you, nailing every desire, modification, and request you want perfectly, while anticipating needs you didnt even know you had (like wet napkins BEFORE the end of the meal, refills BEFORE they go empty, and other endless details of service you don't normally expect of your server)....AND YOU STILL tip me only 10%? That's terrible. 10 dollars on a 100 dollar bill is an insult. I'd only expect that if I was absolutely terrible as your server. And if I see them in the restaurant again, I forewarn the waiter of how ****** they tip (unless I dropped the ball somewhere during their last visit). ALL SERVERS do this for each other. Same way that we tell each other if a good tipper is sitting in their station.

Yes, I'm very courteous, attentive, nice, and hard working for my customers. I go above and beyond as much as I can. But let's be realistic. It's because I'm selling something, and I expect proper compensation for it.  I'm selling my service. A service I feel is worth a certain amount. If that amount is not met, then I feel like only one of us held up our end of the deal. Then, in the future, they'll only get the bare minimum of what's expected, if not less, because that's all you are going to pay for anyway. Pay for ****** service, get ****** service, it's only fair. If you don't wanna pay for good service, we have take out. You don't have to tip them much, but that's because they won't do anything we do, for you, at your house. (even take out gets about 8-12% on average, from their customers).

On the other side, i feel TERRIBLE when I know I messed up a few times during the guests' stay, and they STILL tip me 20 or more percent, when I feel like I only deserve 15. I feel like they got cheated. 

 And to everyone that thinks minimum wage is enough compensation to serve tables, you're crazy. It's a skill, a craft, that takes a long time to learn, and even longer to get good at. A lot of people fail at it and quit.  Remember, we aren't just serving your table, but upwards of 6 other tables, all expecting the same timely, quality service you're getting. ALL OF THE TABLES, AT THE SAME TIME. Say what you will, but it requires a RIDICULOUS level of multitasking mentally and physically...well beyond any minimum wage job. There are extended periods of time where my mind is RACING with everything I need to accomplish, constantly prioritizing everyone's needs.  If I wanted minimum wage, I'd go work at game stop where I could be stoned and or drunk out of my mind and still excel at my job.....or basically do nothing for extended periods of time.

Last night a server wore a pedometer during his 5 hour shift. He walked 8 miles during his shift. Just an interesting tid bit.
:lol: @ eating out being a waste of money. I eat out twice a day. don't want to cook when I'm off work. Don't go to crappy places and it's not bad for you. Bet my tips get me the hookup too. Not servers fighting over who has to serve me.

How are you guys comparing fine dining servers to Applebee's? That right there tells me you never dropped more than 75 bucks on two people.

We get it. You're cheap/struggling/greedy or whatever. Must suck to keep track of every cent you spend. Type to walk 17 blocks vs pay for parking.

Keko has a valid question. Y'all ever been to a strip club? :lol:
My man you can spend $75 in Joe's Crab Shack, I know you don't really think you living extravagantly because you drop $100 on a meal :lol: :lol: priorities are all twisted
I'm not tipping if I come pick up my own food I'll tell u that much. I pay u to ring up my food? Nah
My man you can spend $75 in Joe's Crab Shack, I know you don't really think you living extravagantly because you drop $100 on a meal :lol: :lol: priorities are all twisted
The amount of feeling caught in this thread though. ..


I'm sayin dude was feelin real good thinking he was ******* on people. You can easily drop 100+ at Red Lobsters or Pappadeaux.

You think what you spends reflects how well you life is.

Lol only the strugglers think like that.
I was saying 75 is nothing. When dude said. He tips 20 on a 500 dollar bill because all they do is bring you food. In a nice restaurant where you are dropping 500 they do a lot more than bring you food. I wasn't saying you're doing it with a 75 dollar meal at all.
Tipping is just all around good karma. It's also how to keep money circulating. To each it's own. Tipping is sort of a taboo thing because everyone is some type of financial consultant but at the end of the day it's what you feel like giving.
I hate supports these multi-milion (billion?) dollar corporations that pay their employees pennies and then expect you to make up the difference after you already pay for overpriced food/drinks.

Worse part is ppl who work in the service industry who ***** and moan about people who don't tip enough instead of organizing and demanding from the **** company they work for that they need to be paid more than $2.77/hour

How about you stop giving these companies money instead of complaining about the cost of their product.

Sounds just as stupid to me.
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