Gilbert Arenas....thought about ending it all last Sunday....vol. Suicidal Thoughts

Mar 13, 2004
I just read this in the paper:

This is from his blog, but it's an excerpt that talks about what he was thinking when the doctors told him he was still going to be on the shelf foranother week or so....

That's when I threw all my clothes out of my locker, yelling, "I don't want it! This jersey is never going to be played in this year!" Then the media was there and I was like, "You don't need to keep asking me when I'm going to be playing again, because I'm not playing no more this year!"

Then I stormed out.

At the end of the day, I had to go home anyway to pick up a collared shirt and a sports jacket. It's about a 35 minute drive each way. On the way home I was listening to music and I started to calm down thinking, "Let me hurry up and get back, they're thinking I'm going to be mad and stay home."

Which I was mad, but I really wanted to watch the game at the end of the day.

So I came on back and got there at the end of the first period and then I waited until the period was over and went out there on the bench at the beginning of the second period.

It was just me and my car … speeding -- something that I shouldn't be doing.

Then I got that thought that I know everybody gets once in a while, I was like, "You know, what if I just ran my car into this pole right here?"

I don't know why I thought that, but I kept going with it.

"Then I can jump off the road into this lake and just swim … or drown. Whichever one comes first."

It was really devastating. I was thinking, "Mannn, again?!"

But I listened to Young Jeezy's verse in "They Know" to get me past those bad thoughts … plus, I'm sane. I'm a sane person, I wouldn't do that to myself.

Rest of Gil's Blog

This is what Ivan Carter (Wizards Insider) said about Gil, and I agree with him 100%

Wow. Arenas has never been afraid to open a window into his soul but this one tops them all. I knew he was upset after the doctors told he couldn't play the other night but the part about what went through his mind while driving is stunning. But the man has a point: we've all been there (I know I have). It all goes back to something I've said about Arenas all along: the man needs basketball. It's who he is and what he's about. Without it, he's just not the same person. He'll be called weird or worse for opening up like that in a blog but I just think that he's being totally human.

Vulnerable, like all athletes in the limelight, especially Gilbert, should be.

He's shown as this charismatic guy who is always smiling and having fun, but we all know this %*#+ is hurting him. It was great that he came out and saidit, instead of beating around the bush.


(Though I think the Wizards can do much better without him.)
I agree..Arenas needs the game of basketball. Without it he's just not the same person that we all knew and admire :/
The dude is human like all of us.

You take away something that he loves the most and what makes him and pretty much he's left with nothing.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

The dude is human like all of us.

You take away something that he loves the most and what makes him and pretty much he's left with nothing.

very well said, Gilbert is probably one of the "realest" guys out there in the league. He is never afraid to put things out there for everyone tosee. But i can understand how much this is hurting him. Basketball is probably the only thing he knows, and without he is left with doubt.
Is this gonna be a lingering injury thats gonna bother him for the rest of his career???
Arenas is a run and gun type of point guard and we all know how much wear and tear that puts on the body.

That would really suck to see Arenas miss games every season from now on, dude is one of my favorite ball players to watch.
He is the realist dude in the NBA, amazing that he would be so candid. Great read and I'm glad he didn't do it.
Athletes like Gil are extremely rare... i appreciate this dude for sure, but more importantly i cant wait to see him back on the court.

and did someone up there say they were BETTER without him?

They got smashed by the blazers last night without roy and aldridge
I like that he can share his feelings and he cares about playing, but he is being a drama queen. I understand he is sad and really loves to play, but to thinkabout taking your life just b/c some doctors said you can't play yet??? Sounds more like a weakness than a strength, he needs to channel that love for thegame and the desire into something positive, not something destructive that won't help anyone.
This, along with all the free giveaways and what not he does, are the reasons why I like Arenas so much. He's a real dude.

That and he hates Coach K, like I do.
Originally Posted by TheKingOfVa

He is the realist dude in the NBA, amazing that he would be so candid. Great read and I'm glad he didn't do it.

Everything he said.
i think this dude needs help. Its not like his kid died or something, dude hurt his knee..... he still making millions and will be fine next year, just have towait. Something aint right with duke
Originally Posted by gko2408

Originally Posted by TheKingOfVa

He is the realist dude in the NBA, amazing that he would be so candid. Great read and I'm glad he didn't do it.

Everything he said.

He's one of my favorite players to watch.
Originally Posted by abutta13

thank god for young jeezy

That's really the bottomline... thank you Jeezy, thank you.

Seriously though, Gil is one of my favorite players, he's always honest and it seems like he's the most upfront and real player in the league.
true 3 blue:
thank God he didn't do it.
He didn't do it because he never wanted to do it. He wanted to tell us and the media that he thought about it.

If he wanted to do it, it would have been done People who are serious about suicide don't talk the next day about how they thought about it; we talk thenext day about how we never saw it coming, what we could have done to prevent it, and how we're going to miss them.

I know this is going to be interpreted as me being insensitive, but suffice it to say that I have done a considerable amount of research into suicideideations. There are people who fake a suicide attempt, people who talk about thinking about suicide, people who failed at killing theirself then had a changeof heart and didn't try again after the initial failure... and then there are people in morgues, due to suicide.

Arenas definitely has a personality disorder.

I am 100% positive. I'm not saying he is looney and needs to be sent off to the nearest mental health hospital as soon as possible. I am merely expressingmy (unprofessional, non-credentialed) opinion that he definitely has a personality disorder.

The interesting thing about his blog story came in the first line, where he noted that media was present.

P.S. On everything, y'all BETTER not respond to me like I'm hating on Arenas.
Originally Posted by eye see soles

Vulnerable, like all athletes in the limelight, especially Gilbert, should be.

He's shown as this charismatic guy who is always smiling and having fun, but we all know this %*#+ is hurting him. It was great that he came out and said it, instead of beating around the bush.


(Though I think the Wizards can do much better without him.)

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