Giants @ The Chicago Bears Vol. E. Manning vs Grossman - :sickface

Originally Posted by GMSboy1

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Hell to the no in regards to Kerry.

Dude looked hungover in a lot of games.
Wow, nice cheapshot. worse than when collinsworth told Robinson to celebrate with a drink. SMH at you.


Collins was nice when he had a 6 pack before kickoff ....cmon.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

SMH @ you taking things so seriously.
Whether or not it was in jest, alcoholism is nothing to joke about.

And to be honest it wasnt funny anyway.
that was a definite catch

edit * -- i don;t think it will be reversed. not enough there to change the play
Yea, nice catch.

That Eli INT sure does look big now (last time in the end zone), but this game is very close and low scoring like I expected.
I want to see the time management in the Giants part right now, they should be the last team to have posession of the football if they play this correctly.
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