Get Senior Citizens Off The Road

I agree on that the older drivers should be retested at a certain age. Im 18 and i know a lot friends who drive
and some of them think they just own the road. I hate being in a car with some of them, scary as hell!
you're complaining about bad drivers and potential accidents....
I don't see how I'm off topic

I definitely know what he's referring to though.

Instead of coming into the thread and being like, "yeah old people are bad drivers, but so are young people", you come in with a very condescendingtone and try to smash the credibility of the OP because he didn't cover all his bases when making the thread.

I don't know if it's just involuntary that you act that way, the way ska throws out analogies without even trying, or if you go out of your way to bethat type of person - but more often than not, if you're posting, it's to show somebody up (or comes off that way). In fact, this post alone isprobably one of the times where you've come off LESS condescending in your tone, but it just reminded me when he said how you "always have to goagainst the grain".

Hey, free-thinking is great and I'm all for it - but it seems you just go out of your way to disagree with anything you decide to post about.

I gotta back the OP up on this.
there was this old man in a truck that almost ran me over back in middle school
it was really close
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Young Drivers are reckless and aggressive. Old driver actually forget the rules and laws.
You can say each of those things about each age group

Originally Posted by rickybadman

Young drivers will grow out of it, old drivers will get worse.
Again you can't say that without looking like a ignorant person. Not every young driver grows out of it, and not every person over the age of60 is a horrible driver. My 80yr old grandfather is a better drive than me, and i'm a great driver.

Originally Posted by rickybadman

Old drivers are definitely more dangerous.
Who's more dangerous? A old woman who you can clearly see is driving slow and erratically, or two young peoplehaving a #$+$ size contest going 100+ on main street?

A: Both and none of them should be driving

All dirty is saying is that you can not stereotype a certain age group.
yeah its problematic at times.

at a 4 way stop sign, this old man seriously took like 20-25 seconds to make a left turn. he had the right of way (he got there first), so the rest of uscan't do anything about it. But man, it ain't that hard to make a left turn. it takes 10 seconds max if you want to play the safety card.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

you're complaining about bad drivers and potential accidents....
I don't see how I'm off topic

I definitely know what he's referring to though.

Instead of coming into the thread and being like, "yeah old people are bad drivers, but so are young people", you come in with a very condescending tone and try to smash the credibility of the OP because he didn't cover all his bases when making the thread.

I don't know if it's just involuntary that you act that way, the way ska throws out analogies without even trying, or if you go out of your way to be that type of person - but more often than not, if you're posting, it's to show somebody up (or comes off that way). In fact, this post alone is probably one of the times where you've come off LESS condescending in your tone, but it just reminded me when he said how you "always have to go against the grain".

Hey, free-thinking is great and I'm all for it - but it seems you just go out of your way to disagree with anything you decide to post about.

I gotta back the OP up on this.

I'm glad somebody else notices the same thing and isn't afraid to say anything.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

you're complaining about bad drivers and potential accidents....
I don't see how I'm off topic

I definitely know what he's referring to though.

Instead of coming into the thread and being like, "yeah old people are bad drivers, but so are young people", you come in with a very condescending tone and try to smash the credibility of the OP because he didn't cover all his bases when making the thread.

I don't know if it's just involuntary that you act that way, the way ska throws out analogies without even trying, or if you go out of your way to be that type of person - but more often than not, if you're posting, it's to show somebody up (or comes off that way). In fact, this post alone is probably one of the times where you've come off LESS condescending in your tone, but it just reminded me when he said how you "always have to go against the grain".

hold my initial response which consisted of:
1. me pointing out my own personal situations where I indicated I had near accidents with bad drivers
2. me saying that everyone should be retested

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

most near-accidents I've been in have been b/c of younger drivers...not older ones.
They need to retest seniors at a certain age everyone regularly to make sure they can still drive

and THAT somehow is considered condescending b/c people read into my response that I'm getting on the OP?
good lord

Hey, free-thinking is great and I'm all for it - but it seems you just go out of your way to disagree with anything you decide to post about.
last time I checked...this was NT...where people "converse"/
what's the point of commenting when all you're going to do is say "cosign"

I'd rather post when I'm going to add to the topic.

but hell.... if you think I'm condescending... to be honest... oh well. I'm not going to change my style and my opinions. and quite onecan tell me what and where to post..
My grandmother drove her benz into oncoming traffic where we almost got hit by two other luxury cars...

Needless to say, grandma doesn't drive me anywhere anymore
I agree that Senior Drivers should get retested.

Their senses started to plummet once they hit 65. If they can't or then we def have a problem.
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