Get Senior Citizens Off The Road

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

How about you let them merge and not be an jerk off.

What is it with people and refusing to let others merge in front of you.
I can't quite understand it.

I always switch lanes to let people merge in.

The problem is when driving behind an elderly person merging onto the freeway. You know how problematic it is merging onto a freeway going 35-40 because the senior citizen in front of you was breaking(sometimes to a slow roll) while merging onto the freeway to find an opening?

No, I don't find it problematic at all.

You're a human. You have a brain that can deal with complex situations.
Also, there's a reason why it's always good to maintain distance.

I have more of a problem with overly aggressive drivers who think they have good reaction and anticipation times and treat the roads like a race track while driving a 2 ton SUV.
So you think it's safe merging onto a freewaygoing 35-40 mph? If their brain can't handle merging onto a freeway they shouldn't be driving. You're making yourself sound real stupid.
Dude said "MY thread" like he owns part of NT or something

Dirty's responses are clearly relevant as they offer an argument to your topic at hand. At least he stayed within the realm of bad drivers and didn'tstart talking about some random @**+.

I'm sure you're gonna quote this and have some reply similar to "Who the hell are you? Get out of my thread."
i've had more problems with old drivers and women drivers than i've had with young drivers.

but i, as a young driver, have been a problem to many
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

How about you let them merge and not be an jerk off.

What is it with people and refusing to let others merge in front of you.
I can't quite understand it.

You choose to get in the merging lane or wrong lane, it ain't my fault. You wanna come into my lane you better have enough space infront of me to merge, not none of that '3 feet from the front bumper, swerve to let him know i want in, stop ALL traffic behind me to make a two lane switch and turn at the street because I'm too much of an idiot to get in the correct lane on time' crap. If the lane ends and you have to merge, wait your damn turn, don't throw your crappy car into the normal lane just because you feel like it

I never let in old people in though. Any sort of buick, oldsmobile, domestic large sedan etc will just have to wait...they can't keep up with regular traffic


I go on the belief that people would rather not get into an accident. If I want to merge and I see that the other driver is being a jerk about it than I justkeep on merging.

You want to hit me? Go Ahead! I drive a big 'ole SUV that I don't really give a +%%$ about. Go ahead and hit me.
Although I do make sure that the other driver has some decent braking distance. Some of them would rather hit me thanlet me merge.
It's all about calculated risk.

What's the big deal? I let people merge all the time even if that means braking a little. Why do folks take out their rotten, +!@%#+ lives on others?

I don't think people are out there merging lanes for !@#*@ and giggles.
Originally Posted by tmay407

Dude said "MY thread" like he owns part of NT or something

Dirty's responses are clearly relevant as they offer an argument to your topic at hand. At least he stayed within the realm of bad drivers and didn't start talking about some random @**+.

I'm sure you're gonna quote this and have some reply similar to "Who the hell are you? Get out of my thread."

This thread wasn't created to debate who's the worse driver. It's a vent thread about bad senior citizen drivers.

You guys are killin me, I'm going to go take a nap before my niner game..
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23


This thread wasn't created to debate who's the worse driver. It's a vent thread about bad senior citizen drivers.
Don't get me wrong, I agree with you to an extent. I just found that funny.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

How about you let them merge and not be an jerk off.

What is it with people and refusing to let others merge in front of you.
I can't quite understand it.

I always switch lanes to let people merge in.

The problem is when driving behind an elderly person merging onto the freeway. You know how problematic it is merging onto a freeway going 35-40 because the senior citizen in front of you was breaking(sometimes to a slow roll) while merging onto the freeway to find an opening?

No, I don't find it problematic at all.

You're a human. You have a brain that can deal with complex situations.
Also, there's a reason why it's always good to maintain distance.

I have more of a problem with overly aggressive drivers who think they have good reaction and anticipation times and treat the roads like a race track while driving a 2 ton SUV.
So you think it's safe merging onto a freeway going 35-40 mph? If their brain can't handle merging onto a freeway they shouldn't be driving. You're making yourself sound real stupid.
Look it's not the safest thing that they can do but so are 100's of other things that other drivers do.

Minimize your risk in that type of environment and you'll be alright.
The vast majority of the time the problem is that people take their surroundings for granted.
Use your brain and anticipate situations.
Originally Posted by yarrh

i've had more problems with old drivers and women drivers than i've had with young drivers.

but i, as a young driver, have been a problem to many
Damn Harry get off the road.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

How about you let them merge and not be an jerk off.

What is it with people and refusing to let others merge in front of you.
I can't quite understand it.

I always switch lanes to let people merge in.

The problem is when driving behind an elderly person merging onto the freeway. You know how problematic it is merging onto a freeway going 35-40 because the senior citizen in front of you was breaking(sometimes to a slow roll) while merging onto the freeway to find an opening?

No, I don't find it problematic at all.

You're a human. You have a brain that can deal with complex situations.
Also, there's a reason why it's always good to maintain distance.

I have more of a problem with overly aggressive drivers who think they have good reaction and anticipation times and treat the roads like a race track while driving a 2 ton SUV.
So you think it's safe merging onto a freeway going 35-40 mph? If their brain can't handle merging onto a freeway they shouldn't be driving. You're making yourself sound real stupid.
Look it's not the safest thing that they can do but so are 100's of other things that other drivers do.

Minimize your risk in that type of environment and you'll be alright.
The vast majority of the time the problem is that people take their surroundings for granted.
Use your brain and anticipate situations.
I do use my brain which is why I've avoided many accident, but thats NOT the point. Older drivers should be retested because they justdon't have the abilities to react to many situations on the road. They also drive carelessly and not because they choose to but because of their age.

Drivers aged 75 and older have a 37 percent higher crash rate than younger drivers

and it will only go up since each year the percentage of senior citizens drivers on the road goes up.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

They need to retest seniors at a certain age to make sure they can still drive. I'm tired of almost dying because they choose to not look into their mirror when merging into my lane and running me into the divider. Or because they decide to merge into the freeway going 35 mph. I don't know how many times I've almost gotten into an accident because of an elderly person. This is becoming a real problem. I almost died today because they just are incapable of driving properly. Something needs to be done.

end rant.

Why even get on the freeway. I REALLYHATE THAT!!

Not pulling out for a left turn Sometimes you just gotta get out there! That yellow light is crucial.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

How about you let them merge and not be an jerk off.

What is it with people and refusing to let others merge in front of you.
I can't quite understand it.

I always switch lanes to let people merge in.

The problem is when driving behind an elderly person merging onto the freeway. You know how problematic it is merging onto a freeway going 35-40 because the senior citizen in front of you was breaking(sometimes to a slow roll) while merging onto the freeway to find an opening?

No, I don't find it problematic at all.

You're a human. You have a brain that can deal with complex situations.
Also, there's a reason why it's always good to maintain distance.

I have more of a problem with overly aggressive drivers who think they have good reaction and anticipation times and treat the roads like a race track while driving a 2 ton SUV.
So you think it's safe merging onto a freeway going 35-40 mph? If their brain can't handle merging onto a freeway they shouldn't be driving. You're making yourself sound real stupid.
Look it's not the safest thing that they can do but so are 100's of other things that other drivers do.

Minimize your risk in that type of environment and you'll be alright.
The vast majority of the time the problem is that people take their surroundings for granted.
Use your brain and anticipate situations.
I do use my brain which is why I've avoided many accident, but thats NOT the point. Older drivers should be retested because they just don't have the abilities to react to many situations on the road. They also drive carelessly and not because they choose to but because of their age.

Drivers aged 75 and older have a 37 percent higher crash rate than younger drivers

and it will only go up since each year the percentage of senior citizens drivers on the road goes up.

The problem with retesting older drivers is that most will fail.
Hell, if all drivers would be retested once a year then a significant percentage of younger drivers would fail too.

What will those older folks do then? Are you going to take them for their med checkups or get their groceries?
Public transit may not be ll too comfortable for many older folks and that's not even mentioning that very few cities have adequate public transportationsystems.

Being on the road with poor drivers is just part of the deal. All you can do is minimize your risk and all should be fine.

Younger aggressive drivers are more of a problem.Older drivers may +$%# up your bumper but these young idiot ******s may kill you.
Drivers down here suck. Miami=Young to middle aged rude idiots, and Boca is all old retired people driving their LS's and Toyota Avalons with no regard foranyone else on the road.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

How about you let them merge and not be an jerk off.

What is it with people and refusing to let others merge in front of you.
I can't quite understand it.

I always switch lanes to let people merge in.

The problem is when driving behind an elderly person merging onto the freeway. You know how problematic it is merging onto a freeway going 35-40 because the senior citizen in front of you was breaking(sometimes to a slow roll) while merging onto the freeway to find an opening?

No, I don't find it problematic at all.

You're a human. You have a brain that can deal with complex situations.
Also, there's a reason why it's always good to maintain distance.

I have more of a problem with overly aggressive drivers who think they have good reaction and anticipation times and treat the roads like a race track while driving a 2 ton SUV.
So you think it's safe merging onto a freeway going 35-40 mph? If their brain can't handle merging onto a freeway they shouldn't be driving. You're making yourself sound real stupid.
Look it's not the safest thing that they can do but so are 100's of other things that other drivers do.

Minimize your risk in that type of environment and you'll be alright.
The vast majority of the time the problem is that people take their surroundings for granted.
Use your brain and anticipate situations.
I do use my brain which is why I've avoided many accident, but thats NOT the point. Older drivers should be retested because they just don't have the abilities to react to many situations on the road. They also drive carelessly and not because they choose to but because of their age.

Drivers aged 75 and older have a 37 percent higher crash rate than younger drivers

and it will only go up since each year the percentage of senior citizens drivers on the road goes up.
The problem with retesting older drivers is that most will fail.
Hell, if all drivers would be retested once a year then a significant percentage of younger drivers would fail too.

What will those older folks do then? Are you going to take them for their med checkups or get their groceries?
Public transit may not be ll too comfortable for many older folks and that's not even mentioning that very few cities have adequate public transportation systems.

Being on the road with poor drivers is just part of the deal. All you can do is minimize your risk and all should be fine.

I understand that, but should we have to sacrifice our safety for drivers who shouldn't be driving just so they can get to where they need togo? Senior citizens also have higher rates of fatal crashes, so that's another risk. If we do keep them on the road and they do get in an accident theirchances of that crash being fatal is higher than younger drivers. It's really a lose lose situation.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

How about you let them merge and not be an jerk off.

What is it with people and refusing to let others merge in front of you.
I can't quite understand it.

I always switch lanes to let people merge in.

The problem is when driving behind an elderly person merging onto the freeway. You know how problematic it is merging onto a freeway going 35-40 because the senior citizen in front of you was breaking(sometimes to a slow roll) while merging onto the freeway to find an opening?

No, I don't find it problematic at all.

You're a human. You have a brain that can deal with complex situations.
Also, there's a reason why it's always good to maintain distance.

I have more of a problem with overly aggressive drivers who think they have good reaction and anticipation times and treat the roads like a race track while driving a 2 ton SUV.
So you think it's safe merging onto a freeway going 35-40 mph? If their brain can't handle merging onto a freeway they shouldn't be driving. You're making yourself sound real stupid.
Look it's not the safest thing that they can do but so are 100's of other things that other drivers do.

Minimize your risk in that type of environment and you'll be alright.
The vast majority of the time the problem is that people take their surroundings for granted.
Use your brain and anticipate situations.
I do use my brain which is why I've avoided many accident, but thats NOT the point. Older drivers should be retested because they just don't have the abilities to react to many situations on the road. They also drive carelessly and not because they choose to but because of their age.

Drivers aged 75 and older have a 37 percent higher crash rate than younger drivers

and it will only go up since each year the percentage of senior citizens drivers on the road goes up.
The problem with retesting older drivers is that most will fail.
Hell, if all drivers would be retested once a year then a significant percentage of younger drivers would fail too.

What will those older folks do then? Are you going to take them for their med checkups or get their groceries?
Public transit may not be ll too comfortable for many older folks and that's not even mentioning that very few cities have adequate public transportation systems.

Being on the road with poor drivers is just part of the deal. All you can do is minimize your risk and all should be fine.
I understand that, but should we have to sacrifice our safety for drivers who shouldn't be driving just so they can get to where they need to go? Senior citizens also have higher rates of fatal crashes, so that's another risk. If we do keep them on the road and they do get in an accident their chances of that crash being fatal is higher than younger drivers. It's really a lose lose situation.

Where I'm at it's the young lunatics who treat the highways like a race track that have killed way more people than some old senile folks.
Re-testing drivers over the age of 65 was proposed a few years ago but shot down due to ageism.

Why do people drive in the merging lane anyway? I can't tell you how many times I've almost gotten into an accident cuz of some !*$@%@@ that wasdriving in this lane while I was trying to get on the parkway. If there's 3 lanes, 2 of which are meant for people driving at normal speeds and 1 meant forpeople to speed up to the regular flow of traffic why do people insist on driving in the far right lane?

Here's a suggestion, get the hell out of the merging (slow) lane and you won't have to worry about running into the back of people not going as fast asyou.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I am on topic.

you can't have the want to discriminate on one subset of drivers based on age without mentioning the other subset of drivers that also cause many accidents

Well they begin the discrimination when they say you can't get a license until you are "this"age....well the same needs to be done at the other end of the spectrum...After living in Florida for over a year, I have grown to LOATH elderly drivers -really and truly,we all know the older you get the more your motor skills with that said, we need to retest these people, I don't care aboutrights/discrimination or anything of that's like giving a killer a gun license....I have seen to many accidents/potential accidents caused by theelderly....I mean, why slow down to a complete stop to change lanes on the got damn highway?

I really don't like old drivers. It's not just the slow part of it either. Wanna go 10mph down the Minnehaha Parkway? That's cool. That won'tkill me. It'll piss me off, but it won't kill me.

But, I've really started paying attention to stuff like that since I'm going to begin the process of driving legally. I've noticedold folks turning down the wrong way on one way streets, trying to pull U-turns in busy streets (once to the point where both traffic flows had to come to acomplete stop to let the old dude and his wife finish the turn. Over on 38th and Cedar, for my southside MPLS people,) and other EXTREMELY dangerous things.

I even witnessed not one, but TWO old couples turn onto the lightrail tracks in Downtown MPLS. In addition to that, the first death to occur from the lightrailcolliding with a car was an old man trying to drive under the toll sticks.

And, while it's true that teenage drivers are statistically more likely to be involved in a fatal accident, I'm more than certain the only reason whyold people aren't at the top of the list is because they don't go to parties like teens. In my experience on the road, and from just watching peopledrive, old people are worse.

Either that, or people talking on their cell phones.
did dude really say "MY thread?"


you're complaining about bad drivers and potential accidents....
I don't see how I'm off topic

You always go into posts with a snobby negative attitude and it's pretty evident to everybody.
the only one being negative in this thread is you.
Mez 0ne wrote:
Road test every 10 years should be mandatory in this country.

- Why?!!? If you maintain a respectable, relatively accident free driving record, I don't see why you need to go drive around the block and parallel parkto validate your vehicular competence.

- It's only problematic at the beginning and end.


its ridiculous how many news stories i've heard of old ladies running into sides of buildings in VA.
Miami has THE worst problem with bad drivers...between illegals, uninsured, cocky kids pushing cars with too much power for them to handle or pushing carsfaster than they can handle we have to deal with the geriatric...most of whom have lived in another country for the majority of their lives where theydidn't have to drive or didn't drive nearly as much or as fast and sometimes these old people are driving a S550 with way more size and speed than theycan handle
how irresponsible its like sending your mother out to kill herself in style....and the lack of traffic enforcement doesn't learnto keep your head on a swivel down here for cops, old people and d-head drivers...
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