Get Senior Citizens Off The Road

Oct 8, 2003
They need to retest seniors at a certain age to make sure they can still drive. I'm tired of almost dying because they choose to not look into their mirrorwhen merging into my lane and running me into the divider. Or because they decide to merge into the freeway going 35 mph. I don't know how many timesI've almost gotten into an accident because of an elderly person. This is becoming a real problem. I almost died today because they just are incapable ofdriving properly. Something needs to be done.

end rant.
I agree.

This fat elderly women in her '07 Toyota Camry was merging into my lane,and i honked the horn. Then when i was passing her.. she gave me the finger.
Originally Posted by Nktran001

I agree.

This fat elderly women in her '07 Toyota Camry was merging into my lane, and i honked the horn. Then when i was passing her.. she gave me the finger.
Yo real talk that's happened to me too. They make it seem like it's your fault. They either give you the finger, stoneface, or not evenpay attention to you and keep driving 55 in the fast lane
most near-accidents I've been in have been b/c of younger drivers...not older ones.

They need to retest seniors at a certain age everyone regularly to make sure they can still drive
Driving around in Florida makes me start wishing for something like Logan's Run.

'Nuff said.
Originally Posted by Nktran001

I agree.

This fat elderly women in her '07 Toyota Camry was merging into my lane, and i honked the horn. Then when i was passing her.. she gave me the finger.
I bet her finger couldn't go back down.
i agree, i thought i was the only one who though that there needs to be a retest as you get older.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

most near-accidents I've been in have been b/c of younger drivers...not older ones.

They need to retest seniors at a certain age everyone regularly to make sure they can still drive

Dirty why do you always have to go against the grain? I do agree younger drivers need also cause accidents but this is about senior citizens,please stay on topic.
hah thought about this at work yesterday when i helped a lady that could barely walk and was so slow to think about saying something ....driving ...
Originally Posted by MrPrince757

Originally Posted by Nktran001

I agree.

This fat elderly women in her '07 Toyota Camry was merging into my lane, and i honked the horn. Then when i was passing her.. she gave me the finger.
I bet her finger couldn't go back down.

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

most near-accidents I've been in have been b/c of younger drivers...not older ones.

They need to retest seniors at a certain age everyone regularly to make sure they can still drive

UMM NO. The younger drivers choose to be reckless, where as the older drivers are actually less responsive and their reflexes are reduced. Not to mention, theyounger drivers have usually just passed a road test.

Try again.
Originally Posted by Devanisgee

They do have to take tests again, at least in CA they do.

My grandpa took his recently.
At what age did they test him? Do you know how often they get tested after that? I think after a certain age they need to get tested yearly.
I am on topic.

you can't have the want to discriminate on one subset of drivers based on age without mentioning the other subset of drivers that also cause many accidents
How about you let them merge and not be an jerk off.

What is it with people and refusing to let others merge in front of you.
I can't quite understand it.
After the driver who killed 9 people at that farmer's market in CA, I have always said that there needs to be some reform.

South Park explained this situation the best.
I'll be honest I think it's just too easy to get a license in the US. Some people I know (not to discriminate but most of them are girls, but I do knowsome dudes too) have no business driving because they are either too scared or just hesitant. I think they should make getting a license very hard withretesting done every 5 years. While after the age of 55 every year. But of course this will never happen because GM and Ford are huge endorsers of politicalparties. And in order to try to keep sales high they will never pass laws to control the amount of drivers on the road.

But what they should add is once over the age of 55 add a reaction speed test and one that tests analysis of situations. They could do that right now easily.But this would turn into one of those, "OMG you are discriminating against the elderly." Actually no I'm trying to lower accident rates.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

How about you let them merge and not be an jerk off.

What is it with people and refusing to let others merge in front of you.
I can't quite understand it.

I always switch lanes to let people merge in.

The problem is when driving behind an elderly person merging onto the freeway. You know how problematic it is merging onto a freeway going 35-40 because thesenior citizen in front of you was breaking(sometimes to a slow roll) while merging onto the freeway to find an opening?

I am on topic.

you can't have the want to discriminate on one subset of drivers based on age without mentioning the other subset of drivers that also cause many accidents

...and dirty yes I can talk about whatever I want because this is my thread and I chose my topic and that was bad senior citizen drivers. If you want totalk to about young reckless drivers start your own thread. You always go into posts with a snobby negative attitude and it's pretty evident to everybody.Please don't do that in my threads.
Dirty's right though, young and old. Kids under a certain age and adults over a certain age should get one yr licenses with mandatory testing. I know whatdudes talking about, older folks just pull out in front of you with no regard, good brakes or its a wrap, especially here in VA.

How about you let them merge and not be an jerk off.

What is it with people and refusing to let others merge in front of you.
I can't quite understand it.

you must not drive too often. I was on a 3 lane street with the right lane for traffic coming off the highway, doing 50 mph on the far left lane,some old fartbag on his harley speeds in off the highway all the way over to the left lane right in front of me and slows to a crawl, i was inches away fromhis rear tire. I had to brake and turn to avoid mangling him.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Dirty's right though, young and old. Kids under a certain age and adults over a certain age should get one yr licenses with mandatory testing. I know what dudes talking about, older folks just pull out in front of you with no regard, good brakes or its a wrap, especially here in VA.
He is right, there are bad young drivers too but he needs to stay on topic and that's to talk about bad senior citizens on the road.

But I'll stop because he's an admin and will get the benefit of the doubt no matter what and I don't want to get banned for something stupid. DirtyI don't know if it's on purpose or not but on NT you act real snobby and negative.
Originally Posted by Nktran001

I agree.

This fat elderly women in her '07 Toyota Camry was merging into my lane, and i honked the horn. Then when i was passing her.. she gave me the finger.
Elderly women and all-way-stop intersections don't mix.

There should be a re-test or some sort of license renewal. The original test itself is way too easy.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

How about you let them merge and not be an jerk off.

What is it with people and refusing to let others merge in front of you.
I can't quite understand it.

You choose to get in the merging lane or wrong lane, it ain't my fault. You wanna come into my lane you better have enough space infront of me to merge, not none of that '3 feet from the front bumper, swerve to let him know i want in, stop ALL traffic behind me to make a two lane switch and turn at the street because I'm too much of an idiot to get in the correct lane on time' crap. If the lane ends and you have to merge, wait your damn turn, don't throw your crappy car into the normal lane just because you feel like it

I never let in old people in though. Any sort of buick, oldsmobile, domestic large sedan etc will just have to wait...they can't keep up with regular traffic

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

How about you let them merge and not be an jerk off.

What is it with people and refusing to let others merge in front of you.
I can't quite understand it.

I always switch lanes to let people merge in.

The problem is when driving behind an elderly person merging onto the freeway. You know how problematic it is merging onto a freeway going 35-40 because the senior citizen in front of you was breaking(sometimes to a slow roll) while merging onto the freeway to find an opening?

No, I don't find it problematic at all.

You're a human. You have a brain that can deal with complex situations.
Also, there's a reason why it's always good to maintain distance.

I have more of a problem with overly aggressive drivers who think they have good reaction and anticipation times andtreat the roads like a race track while driving a 2 ton SUV.
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