Get Out Of Your T-Mobile Contract FREE! Vol: Help Out Your Fellow NTers

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Did this last year when they raised their rates. Worked like a charm. I was OOC within 2 minutes of talking with customer care. Just be goes a long way.

The next day I got a Curve for $50 w/ a 1 year contract from them. lol

Keep the hookup flowin. Also, for yall that are thinkin about upgrading, the Touch Pro II comes out on 8/12. Touch Pro II
I pay about $130 a month for Verizon. I don't even have unlimited text and NO internet. FTL.
How can I get out and get another phone, or how can I restructure my contract for something more economical.
HOLLAKID whats good with a phone discount?
my contract ended at the end of july, can you knock the price at all if i sign a new contract?

i know you got a box full of dusty G1's some where that you could hook a brother up with
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