Georgia man beats teen after catching him in shower with stepdaughter vol. Father of the year

Aint really trying to treat him a lesson other than you pull some slick **** like that and disrespect a grown man you will have to suffer the consequences. I'd obviously add in my own variations son would've got barked on during the beating and before I let him go, quite frankly if I let him go. Might've called his parents myself.

Also as far as this whole sitting up in jail thing for w/e amount of time the father in this situation made the mistake of calling the police himself and then by that time the boy's mother showed up I guess and pressed charges. He would've got his beating and got kicked out if it was me (unless like I said I call the parents). Then we'd see if he was willing to tell his parents what happened and see if they call the cops. Cuz then all I'm saying to the cops is I fought off a trespasser burglar rapist.

As far as job security, given the hypothetical job I can simply spin it as I thought I was saving my daughter by beating up a teenage rapist. All I gotta do is place some molly at the crime scene. It's not even a guarantee the charges stick.

lol that imagination lol....but you keep saying he will have consequences.. unless you do some physical harm what consequences is he suffering?
The beating. I'm talking about the beating. Aint nobody out here likes getting beat up. Nobody is shrugging off a beating when they know they're in the wrong too and I can't even imagine how bad it must feel to get a beating after getting some. That's the suffering, that's the consequence (could be more if the boys parents are informed) and that as a teenager sticks with you.

eben if you didn't call the police and he did or hs parents or your stepchild did.... even if you use the I thought he was a burglar.. they threshold etc... defense does not apply to minors in the state of Georgia. And 9 outta 10 she/he are on social even if you tried to use that defense he could easily pull up the convo to which she said it was cool/ok for him to come over and you was cool with it...(lets be real 90 or hell even more % of kids convos are on some form of social media.) So that wouldn't hold up in court...
I don't know the build of this 16 yr old but with a burglar in your house defense me as a scared home owner with all that adrenaline pumping won't be able to immediately recognize the burglar as a minor. I'm just beating the trespasser out my house. As for this social media it was ok to show up in the house thing that has no bearing on my actions given I wasn't aware somebody was allowed in my house. That's evidence after the fact. You can't punish me for something I'm not aware of.

That would be no different then your girl etc... anyone else invites someone to your home and you beat they axx and say oh I did it cause I didn't know them. I promise you that defense would not work in any court of law.
Dude coming out my bathroom naked is all I need to bring up. Crazy rapist burglar likes to take showers in his victims homes before he robs them. There's a precedence.

And if she called the cops... aint no conversation/nothing you will say to the cops they are gonna str8 up apprehend you. Um now if you wanna try to talk to some cops with guns trying to arrest you go right ahead...chances are they aint gonna be in the mood to hear what you have to say.
Aint no way I'm letting her call the cops but if she did then it's the rapist in my house defense all the way.

And unless you in some family owned/been there for yrs business type of job..aint no way you gonna spin a assault charge to a minor.. It will be on your record. And how you gonna plant some dope.. As soon as the cops show up they will arrest you... What you just gonna keep dope on you and have it planted at all times just incase your kid has invited a dude over and have sex with them?
All I'm telling my boss is I stopped a rapist from raping my daughter. If my boss' is a father, he'll understand and won't even say another word. This is all depending on the type of job and how familiar and friendly I am with my co-workers, supervisors, and superiors.

As far as the molly or any other drug really, it's not farfetched to have it in my house since I'm putting myself in this scenario.
I have two girls but their mines/ours...and in this case I would assault attack the kid.. id simply go/take him to his folks and we all sit down and chat it up and take it from there. Hell im self employed and own my own business and I wouldn't even do what half of yall saying... and yall gotta wear monkey suits koon/prance around and answer live your life/depend on another person/company. Why make a split second irrational choice that only you suffer from and at the end of the day changes nothing?
Different choices for different ppl. Also different principles and clearly different ways of handling things.
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At the end of the day both sides can make the same arguments and hypotheticals but this is the real world and there's only one end result that comes from this.

Assault a minor or assault a person because they disrespected you or made you mad and jail time is the end result. That street fake tough guy mentality is cute and all but there's consequences when you do something illegal.

Just remember its alot of people in jail because they felt disrespected or got mad.
At the end of the day both sides can make the same arguments and hypotheticals but this is the real world and there's only one end result that comes from this.

Assault a minor or assault a person because they disrespected you or made you mad and jail time is the end result. That street fake tough guy mentality is cute and all but there's consequences when you do something illegal.

Just remember its alot of people in jail because they felt disrespected or got mad.
I don't see a lot of that in this thread but hey maybe this is just the weird knee jerk judgmental reactions going around.
Not speaking just about this thread. I'm talkin about life in general. That mindset is destructive, if your under 18 yeah you got a bit more leverage but acting violent because you felt disrespected is a receipie for disaster. I know quite a few friends who are locked up or did time because they felt disrespected.

Damn though. Ill keep it funky I don't want daughters though.
Dray here

If the step daughter needed her back blew out that's the stepfathers responsibility
Dray here

If the step daughter needed her back blew out that's the stepfathers responsibility
Come on son. 
what a "REAL" man, he sure showed that 16 year old whos boss. 
, all jokes aside dude should stay locked up. Society has no room for grown men who cant control them selves from beating 16 year old regardless of the circumstances. 
Kick the kid out of the house, have a talk with the daughter and proceed to punish her in some way, not physical obviously.

Bunch of dudes who can't control their emotions in this thread.
Kick the kid out of the house, have a talk with the daughter and proceed to punish her in some way, not physical obviously.
Bunch of dudes who can't control their emotions in this thread.

I'm not saying what dude did was right but easier said than done with the "keep cool when your baby girl is getting dug out by a guy who probably wears skinny jeans" advise lol. Jus sayn
I'm not saying what dude did was right but easier said than done with the "keep cool when your baby girl is getting dug out by a guy who probably wears skinny jeans" advise lol. Jus sayn
Wouldn't know, I don't ever get mad at anything
Lion but wat ev
Not really. I don't see the point.

I can understand getting mad over this situation but beating the dude? Nah that's too much.

It's normal for kids to have sex, your daughter is gonna do it one day anyway whether you like it or not.

Don't get mad at the kid, throw him out and then have a serious talk with the daughter and proceed to punish her for being disrespectful like that taking a dude into the shower. 
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Not really. I don't see the point.
I can understand getting mad over this situation but beating the dude? Nah that's too much.
It's normal for kids to have sex, your daughter is gonna do it one day anyway whether you like it or not.
Don't get mad at the kid, throw him out and then have a serious talk with the daughter and proceed to punish her.

I was talking about your "I do to get mad at anything" statement. Again, I didn't say what the guy did was the right thing to do, but it's easy to say "he should of done X Y Z" from the outside looking in.
I was talking about your "I do to get mad at anything" statement. Again, I didn't say what the guy did was the right thing to do, but it's easy to say "he should of done X Y Z" from the outside looking in.
Yeah my first line was a response to that. I realize it's easy to say things from an outside point of view but that's what I would do.

I'm not a parent but I know myself and am a very calm person. I'm really not lying when I say I never get mad and certainly not to that extent.
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I know that little boys heart stopped when he saw the stepfather lunging at him lol. That boy has some cojones for doin some risky **** like that. The father does get what he deserves though. I understand being real upset, but he didnt have to hit the kid. I defintely would have yanked him up, scared him, and threw him out of my house.
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