Gas Prices

This gas BS plays a reason into why I want a Model 3. I’d be damned if I have to pay $5 a gallon
yeah no on is trippin over here either
got gas no problems like i normally do
I heard the pipeline got restarted back up
All this madness for nothing :lol:

The gas companies were telling people to chill TF out and that they'd have things situated ASAP and not to hoard gas but nobody listened.

I was reading that people who have 3-4 cars at their household were taking all their vehicles to the gas station and filling them up because they were freaking for no reason. Then again, this is the only country where people were buying a 5 year supply of toilet paper after quarantine.
Those huge lines at Costco I saw on the news was ridiculous
I only get gas at Costco if I can just pull up and pump right away
If there’s any cars in line I don’t wait
I can’t imagine waiting in a crazy line like that
I drive a 5.7L V8. Cost me like $75 to fill up this week. Normally around $55-60. Like.... it ain't THAT bad man. :lol:

Folks acting like it's Armageddon out here, as usual.
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