GAS PRICES THREAD: National Average = $2.59!... gas hits lowest point in a month, no summer prices

I dont see the big deal about the prices here. I know if it hit 10 bucks a gallon in some countries people would be jumping for joy
Saturay, 5/30/2009
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]National Unleaded Average[/font]

Current Avg. = $2.488
Yesterday Avg. = $2.467
Month ago Avg. = $2.051
Year ago Avg. = $3.962
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Saturay, 5/30/2009
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]National Unleaded Average[/font]

Current Avg. = $2.488
Yesterday Avg. = $2.467
Month ago Avg. = $2.051
Year ago Avg. = $3.962
I guess it ain't that bad compared to last year.
Wednesday, 6/03/2009
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]National Unleaded Average[/font]

Current Avg. = $2.548
Yesterday Avg. = $2.525
Month ago Avg. = $2.073
Year ago Avg. = $3.978
Aint that bad??? Thats what they want you to think. They hiked that $HIT up so high last year so now it seems like a bargin but its still crazy. Gas should beway lower then it is based on the cost of a barrel of oil. The gas companies are raping us. Obama, u need 2 get on ya job and regulate this $hit, greedyb@st@rds. Gas i think is a major part of the recession. Oh yea its $2.69 here in NY. Some of yall gettin gas for $1.77?? Naopleon Dynamite voice "Luuuckyyyyyy"
my last fill up was 2.30 i md....still rising though
Originally Posted by retrosneakerz23


Not yet. The prices are going up because the dollar is falling.

Don't expect Hyperinflation until the Bush tax cuts end.
here is SoCal things arent getting better. prices are increasing 10 cents per week. i wonder what number it will hit during mid july-early august
How is it that people can lament that gasoline sellers are "greedy" (the nerve of someone to sell what they have for as high of a price as possible,this would qualify anyone who asks for a raise at work as greedy because they are trying to sell their labor for a higher price) and then say that we needprice controls.

If you have gas prices capped, there will be a shortage because gasoline companies are, after all, greedy. Why do you expect a greedy company to do a publicservice and sell gasoline in quantities and at times of the day that are unprofitable. High gas prices are the price we pay to all but guarantee we will neversee sold out signs at gas stations and can buy gasoline 24 hours day in many places. Gas price controls have been tried and the results were not pretty, gasstations sell out for days, people have to wait in line for hours and often times you just end up having to bribe the gas station to get priority and in somecases or to get gas in your car at all.
Dey Know Yayo wrote:
oil prices will bottom next month when the equity markets bottom around dow 7500.

low gas prices are here for two reasons:
1. we had high gas prices because of huge perceived unsustainable emerging market demand growth. these markets are financed by american consumers, who were financed with artificial wealth because of greenspan's ******ed interest rate policies. that artificial wealth goes away (home equity collapse), emerging market wealth goes away, demand tanks.
2. low interest rates were causing the dollar to lose value quickly... as the markets crash, deleveraging helps the dollar, which hurts oil a lot. the fed's ESF euro swaps over the summer sparked the oil price crash. when the more than $2 trillion in sequestered money floods the market next month, oil will start rising again.

oil probably won't get above 60-70/barrel imo.

oil priced in gold the last 5 years did not rise too dramatically. remember that. the fed likes inflation. it's the hidden tax.

I agree with that, the high prices of oil last summer were largely driven by speculative demand that really fed off of itself for a while there. You couldalmost call it the Olympic effect, everyone in the World overestimated the strength of the Chinese economy. The Olympics were seen as stamp of approval by theworld that China had arrived at G7 levels of wealth but the reality was and is that China is still a country with a very low GDP per capita.

There is always talk of how China represents over a billion consumers for a given product but most of those consumers have third world level of income, we arereally talking about 50 million or less peopel who have a G7 level of income and purchasing power. That is still very significant, China's middle and upperclass consumers are about the same size of a large Western European country but it is far cry from a billion people consuming electricity, gasoline, meat andother energy inentsive products at the same rate as Americans and Japanese and Europeans. One day China may have widespread G7 prosperity but if that doeshappen it will take some time, more time then even the 84 months oil futures that so many thought would be worth a multiple of their $150 per barrelinvestment.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

How is it that people can lament that gasoline sellers are "greedy" (the nerve of someone to sell what they have for as high of a price as possible, this would qualify anyone who asks for a raise at work as greedy because they are trying to sell their labor for a higher price) and then say that we need price controls.

If you have gas prices capped, there will be a shortage because gasoline companies are, after all, greedy. Why do you expect a greedy company to do a public service and sell gasoline in quantities and at times of the day that are unprofitable. High gas prices are the price we pay to all but guarantee we will never see sold out signs at gas stations and can buy gasoline 24 hours day in many places. Gas price controls have been tried and the results were not pretty, gas stations sell out for days, people have to wait in line for hours and often times you just end up having to bribe the gas station to get priority and in some cases or to get gas in your car at all.
I understand they want to make there money, but there is a point of greed. Just example, not exact figures, but if gas was going for 1.69 agallon a few years ago when oil was @ $65 dollars a barrel how can it now be going for 2.85 a gallon when oil caost about the same a barrel. GREED. They knowpeople need gas to function and go about life. Instead of 50 billion dollar profit the need 100 billion dollar profit. Thats greed. They control supply anddemand, i doubt they will ever run out if they drop prices to a reasonable level. $hit, you see prices in oil producing companies?? In Venezuela it 12 cents,yes 12 cents a gallon. 78 cents in Kuwait, 91 cents in Saudi Arabia, 65 cents in Egypt. Thats crazy. I really dont even blame oil companies too muchanymore, its gas companies hiking this $hit up and the government taxin the $hit out of it too. Like i said greed. What if all the sneaker companies gottogether collectively and decided to sell jordans or what ones you like for $500 dollars a pair?? Eventually u gotta give in or walk around barefoot.
Thursday, 6/04/2009
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]National Unleaded Average[/font]

Current Avg. = $2.572
Yesterday Avg. = $2.548
Month ago Avg. = $2.079
Year ago Avg. = $3.983
Originally Posted by KiCkSaReMyLiFe

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

How is it that people can lament that gasoline sellers are "greedy" (the nerve of someone to sell what they have for as high of a price as possible, this would qualify anyone who asks for a raise at work as greedy because they are trying to sell their labor for a higher price) and then say that we need price controls.

If you have gas prices capped, there will be a shortage because gasoline companies are, after all, greedy. Why do you expect a greedy company to do a public service and sell gasoline in quantities and at times of the day that are unprofitable. High gas prices are the price we pay to all but guarantee we will never see sold out signs at gas stations and can buy gasoline 24 hours day in many places. Gas price controls have been tried and the results were not pretty, gas stations sell out for days, people have to wait in line for hours and often times you just end up having to bribe the gas station to get priority and in some cases or to get gas in your car at all.
I understand they want to make there money, but there is a point of greed. Just example, not exact figures, but if gas was going for 1.69 a gallon a few years ago when oil was @ $65 dollars a barrel how can it now be going for 2.85 a gallon when oil caost about the same a barrel. GREED. They know people need gas to function and go about life. Instead of 50 billion dollar profit the need 100 billion dollar profit. Thats greed. They control supply and demand, i doubt they will ever run out if they drop prices to a reasonable level. $hit, you see prices in oil producing companies?? In Venezuela it 12 cents, yes 12 cents a gallon. 78 cents in Kuwait, 91 cents in Saudi Arabia, 65 cents in Egypt. Thats crazy. I really dont even blame oil companies too much anymore, its gas companies hiking this $hit up and the government taxin the $hit out of it too. Like i said greed. What if all the sneaker companies got together collectively and decided to sell jordans or what ones you like for $500 dollars a pair?? Eventually u gotta give in or walk around barefoot.
your not factoring the price to refine the oil, taxes, and the cost of importing and distributing it
Originally Posted by andycrazn

Originally Posted by KiCkSaReMyLiFe

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

How is it that people can lament that gasoline sellers are "greedy" (the nerve of someone to sell what they have for as high of a price as possible, this would qualify anyone who asks for a raise at work as greedy because they are trying to sell their labor for a higher price) and then say that we need price controls.

If you have gas prices capped, there will be a shortage because gasoline companies are, after all, greedy. Why do you expect a greedy company to do a public service and sell gasoline in quantities and at times of the day that are unprofitable. High gas prices are the price we pay to all but guarantee we will never see sold out signs at gas stations and can buy gasoline 24 hours day in many places. Gas price controls have been tried and the results were not pretty, gas stations sell out for days, people have to wait in line for hours and often times you just end up having to bribe the gas station to get priority and in some cases or to get gas in your car at all.
I understand they want to make there money, but there is a point of greed. Just example, not exact figures, but if gas was going for 1.69 a gallon a few years ago when oil was @ $65 dollars a barrel how can it now be going for 2.85 a gallon when oil caost about the same a barrel. GREED. They know people need gas to function and go about life. Instead of 50 billion dollar profit the need 100 billion dollar profit. Thats greed. They control supply and demand, i doubt they will ever run out if they drop prices to a reasonable level. $hit, you see prices in oil producing companies?? In Venezuela it 12 cents, yes 12 cents a gallon. 78 cents in Kuwait, 91 cents in Saudi Arabia, 65 cents in Egypt. Thats crazy. I really dont even blame oil companies too much anymore, its gas companies hiking this $hit up and the government taxin the $hit out of it too. Like i said greed. What if all the sneaker companies got together collectively and decided to sell jordans or what ones you like for $500 dollars a pair?? Eventually u gotta give in or walk around barefoot.
your not factoring the price to refine the oil, taxes, and the cost of importing and distributing it

Tru, but that still shouldn't be that much. The gas companies profits keep hitting record highs, only companies in the world really doing that right now. How we in a global recession but your still setting record profits??? There a big factor in the recession. High gas prices got the auto indusrty goin bellyup, but its coo. They need new private jets to get to parties faster so F everybody else
Saturday, 6/06/2009
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]National Unleaded Average[/font]

Current Avg. = $2.606
Yesterday Avg. = $2.592
Month ago Avg. = $2.141
Year ago Avg. = $3.986
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