GAS PRICES THREAD: National Average = $2.59!... gas hits lowest point in a month, no summer prices

Originally Posted by p charm

don't get used to it, if the economy starts getting better ....OPEC is gonna jack up the prices just as fast as they went down.

OPEC doesn't dictate anything. All the banks are dropping their positions on commodities, thus, less speculation. As banks are still trying to capitalizethemselves, prices will continue to SLOWLY fall because right now, crude is fighting for storage that's why prices aren't going down faster than theyshould be. There's somewhere in excess for 2 million barrels per day but prices are still remotely high because of they're trying to find places forstorage. As for OPEC, all these "production cuts" are mythological. Too many of the OPEC countries have pubic things linked to oil that productioncuts aren't possible. If anything, production should go up to counter the falling prices.
Originally Posted by reigndrop

Originally Posted by p charm

don't get used to it, if the economy starts getting better ....OPEC is gonna jack up the prices just as fast as they went down.

OPEC doesn't dictate anything. All the banks are dropping their positions on commodities, thus, less speculation. As banks are still trying to capitalize themselves, prices will continue to SLOWLY fall because right now, crude is fighting for storage that's why prices aren't going down faster than they should be. There's somewhere in excess for 2 million barrels per day but prices are still remotely high because of they're trying to find places for storage. As for OPEC, all these "production cuts" are mythological. Too many of the OPEC countries have pubic things linked to oil that production cuts aren't possible. If anything, production should go up to counter the falling prices.

OPEC only controls pretty much total industry output and significant price fixing but they have no dictation?
Originally Posted by JC5123

Originally Posted by pip777

$1.37 in Dayton, Ohio

seen is for $1.35 just a min ago

Wow. Getting better and better.
Originally Posted by jeenewed

1.99 in Albany.

NY? If so that's where I'm at.

and mondayC exactly what I think.. How can anyonecomplain that $3.00 is not reasonable. Like mondayC said and I was implying that oil is worth more than $1.73... It is worth $3 at least.. If you don't seethat as the price of gas for your car and price of oil for a barrel drop like Enron is because of the economy failing you don't understand economics. Badeconomy = falling gas prices, further falling gas prices = further collapse of the economy. So keep praying for the $1 gas and when it happens the countryreaches a breaking point and we are vulnerable.. So if you would rather pay $1 and in the end lose money over paying $3 and in the end come out even or betterthen wow.

By the way On Meet The Press Sunday, Obama said something along the lines of having gas prices go up to fund alternative energy. He said once economystrengthens itself he will raise gas prices and take a good percentage from Exxon, Shell, etc. for alternative energy. I wish I had the exact quote so I couldbetter explain.
Paid $1.44 in Woodbridge, VA. I filled up from the very bottom for around $13.50. Each tank gets me 400 miles. Toyota Yaris FTW.
if it hit $1 next year it would be cool
wouldnt have to waste a lot of money on the mustang im trying to buy
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by jeenewed

1.99 in Albany.
and mondayC exactly what I think.. How can anyone complain that $3.00 is not reasonable. Like mondayC said and I was implying that oil is worth more than $1.73... It is worth $3 at least.. If you don't see that as the price of gas for your car and price of oil for a barrel drop like Enron is because of the economy failing you don't understand economics. Bad economy = falling gas prices, further falling gas prices = further collapse of the economy. So keep praying for the $1 gas and when it happens the country reaches a breaking point and we are vulnerable.. So if you would rather pay $1 and in the end lose money over paying $3 and in the end come out even or better then wow.
I don't care if the economy is good or bad... either way $3.00 or $3.50 is still a good amount.
Not everyone lives close to where they lwork. Lots of people live in suburbs or just have to drive far to work and/or school.
People got to drive places.... and having to spend a lot on gas =

Gas prices down at $1.50... $1.75 makes it a LOT more affordable to get around

I'll enjoy it while it lasts.
Originally Posted by javier5857

Wait, so why is it that gas is so cheap? Other than dependancy?

I mean obviously the economy is down but what good would it so to still have gas at 4 bucks a gallon?
You just dont get it do yo??? Bush is going out of office, he owns 4 oil companies and he partners own a few as well. So gas prices will not begoing up anymore. The only reason he went to war for so long is because his partner Cheany owns a military surplussed corp which spplied the iraq war which gothim RICH$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ even more..
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