Game of Thrones prequel series: House of the Dragon

Night watch Leader had that John Snow accent down. Had me second guessing if it was a flash forward post Season 7 for a second even if that wouldn’t have made sense. Everybody really do have the same names every generation:lol:
I'm confused......didn't he ask for the dude with one eye, that can fight?

Cole is the anti Lord Friendzone. Lucky mfer.

We are as back as she gets

Queen R had a very small part in this episode, interesting that they start with The Wall and just set aside those two

Eyepatch is by far the best character so far, and I haven’t read the books, but he’s clearly in giant, terrifying territory of I am the strongest and hate my brother animosity mode :lol:

Cole is basically Shay at this point

I don’t know why they keep showing us the twins but clearly it has significance

Aegon 2 is gonna be some menace can’t wait lol
Finished my rewatch of S1 before tonight and it is def worth it. Made tonight’s episode hit that much more.

Blood and Cheese was insane :wow:

Aegon got me dead too. My man said he’ll give all the man’s sheep back cause no one will know and he traveled all this way for it :rofl:
Seeing Winterfell and the Starks in the first 60 seconds of the premiere :pimp:

Dae-time is the king of escalating ****.

Cole da coochie clappa to rhaebae you want me to be your *****? nahhhh. But this goofy mf is absolutely ok being Alicents side dude while the heir to the throne getting got.

Helaena some sort of prophet. First with the beast beneath the boards and now worried about the rats. Aegon better start listening

Child murder and kicking dogs randomly :emoji_ballot_box_with_check:..........we back!
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Guess me and jpzx jpzx the only ones who knows it’s #GreenTeamDreamTeam

There ain’t no hiding from the Blacks. We want all the smoke. We posted in King’s Landing while y’all hiding away on Dragonstone. Sneaking in to kill a baby boy. Daemon looking like the lil b***h that he is.

He needs to go ahead and give Aemond Dark Sister, have him and his wife bend the knee, and let little Aegon be the cupbearer for Aegon the Magnanimous.

Also, send that Strong boy where he started the episode: to The Wall. He is a blemish to the realm.
Man I don’t remember what happened in the first season at all. I hope it eventually clicks for me because I ain’t doing a rewatch. Or maybe this season will be so mind blowing that I don’t even care to remember season 1.

I wanted to do a rewatch, but the season snuck up on me.

As I was watching it last night I started remembering season one.
I didn't know randoms could just walk across the throne room like that. Especially if the king is present.
I thought the same. But early on in the episode the rat catchers were walking around right near the small council table and almost bumped into Otto or Aegon I can’t remember who. I am gonna rewatch it again but I thought that’s what I saw. So it appears them rat catching mfs can walk around that joint freely.
I made it to the last 20minutes of Episode 9.
Will definitely finish however I don't think I will start Season 2 just yet.
Guess me and jpzx jpzx the only ones who knows it’s #GreenTeamDreamTeam

There ain’t no hiding from the Blacks. We want all the smoke. We posted in King’s Landing while y’all hiding away on Dragonstone. Sneaking in to kill a baby boy. Daemon looking like the lil b***h that he is.

He needs to go ahead and give Aemond Dark Sister, have him and his wife bend the knee, and let little Aegon be the cupbearer for Aegon the Magnanimous.

Also, send that Strong boy where he started the episode: to The Wall. He is a blemish to the realm.
You probably raised banners for Boltons and the Lannisters thinking it was “better for the realm”.

Might as well change your username to “Oathbreaker” fam.

You probably raised banners for Boltons and the Lannisters thinking it was “better for the realm”.

Might as well change your username to “Oathbreaker” fam.

I didn't care for the Boltons as they are jabronis and twisted for no reason. I'm not 17 year old who cheers for bad guys just because they're "bad."

Lannisters are all good in my book except Cersei. She is the example of doing the most. I hate people who do the most. Thus why I hate Daemon because he does the most as well. He's basically just Cersei with Jaime swordsmanship. Angry lil tw@t that needs to go bugger off.

Edit - Correction, I shouldn't say hate because I do find him entertaining, as I enjoy the show for everyone and all sides. All jokes aside, I am Team Green through and through. I like Aemond and Queen Clappin' Cole (2x's if count Rhaenyra as a Queen). They're fighting the tyranny of GRRM's favorite character he's created "The Rogue Prince" and his "badassery" that the world loves being fed.
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Wow. That ending... that escalated quickly!
And the sounds effects.... 💀

So was this another case of mistaken murder?
Daemon made it clear that he was after Aemond, but because Blood & Cheese couldn't find him, they just decided to go with the next available option?!

Seriously, Ser Krispy Kreme is the most dishonorable character in this show. 😂

Just realized Rhaenyra only had one line!
Her scene with Jace was so sad... Emma nailed it all the emotional moments.

If we learned anything from S1, it's to always pay attention to what Helaena says! 🐀

Man I don’t remember what happened in the first season at all. I hope it eventually clicks for me because I ain’t doing a rewatch. Or maybe this season will be so mind blowing that I don’t even care to remember season 1.

I used these... very helpful cuz I had forgotten so many details and plot points.

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