Head's up, that Episode 3 triple pack is starting to hit Walmarts. Buddy came across one in KY today. No sign of the Walrus Man/Hammerhead/Greedo pack yet.

was it hiding or just out in the open?
It was out in the open. They actually had 2, but they could only sell me one. 
It's cool they only sold you one. But at the same time. There isn't a rule against buying more than one chase. They should've just set one out let it get picked up then put the other one out after it was sold. Target and some other stores do it with their exclusives especially after the ZEA batman thing
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It's cool they only sold you one. But at the same time. There isn't a rule against buying more than one chase. They should've just set one out let it get picked up then put the other one out after it was sold. Target and some other stores do it with their exclusives especially after the ZEA batman thing
Yeah I guess more stores are getting strict in what you can buy. I've never seen 2 chases just sitting on the shelves lol. The chick said she put em out 10 minutes b4 I walked in so I guess good timing. I texted my buddy after I bought mine, and he wanted me to grab the other one, but she wouldn't sell it to me. She didn't even let my girl buy it...oh well, got mine lol.
Wouldn't mind the chase demogorgon if I find it in the wild but didn't want it enough to pay above retail. Going to GameStop later we'll see if they have it.
She wouldn't even let your girl buy it?! Wow. I would've asked for the manager, and if she was the manager then I would've threatened to call corporate. Trust I would be walking out with two of them. That's ridiculous.
I was at ThinkGeek yesterday and they had the MMPR dorbz but no red or yellow chase. The hunt continues. :smh:
They didn't want to let him buy it because they were gonna buy it for employees shouldn't be allowed to buy these at all.
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