Fragment Design x Retro 1 High OG - Dec 27, 2014

Bro, get over it! The last 20 pages are filled with you talking about price price price price price! Who cares what another man pays for his shoes? If he wants to pay $800 and give an additional $800 on top of that to help the seller buy food or clothes for their kids, what does it matter?

This is an new colorway of a model that MOST Jordan fans appreciate. It has a familiar feel to it almost as if it's always been here and not to mention it is as close to the original design thing that we've ever seen. The next man may like them because of the collaboration, but all in all... who cares????
you don't deserve a response because you said "design thing"...and buy food and clothes for their kids???
lol is that what you tell yourself? in that case ill spend 20k on food and ship it to africa to the hungry
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A5 Ohmigyuu from Japan. Give it a try and tell me it tastes like a $20 steak.

Anyway i'm not mad, but it is annoying to see the same questions throughout this thread. If you want the answers people have given read the thread.

Don't deny for a second that you are here to see if you can rustle peoples jimmies. It's okay to admit you are a troll.

The shoes are expensive because there was not nearly enough to go around. That's how this all works. Would have loved to buy a few pairs at retail. Didn't happen. So i bought them.

Not sure why all the hate? If you dont have the money, work for it. It's like people i see hate on dudes for having a nice car. If you worked for it, i respect how they spend their money. This is America.
And the guy eating the $300 steak is probably looking at the people that are laughing at him with a smile saying to himself "Those peasants have no idea".
Not if the steaks came from the same cow. These still Jordans right? That come in pretty much the same box as other 1's right?

I'm only saying this to the kids selling several of their shoes or making their parents buy them these to not fall into the hype. Don't get raped over a lighting bolt and semi better leather. Use your heads
you don't deserve a response because you said "design thing"...and buy food and clothes for their kids???

lol is that what you tell yourself? in that case ill spend 20k on food and ship it to africa to the hungry

How "thing" got in there, i have no idea, but again... who cares? It doesn't matter what someone pays what they pay or WHY they pay what they pay. If they aren't using your finances then don't worry about it Bro. I know your time and this could go oooon and on for the next 20 pages like it has the last 20, but i'll leave my take at that.
Not if the steaks came from the same cow. These still Jordans right? That come in pretty much the same box as other 1's right?

I'm only saying this to the kids selling several of their shoes or making their parents buy them these to not fall into the hype. Don't get raped over a lighting bolt and semi better leather. Use your heads

Lemme ask you something. How old are you? Just out of curiosity? I'm 34
How "thing" got in there, i have no idea, but again... who cares? It doesn't matter what someone pays what they pay or WHY they pay what they pay. If they aren't using your finances then don't worry about it Bro. I know your time and this could go oooon and on for the next 20 pages like it has the last 20, but i'll leave my take at that.
i originally asked the question because i did not understand ..i thought maybe they were infused with jordans ball sack sweat or something..then a lot of u got mad and started talking about steaks...i don't know why..ur right u spent ur money on the shoe now be happy about it
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older than you 

Ok, so you should be able to understand this.... You refer to hype... but isn't it ALLLL hype? I had original AJ XI's in HS bought them from J.C. Pennys, multiple pairs because I saw the shoes and loved them, but for some strange reason EVERYONE and their mom now knows what the AJ XI is and you see them 20 years later on kids that really only have hype to go off of. Unless you are MJ himself, every Jordan sneaker that you buy is HYPE, goes for every model, every colorway, limited, GR etc.
The last few pages went from the shoes

To Someone getting scammed

To the ageold debate of Dunks and Jordan 1s

Now it's just shots fired everywhere

Peasant is still calling em dunks and hating cuz he can't afford em? Sheeeeeesh
if i really wanted a pair of nice dunks id go grab the tiffany lows lol 
The last few pages went from the shoes

To Someone getting scammed

To the ageold debate of Dunks and Jordan 1s

Now it's just shots fired everywhere
no ones stopping anyone from posting info on fakes and legit pairs or other news..i asked a question and some dudes got butt hurt real quick idk why..
And the guy eating the $300 steak is probably looking at the people that are laughing at him with a smile saying to himself "Those peasants have no idea".
Not if the steaks came from the same cow. These still Jordans right? That come in pretty much the same box as other 1's right?

I'm only saying this to the kids selling several of their shoes or making their parents buy them these to not fall into the hype. [COLOR=#red]Don't get raped over a lighting bolt and semi better leather.[/COLOR] Use your heads

this made me :lol:

older than you 

Ok, so you should be able to understand this.... You refer to hype... but isn't it ALLLL hype? I had original AJ XI's in HS bought them from J.C. Pennys, multiple pairs because I saw the shoes and loved them, but for some strange reason EVERYONE and their mom now knows what the AJ XI is and you see them 20 years later on kids that really only have hype to go off of. Unless you are MJ himself, every Jordan sneaker that you buy is HYPE, goes for every model, every colorway, limited, GR etc.

i have to disagree with u on this. for those of us who are old enouugh to have seen him play when we were younger, this is more about NOSTALGIA.
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No one can answer why they're worth so much because the topic is subjective.

Quit beating a dead horse.
then why is everyone getting mad at a simple F*cking question.??othrs are wondering too..hasnt been too many shoes THIS expensive this year not even db's. i wasnt trying to make anyone mad i was just asking...u can tell the ones who regret buying because they come out of no where with rude things to say..u have ur shoes m happy for you ...moving on
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then why is everyone getting mad at a simple F*cking question.??i wasnt trying to make anyone mad i was just asking...u can tell the ones who regret buying because they come out of no where with rude things to say..u have ur shoes m happy for you ...moving on

Thank you Sir!
then why is everyone getting mad at a simple F*cking question.??othrs are wondering too..hasnt been too many shoes THIS expensive this year not even db's. i wasnt trying to make anyone mad i was just asking...u can tell the ones who regret buying because they come out of no where with rude things to say..u have ur shoes m happy for you ...moving on

Nah you didn't ask a simple question, you keep giving your little remarks about a shoe you're broke self can't afford

It's okay, it's been done 10+ other times in this thread
Nah you didn't ask a simple question, you keep giving your little remarks about a shoe you're broke self can't afford

It's okay, it's been done 10+ other times in this thread
why do you keep trying to shove the shoe down my throat man..i don't want the shoe..if i wanted the shoe id go grab does nothing for me...again once u see someone that doesn't care for the shoe u get nervous.." WAIT WWHY DOESNT HE WANT THE SHOE TOO???? are they garbage and i just can't see it??"relax man u have ur shoes...chilll I'm happy for you
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