Fragment Design x Retro 1 High OG - Dec 27, 2014

Already here at Premium Goids fam, 25 people deep

Now this is some funny ish... Lol

More reasons why I don't mess with PG.. I've been calling them all week and they kept telling me they're not getting them! Hope you get your pair, it's online (bust) or bust for me... Lol
Tink already said when the bubble burst, they will just reintroduce Nike Air in every shoe 3-6. So nike has contingency plans for that.
After the bubble pops nobody but sneakeheads will care at that point. Some middle schooler begging his mom for any Retro Lebron or KD that comes isn't out won't at that point fortunately
Nike lab releases at random times, sometimes at 8am, sometimes at 10am sometimes at 1pm lol
just get a UK address from so you can order from and have it shipped to you in the US, you shouldn't have a problem with this release hopefully then
Imagine when we get remastered Royals and Breds..
There aren't too many places in Houston to be honest (I know that sounds odd, but outside of HoH, you have a handful of shops). F waiting in line, too, lol.
they gonna come out and say price is $500
I don't mess with them. I've called a few times and they sounded like pricks, so F'em. Furthermore, I'm not camping for anything unless it's in front of my computer. 
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