Forgiveness, Old Grudges & Fake Friends

Nov 9, 2012
Forgiveness has always been the hardest thing for me. It is easy to be the victim and blame others for the pain and suffering. But holding the blame against them is only going to cause more pain and suffering even though it is a justified blame in where you feel that you do not deserve the emotional distress inflicted on you by the ones you blame. Poetry.

But real talk, **** some ************* MAAAAN!  I had a cycle of who I thought were some cool asss friends but in the end, I get back stabbed and then kicked to the curb. I can cut off people real easily, but the hatred remains, I held onto a lot of grudges and still hold onto some this day. Forgiveness just helps me empty out the baggage of grudge that I carry day to day which can be draining on my energy. It's something I'm still trying to master, to forgive but not forget and move on and not give a ****. But it's hard when you feel like they did not get their just desserts, they did not get what they deserve, no karma, and they're still striving happily on with their lives while continuing to back stab others. Is there no justice?

Anyways I got one of many stories:

1. One of my homeboys I met in college. At first he seemed like a real cool dude. We got along easily and could relate. He was pretty ballin also, but it's only cus his parents are rich, but he didn't have that stuck up rich people vibe. We only kicked it at school though, until I started to invite him to parties, and that's the only time he would stick around, but for anything else he was ghost. He'd always tag along with me and my other friends and we'd always scoop him up and drive, he never pitched in for gas, bridge, alcohol, nothing and as soon as we got to the party he would just ditch me and my boys, and we had to carry his drunk asss back all the time. He also got me in trouble for inviting a bunch of his friends who came to the party uninvited and they would steal **** and when I confronted him and his friends they all denied that **** and he said his friends would not do that. I ended up paying for most of the stolen items because he was my responsibility and he only paid some of it.

A home girl of mine since hs wanted to reconnect and kick it, and so we did and met at the bowling alley(this was her usual hangout spot) and my (shady)friend tagged along once again. At the time, my home girl had a bf, and my friend was getting really flirty and nice with her, and he was trying to impress her with all his nice fancy stuff and money and cars etc. He was playing his cards real close. He noticed that my home girl's relationship with her bf was coming to an end very soon, and he decides to make a move on her and added her on facebook. At the time, he was also befriending my home girl's bf as well, being hella fake. But anyways, a few months came and my home girl and her man broke up, and then looks who steps in to wanting to kicking it with her all of a sudden, he starts hitting her up and seeing if she wants to go meet up at the bowling alley once again, she then hits me up and invited me to go hangout, so it was going to be a group setting, and not a date like he intended it to be. So then me and my other friend went to pick up this scumbag to go hangout with the home girl and her group of tools. I was just younger and much more naive at this time and always turned the other cheek, and didn't think bad of anyone, so the thought of this guy being fake did somewhat cross my mind but I just kinda ignored it and went with the flow. Then when we picked up the guy, he didn't really even wanted to make small talk and instead just hops on his phone the whole time. He was tweeting on twitter and I guess he forgot that I followed him on twitter, and his tweet said "I'm only kickin it with you ****** cus I'm tryin to get with your girl friend" and then when we got to the bowling alley, I got on my phone to tweet something and then came across his tweet that was posted just a few minutes ago while he was in my car! I got hella heated and was about to drop a bowling ball on his foot, but I held it off and then confronted him on the way back in the car and he just denied it but he couldn't even look me in the face and he mumbled. So I stopped kickin it with this dude and then a few weeks later, he is my home girl's new boyfriend. And ever since he stopped hitting me up. This is the type of dude that waits on the rebound, and cutting his boys off, this is what we call an oppurtunist. This was about 2 years ago. I see him and my home girl on instagram so happy and they're out and about everywhere, and til this day I feel like the biggest idiot for ever letting this guy in my life, and I feel like the biggest loser, but I'm slowly letting go of my past grudges and trying to continue on with my life.


-Met dude

-He seemed cool

-Only hung out sometimes at school and at parties

-Started to hangout more since my home girl got in the picture

-Turned out fake

-Home girl and her bf broke up

-Fake dude hopped on rebound

-They both get a happy ending

-No Karma

-F*ck this guy

-Trying to forgive, let go of grudges

NTers, what are your stories?
Get money op. If she's happy with him, let her live. If she wanted you back then, you probably would've known it.
Bless those cliffs.

Honestly im a dude who holds grudges so once youre on my black list you're not getting off :lol:
Lots of selfish people out there. But no need to waste time thinking about the past. Pics of your homegirl.
Live in the present and understand that some people only enter your life for you to learn. Be aware, love everyone (it's easier to criticize and scoff at someone than love and forgive, take the difficult path--it's worth it) and just enjoy the beauty around you. No sense in harping on what can't be done.
Bless those cliffs.

Honestly im a dude who holds grudges so once youre on my black list you're not getting off :lol:

Saw the wall of text and immediately scrolled for cliffs :lol:

Let her and him live. A lot of relationship post lately.. Move on, **** em both, get money, live to clap legs another day.
He didnt really do anything wrong, the tweet was a lil flagrant but thats it. You acting like it was your girl
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