Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out


McDonalds 10 or 20 piece is the same thing. I think getting either 3 or 5 4 piece nuggets is cheaper. But theres a reason why McDonalds does this and when I read it I was like ok makes sense. Forgot why though. Probably the same idea that Wendys has and would explain the pricing.
I would like to know because I can't figure it out. As a consumer I'd just buy two or three 5 pieces and call it a day. Unless the consensus is they think most of us are stupid and can't do simple math.
I would like to know because I can't figure it out. As a consumer I'd just buy two or three 5 pieces and call it a day. Unless the consensus is they think most of us are stupid and can't do simple math.


Googled it and good ol reddit.

“Price anchoring”

Someone else said its like buying sandals 2 for $50 when one is $35. You “might as well” get the 2 for $50 cause it seems like a deal and you “over paying” for the 1 for $35. Basically the $1 4 piece is already profitable so they arent losing out with you either getting 5 4 pieces or just getting the $6.49 20 piece.

Psychological games these companies play.
I would like to know because I can't figure it out. As a consumer I'd just buy two or three 5 pieces and call it a day. Unless the consensus is they think most of us are stupid and can't do simple math.
I wonder if on the system when you input 2 5 pieces does the price default to 6.
I posted about it earlier and l guess it got no traction bc of no pics, but this is gonna be a huge story. Trying to plead insanity 🙄

Can one of y’all explain what the hell this is supposed to mean? A man was stabbed to death. Why isn’t The Gf facing charges? Why did that comment get circled? Who is Stephanie Jones? Who is trying to plead insanity? Link to the huge story?
Can one of y’all explain what the hell this is supposed to mean? A man was stabbed to death. Why isn’t The Gf facing charges? Why did that comment get circled? Who is Stephanie Jones? Who is trying to plead insanity? Link to the huge story?
1.She white and killed a black man in America
2. To highlight the stupidity of humans and the hypocrisy of some black women
3. A dumb *** b i t c h
4. The alleged stabber
5. I would take a link too, please and thank you
Can one of y’all explain what the hell this is supposed to mean? A man was stabbed to death. Why isn’t The Gf facing charges? Why did that comment get circled? Who is Stephanie Jones? Who is trying to plead insanity? Link to the huge story?
DripNick DripNick
Can one of y’all explain what the hell this is supposed to mean? A man was stabbed to death. Why isn’t The Gf facing charges? Why did that comment get circled? Who is Stephanie Jones? Who is trying to plead insanity? Link to the huge story?

Dude who was killed has tweets dissing black women, so they are keeping that same energy now that he was killed by a white woman.

Dude who was killed has tweets dissing black women, so they are keeping that same energy now that he was killed by a white woman.

In general, idk why do people do this, ill never understand. Publicly call out xyz. People just gonna think youre an *******, theres literally no positive for you to do something like that. If you have nothing nice to say, dont say it.
Can one of y’all explain what the hell this is supposed to mean? A man was stabbed to death. Why isn’t The Gf facing charges? Why did that comment get circled? Who is Stephanie Jones? Who is trying to plead insanity? Link to the huge story?

Just read up on it. There was an argument and she stabbed him in the shoulder and he died. Nuts how a shoulder wound is fatal but probably got an artery and he bled out. Shorty really is crazy though, social prolly got to her head. Article said something like friends have seen her hit him, never seen him hit her but an neighbor or someone else has seen him also hit her? They need to settle that. Idk messy situation all around. Now shes being held for her “mental state”. Here comes the insanity plea where shes gonna say she was abused, feared for her life sometimes etc. :rolleyes

Probably a little to blame on both parties, but the witnesses on both sides will contribute alot to the story. Interesting how this will play out.
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