Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

It's not like those symbols although the media and people like you are trying to make it into that. If some misguided foreigner wants to wear it that doesnt mean he deserves to be met with violence. But your sounding as emotional as those teenagers so I'm not sure why I'm even wasting my time..
You're ******* oblivious to what's going on in the United States.

1st and foremost, who are you to tell others what the meaning of that hat is?? Why is a swastika bad, because many bad crimes happened during that regime, just like they are happening right now.

You don't get to decide what's bad for others. People can make their own minds.

Please do tell us, when was American ever great for a minority. Just be quiet.
freedom of speech is not freedom from hands. you're free to say what u want, but what u say still has consequences.

Once you spit in someone's face your life just because a choose your own adventure.
It was so uncalled for to, didn't appear to have any beef. Just hey someone trying to get off the train I better spit in his face.
Dude really thought a couple nails were going to be enough for him to hang on that makeshift hoop.:smh:
freedom of speech is not freedom from hands. you're free to say what u want, but what u say still has consequences.
So true ...

Words have meaning and you never know what kind of words have an adverse effect on someone's psyche.

Mental health has been taboo far too long and ignorant racist have gotten a free pass by claiming freedom of speech.

If you're ready to dish out a verbal assult, expect a physical assult in retaliation.
Yeah stuff like that is gonna get him reelected. I heard some foul things while Obama was in office but the left has taken being sore losers to a whole nother level.
**** outta here with this ********

the right elected a white supremacist but the left has taken this to a whole new level
white racist republicans are out here terrorizing the country but lets blame the left for getting mad at racist white people
"heard some foul things about Obama" :smh:

Dudes were out there lynching and burning Obama regularly, but "the left" is who took it too far :lol:

Screen Shot 2019-08-02 at 12.19.04 PM.png

Also I think "the left" has a legitimate beef, given the entire foundation of Trump's campaign was making America great via not granting access to non-white Christians :lol:

Yeah what sore losers for not wanting that :rolleyes
The Free Speech Fallacy: The infantile fallacy of responding to challenges to one's statements and standpoints by whining, "It's a free country, isn't it? I can say anything I want to!" A contemporary case of this fallacy is the "Safe Space," or "Safe Place," where it is not allowed to refute, challenge or even discuss another's beliefs because that might be too uncomfortable or "triggery" for emotionally fragile individuals. E.g., "All I told him was, 'Jesus loves the little children,' but then he turned around and asked me 'But what about birth defects?' That's mean. I think I'm going to cry!" Prof. Bill Hart Davidson (2017) notes that "Ironically, the most strident calls for 'safety' come from those who want us to issue protections for discredited ideas. Things that science doesn't support AND that have destroyed lives - things like the inherent superiority of one race over another. Those ideas wither under demands for evidence. They *are* unwelcome. But let's be clear: they are unwelcome because they have not survived the challenge of scrutiny." Ironically, in contemporary America "free speech" has often become shorthand for freedom of racist, offensive or even neo-Nazi expression, ideological trends that once in power typically quash free speech. Additionally, a recent (2017) scientific study has found that, in fact, "people think harder and produce better political arguments when their views are challenged" and not artificially protected without challenge.
You're ****ing oblivious to what's going on in the United States.

1st and foremost, who are you to tell others what the meaning of that hat is?? Why is a swastika bad, because many bad crimes happened during that regime, just like they are happening right now.

You don't get to decide what's bad for others. People can make their own minds.

Please do tell us, when was American ever great for a minority. Just be quiet.
6 million people are currently being slaughtered in concentration camps? Young boys are being castrated? Maybe your right I am oblivious cause that's all news to me. I'm not trying to influence what people think that's CNN and other liberal outlets jobs and clearly it is working.
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