Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

I'm eating subway right now too 

This chicken bacon ranch is still delicious. 
lmao this ***** ginuwine ROOOLLLINNNNNNNN

one of the comments on the video :rofl:

The boy Ginuwine look like he could've told your the square root of 345,543,643 in ten different laguages including in the native tongue of Pluto...

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That pic reminds me of this guy at my job..he had weave a 5 o'clock shadow and French tips lmao...I was speechless
I heard about that Subway thing this morning. I'm really about to stop eating outside my house man.
Dusty old G?

Not a good look. :lol: Reminds of chilling with an old head that couldn't keep up when I was younger and they would be coughing lungs up tryna hang. :rofl:

Dudes need to know when to hang it up.
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