Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

I'm not saying I agree with his choice of words, just saying I don't see it as such a big deal. I've seen multiple people share that screen cap and paint it as if he wanted the shooting to happen. Sure the word he used wasn't ideal, but he meant well. News outlets purposely omitted the rest of the quote for clickbait headlines. People don't read the rest and just take it as "Trump called the shooting a miracle! He's a monster!" Now I'm not saying Trump's not a monster, but he's certainly not a monster for this particular statement.
You are assuming that he meant the response was in regards to the police actions ... I mean that would be what logic indicates but because he was using broken sentences and he clearly stated the events in many ways were a miracle then later on he said the police actions were a miracle, we say he meant well. But how can you without any doubt say he meant that all along?
So you voted for Trump and still trying to justify that he's been a good president so far

Nah I didn't and he has not been a good president thus far.

You are assuming that he meant the response was in regards to the police actions ... I mean that would be what logic indicates but because he was using broken sentences and he clearly stated the events in many ways were a miracle then later on he said the police actions were a miracle, we say he meant well. But how can you without any doubt say he meant that all along?

You're right, I can't say that without a doubt, just my opinion.
Here's the clip,

If you can't see why some might think that's not what he meant initially then I don't know what to tell you.

Like for example I can see where he thought oh **** did I just say That? Let me bring it up again and use it in a different manner.
If you can't see why some might think that's not what he meant initially then I don't know what to tell you.

Like for example I can see where he thought oh **** did I just say That? Let me bring it up again and use it in a different manner.

Yeah, I've seen the clip and I can see why some would see it that way.
So let's say praising the police was not his original intention, he's really calling the murder of 59 people and the injury of 500+ others a miracle? Call me naive, but as ****** as Trump has been as president I don't think he would describe that as miraculous.
Yeah, I've seen the clip and I can see why some would see it that way.
So let's say praising the police was not his original intention, he's really calling the murder of 59 people and the injury of 500+ others a miracle? Call me naive, but as ****** as Trump has been as president I don't think he would describe that as miraculous.
Really, it wouldn't surprise me. Who's to say he doesn't have an alternate agenda like Gun Control? Bruh this dude doesn't surprise me at all.

I just re heard the interview of him on Howard Stern where he describe someone dying .. like he said it was disgusting and how he had to turn away instead of helping and that if it wasn't for the Marines ....

Anyways on the same description dude almost sounded like he was mad that guy was bleeding in beautiful marble floors.

But yeah I'm reading to much into it ....

Just like Puerto Rico can't complaint ... this shot was a breeze compare to Katrina ... and how he told a family that list relatives and are still suffering to have fun ....

How about dude watch what he is saying ....

PS Just because you and I can't possibly t
Describe the shooting as a miracle is the reason why you are giving him the benefit of the doubt. But you don't know .....
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