The second time was some divine smelling coconut shrimp...I tried to fool my mind but lets just say my body wasn't having any of it.

I’m allergic to shrimp also but it don’t stop my dumb a##. Once my tongue start itching I know it’s time to stop eating.
So what happens to you when you consume it?

Basically this:

Shellfish allergies can cause a severe reaction called anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis may begin with some of the same symptoms as a less severe reaction, but then quickly worsen, leading someone to have trouble breathing, feel lightheaded, or to pass out. If it is not treated, anaphylaxis can be life-threatening.

In my case, it's really just shrimp and lobster. I'm good with fish but if it has a shell I just stay away to make sure.
My seafood allergies were pretty bad as a kid, I went to the emergency room on 2 occasions that I remember.

Itchy mouth.
Swollen face.
Swollen throat.
Eventual asthma attack.

Still get an itchy mouth if i eat it by accident. For example, I ate some fish meatballs that i thought were chicken last year. Resulted in an itchy mouth and slight tongue inflammation.

**** wasnt that good anyway so f seafood.

Btw this is anything from the sea, including seaweed.
I get that from cherries. Weird af.

As few as two cherries and my lips swell up. Anymore and my throat closes up.

Bless my mother but she's getting older and forgetting things. The other day I checked her and she says she's bringing me some fruit. She brings me a bowl of cherries. I'm looking at her like you tryna kill me?! :lol: she says what?! You're allergic? Since when??

From time mom
I HATE seaweed. I remember going trick or treating and this one house with a Chinese family gave us seaweed.

We egged that place

Man, just imagining the okie doke got me mildly upset. Like just touching the candy and then touching my face or scratching my eyes. Would have resulted in a hitch type situation.

Shoot, we were egging cribs at 12-13 on halloween for no reason so this crib would have gotten it worse.
Seafood always been trash to me. Just the smell of it alone makes me sick. Just a plain not a good taste.

But telling ppl that dont work enough. Especially females.

So now I tell ppl I'm allergic to everything under the sea and they don't bother me :lol:

No offense but any kind of sea crustaceans y'all bring up here is irrelevant. They are literally the cockroaches of the sea....
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Had a chinese feast last night, forgot to take pics. Salt and pepper dungeness crab, ginger scallion lobster, roast pork and duck, it was good.
you trash. they gave you something that's considered a snack/treat in the culture and you decide to egg their house?

**** is wrong with you

We egged their crib same way we egged the people that gave us toothpaste and apples.

I'm sure you were a good yute though and never did **** like that before. :rolleyes
No allergies to any food that I know of luckily. Found out my nephew is allergic to tree nuts.

Not as good of a torta as the other place I went to last time but still satisfying.


I should chill on consuming raw fish but it is good on a hot day.
We egged their crib same way we egged the people that gave us toothpaste and apples.

I'm sure you were a good yute though and never did **** like that before. :rolleyes
he’s saying that’s a treat in their customs/ tradition, not just cause they didn’t have or give candy.

so now i’m editing my comment.
More Than 100 People Ill From Parasite Possibly Linked to McDonald's Salads

McDonald's is halting the sale of salad menu items in about 3,000 restaurants across 14 states as a precaution as health officials are investigating a parasite outbreak.

Officials with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said 61 people in laboratory-confirmed cases across seven states have become ill. CDC officials said state and local officials are investigating the multistate outbreak due to a problem "likely linked" to salads from McDonald's restaurants.

The affected restaurants are in Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota, Montana, North Dakota, Kentucky, West Virginia and Missouri.

The Illinois and Iowa health departments are investigating outbreaks of a parasite that causes intestinal illness and might be linked to McDonald's salads, officials in both states said Thursday.

Illinois reported 90 cases since mid-May. Iowa reported 15 cases since late June.

The cyclospora parasite causes intestinal illness as a result of consuming contaminated food or water. Symptoms can begin a week or more after consuming the parasite. They include diarrhea and frequent, sometimes explosive bowel movements, according to the CDC. Those who are infected might also experience loss of appetite, weight loss, stomach cramps or pain, nausea, gas and fatigue. Vomiting, headache, fever, body aches and flu-like symptoms can also occur.

The illness can last from a few days to a few months and patients might feel better and then get worse again. Patients can be treated with antibiotics.

According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, the illnesses have been reported across multiple counties in the state, although no counties were named.

"The initial investigation indicates a link to consumption of McDonald's salads produced for McDonald's restaurants. Approximately one-fourth of Illinois cases reported eating salads from McDonald's in the days before they became ill," the health department said in a statement. The agency is asking that anyone who has eaten a McDonald's salad since mid-May and experienced diarrhea and fatigue to contact a health care provider to be tested and receive treatment.

Iowa health officials are asking the same of anyone who has developed symptoms after consuming one of these salads since the middle of June. "This summer there have been several clusters of Cyclospora illness associated with various foods that are commercially available," a statement from the Iowa Department of Public Health said.

"We're working with CDC, FDA, and Iowa to investigate multiple potential sources," Illinois health department spokeswoman Melaney Arnold said in an email.

McDonald's is cooperating with the CDC and U.S. Food and Drug Administration in investigating the outbreak, according to the state health departments.

McDonald's said in an email that it has been in contact with public health authorities from Iowa and Illinois about an increase in cyclospora infections. "Out of an abundance of caution, we decided to voluntarily stop selling salads at impacted restaurants until we can switch to another lettuce blend supplier," the email said. "We are in the process of removing existing salad blend from identified restaurants and distribution centers -- which includes approximately 3,000 of our U.S. restaurants primarily located in the Midwest."

The parasite cyclospora is the culprit behind an ongoing outbreak linked to recalled Del Monte Fresh vegetable trays; it's linked to more than 200 illnesses in four states.

The parasite is also to blame for an outbreak in Texas, although officials have not yet identified what's making people sick there.
I got crazy sick from a McDonald’s salad once. Immediate sweats, lightheaded, cramps, I literally started loosing my hearing, it felt like I ear plugs in. Then came the worst bowel movement ever.
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