lol do it. I used to work at a Chinese restaurant myself. They didn't make anything that would be found on the menu so it was random stuff they put together so it wasn't anything special or memorable either.
Made a quick snack for the afternoon game, chili cheese tater tots

Tater tots >>>>>>

I dont know why i never eat them :lol:
Curious... White meat or dark meat?

I personally always have to have dark. White can be too dry for me. Don't see how others can eat it unless they are trying to be a bit cleaner at eating.
Best shashimi I've had.

Waited 2+ hours for this place. Serves only 11 people from 730-930. No reservations. The Japanese dude is extremely old and slices and dices in front of you.

My favorite, unagi. It's HUGE...Wish I had a quarter to compare size...But almost as big as an iphone 4.


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i'm mad Cali has all the different micheladas in the can.. all we got down here is the budweiser crap[emoji]128532[/emoji].

Why not fam? Too oily I guess?

This, and I just don't like the texture of it or the taste. My dad tells me it's his fault I don't eat/like a lot of things. He's a butcher, and growing up my mom would cook a lot of stuff and when I didn't like something she would make something else for me. She made a lot of dishes involving chicken breasts.

White meat > dark meat.
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