Looks like poop but lamb kabobs and broccolini.

This sauce is fire. Mixed it with homemade tzatziki
Any thoughts on using beef tallow instead of cooking oil. Starting to see more and more people leaning towards beef or duck fact.
Seen a lot of folks using Bacon Up. Especially on the Blackstone.

I’ve still just been using avocado oil on there. Usually EVOO on stovetop.
Yo I just had the roadside sliders from the Cheesecake Factory after I saw George Motz recommend them.

He wasn’t lying. Those things are surprisingly good. Definitely scratches the itch for White Manna if you can’t make the trip out there or don’t feel like making them at home..
Costco was carrying Cap City Mambo Sauce so I grabbed a bottle. Put it on a thigh. Don’t think I had ever had it on chicken that wasn’t fried before. Still good :lol:
Yea Iwas given a bottle a while ago and haven't used it because my brain can't move me to use it on non-fried wings.
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