
First time eating Balkan area style food. Owner is Bosnian.

Breakfast Sammy (ham, cucumber, tomato, Swiss, croissant)

Turkish style coffee was a first for me. Strong *** coffee beans in the bottom of this pot. I guess the process is, you put the sugar in the bottom of your cup first, then stir the coffee, then pour into the little cup, then cream. Then enjoy.

Not sure of how anuthentic any of this is, I’m just repeating the tutorial. Tasted like a super strong espresso and really really good. Anyone with Balkan roots care to chime in?

That Turkish coffee is fantastic. I first had it in Cyprus (near Turkey I suppose) and have been looking for somewhere locally that does it.

Just don’t drink the last sip because that’s where the gritty stuff settles.
I always keep some cuties at the house. SO good after burning one.

Plums are underrated. Pears don't get enough love. The other night I had a peach so damn ripe I had to towel off after.

We still talking about fruit?

A perfectly ripened plum is up there. I prefer them to peaches.
I need my pitted fruits to have a little firmness. Mushy forms of them immediately get cut up and frozen for smoothies.
I always keep some cuties at the house. SO good after burning one.

Plums are underrated. Pears don't get enough love. The other night I had a peach so damn ripe I had to towel off after.

We still talking about fruit?
I legit thought.. it was just me.. :rofl:

I'm glad you acknowledge it in the post..

Went here today and had the Ice Cream Sandwich flavor. Basically it was cookies in cream but instead of it being Oreos, it was the "cookie" from an ice cream sandwich. Maaaaaan, that thing was good. I'm not even an ice cream dude forreal but I was impressed.

Have you been here before?

Check out The Charmery!

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anybody have fine dining recommendations for chicago?

Alinea is great. I’d also recommend Smyth and Oriole. I’ve heard mixed reviews about Ever. I’ve only gone to the attached bar, After and the bar menu was just ok.
Went here today and had the Ice Cream Sandwich flavor. Basically it was cookies in cream but instead of it being Oreos, it was the "cookie" from an ice cream sandwich. Maaaaaan, that thing was good. I'm not even an ice cream dude forreal but I was impressed.

Have you been here before?

Check out The Charmery!

B Sox B Sox

Definitely delicious. Went to the one in Chevy chase. Very unique flavors
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