If you think you being cute but actually you being really annoying hit em with the “whats your favorite on the menu?”
New years I usually see just finger foods and appetizers.

Valentine’s Day usually a nice dinner out.

4th of July BBQ is fire

Halloween is candy

Thanksgiving is turkey mashed potatoes etc

Christmas is prime rib for me but some people do different things

Am I missing anything

There is no Vday food.

Christmas and Thanksgiving is essentially the same type of stuff for many Americans.

How many other Holidays actually have signature dishes?
Which do y'all usually use when ordering food?

I'll have...
I'll go with...
I would like....
Could I have...
Let me get...
I want...
I have a coupon for....
Don't mind any of those but the one that really irks me is when folks ordering and go "I need...."
Glad I never worked in the service industry having to deal with entitled folks like that.
Let's break this down.

Which Holidays are being considered and what food reps does each have?

Christmas and Thanksgiving, for most Americans, are usually very similar so you could consider that a wash.

Many people do seafood for new years but I don't really consider that a food holiday.

July 4th is the really the only major holiday and it completely blows thanksgiving out of the water taste wise and I don't eat meat anymore.

Not going to count St. Patrick's day as that is more of a cultural/religious holiday.
i'm not saying it's the greatest or anything but thanksgiving usually has such a variety of food that if there isn't at least a couple things on the table you can get down with, you and your family probably just can't cook worth a damn. that's just the fact of the matter :lol:
Definitely user error involved if you can’t have an enjoyable meal on Thanksgiving with all the different things that tend to be made.

Yea never understood the issue.


Make it out to be whatever you want it to be.

People eat dry turkey ever year and are soured on the whole holiday.
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