Yeah I’ll be damned if my husband came home with another woman’s cooking. The neighbor gave him a sweet potato pie when we first moved in and he knew to put straight in the trash.

Why did she give it to HIM and not the FAMILY.

You think she was trying her hand?

No disrespect.
Why did she give it to HIM and not the FAMILY.

You think she was trying her hand?

No disrespect.
I don’t know. He’s always doing something in the yard and outside so she probably just saw him all the time.

How was 2fifty? Might hit em today myself.
B Sox B Sox
solewoman solewoman

Got the
brisket: Good

beans: Good

macaroni and cheese,: I don't eat macaroni and cheese. I don't eat cheese outside of pizza. But my comoany took a bite and she wasn't a fan at all. She was like, "This is just macaroni and some cheese in it. No flavor at all. Why isn't this baked."

banana pudding: Too sweet. Not enough wafers.

cornbread: It was solid but it tasted more like a CAKE than cornbread.

I'll eat the beans this morning for leftovers but other than the brisket it was AIGHT. If I go again, I will try the stuff yall mentioned.

Fat doesn't make you fat
Well sourced red meat isn't bad for you
Salt isn't bad for you
Carbs, grains, and fruits are basically equal to sugar
Keeping sugar levels in check is key to health
Most of weight loss comes from diet, not exercise

French Toast I made with bacon on the side. Homemade whip cream.

Omelet I made. Onion red pepper goat cheese.

Pizza made by me. Mascarpone, sausage, rosemary, ricotta, mozzarella, thyme.
Man that's just between y'all at work. If there's a large age gap it's usually harmless, if not then y'all both in each other's reserves for if **** goes south in the real relationship.
How do y’all make your oatmeal? I honestly don’t really even enjoy oatmeal but I’m looking for more breakfast options
If I’m gonna have any I just mix an instant packet with yogurt but I’m gonna try making some non instant ones, any directions for that? Idk about stone cut, rolled, etc

This looks like I’d like it
How do y’all make your oatmeal? I honestly don’t really even enjoy oatmeal but I’m looking for more breakfast options
If I’m gonna have any I just mix an instant packet with yogurt but I’m gonna try making some non instant ones, any directions for that? Idk about stone cut, rolled, etc

This looks like I’d like it

:lol: at .10 of cinnamon
B Sox B Sox
solewoman solewoman

Got the
brisket: Good

beans: Good

macaroni and cheese,: I don't eat macaroni and cheese. I don't eat cheese outside of pizza. But my comoany took a bite and she wasn't a fan at all. She was like, "This is just macaroni and some cheese in it. No flavor at all. Why isn't this baked."

banana pudding: Too sweet. Not enough wafers.

cornbread: It was solid but it tasted more like a CAKE than cornbread.

I'll eat the beans this morning for leftovers but other than the brisket it was AIGHT. If I go again, I will try the stuff yall mentioned.

Lol. she has to remember who is cooking it. The place is owned and ran by Salvadorians who just learned to bbq a few years ago but admittedly not too bad of a job. The mac is very cheesy and I think they actually smoke their cheese. Correct to no seasoning but its above avg of what you would expect from any take out mac and cheese. If she was expecting her grandmas special...nah. the pupusas sucked too.
Hell no. If your girl had a work husband who changed her tire, changed her oil, took out her desk trash you wouldnt feel some type of way?

and before we get into gender roles i dont wanna hear it. thats not the point im trying to make.
Hahaha I’m just messing with you. Anywho what did you think of Joeys new album 😭😭
Hahaha I’m just messing with you. Anywho what did you think of Joeys new album 😭😭
Who is Joey? *looking around eyes*

sidebar - the backpack is officially the second kids diaper bag. lol So many people always hit us with? wait your kids diaper bag is from supreme? lol so Fire.
B Bronson you mentioned you were a McDonald’s lover. Was going through an old photo album and like 80% of my outfits were like this :lol:


My bias must have been ingrained from birth, how bout you? Did your family take you there for every meal like mine?
Looking good my friend! 🔥

And yes, every day the fam treated us to McDonald’s was a good day.
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