Lunch/ dinner. Tomorrow I go back to eating healthy..
But it’s based on preference. All restaurants put it on the side...depending how the potato salad taste, I just scoop it and put it in the bowl of gumbo.
Was the potato salad homemade, too?
Grine ain't eating no damn Store Bought Potato Salad :lol:

Wassup with Cousin Casey though? Folks still pissed at her

Courtney. :lol: She good. Just got off the phone with her. I’m not touching her food with a 6ft pole.

You’re right. I even be skeptical about restaurants potato salad.
Speaking of Ghost Pepper, I never heard of Carolina Reaper prior to a local Nashville/Szechuanese Chicken joint using it for their spiciest fried chicken level so I tried it...not messing with that again. Is that Popeyes Ghost pepper mixed in the batter or is it a powder they put on???

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