i'm not a huge fan of store bought sauces but Rao's is legit. always got a bottle or two in the cabinet in case i don't have time or am too lazy to make a sauce
I tried their garlic alfredo sauce and it was the best jarred alfredo sauce I’ve had. It’s usually always sold out in the grocery stores by me but was able to scoop the last couple jars left. The website didn’t have the garlic version available so ordered the regular along with their pesto.

I’ve failed too many times at making my own alfredo so I’m just going to stick to jarred 😂
this isn't news
chain restaurants been looking funny in the light but yall still swear by them
especially fast food chains...they been feeding us poison for years and just now started to try and feed us real food and you still wanna fall for the okey doke

i be more worried about yall's health than yall are.
school system has failed us.
Michelle tried.
How much can you really protect people from themselves though?

I see no problem with occasionally eating fast food as long as you live an active lifestyle and keep your everyday consumption in check. Undeniably healthier to eat fast food once a week and keep the rest of your diet healthy than to never eat fast food, but routinely drink soda and eat chips, cookies, cakes, candy, etc. at home.
ahhhhhh it all makes sense. i hope you not teaching your kids this.

How much can you really protect people from themselves though?

I see no problem with occasionally eating fast food as long as you live an active lifestyle and keep your everyday consumption in check. Undeniably healthier to eat fast food once a week and keep the rest of your diet healthy than to never eat fast food, but routinely drink soda and eat chips, cookies, cakes, candy, etc. at home.
why is this the other choice though?
fast food doesn't ween kids off the other bad stuff...i bet it does the opposite.
whenever i eat something unhealthy it usually starts a pattern and i have to get myself back on track.
like when you go on vacation and eat whatever you want. coming home and eating healthy again is very difficult.
ahhhhhh it all makes sense. i hope you not teaching your kids this.

why is this the other choice though?
I think the real question is why is orthorexia the ONLY acceptable choice in your mind?

People can have occasional indulgences with minimal health consequences, so what's the point in policing where or how they choose to indulge?
whenever i eat something unhealthy it usually starts a pattern and i have to get myself back on track.
like when you go on vacation and eat whatever you want. coming home and eating healthy again is very difficult.
This sounds a whole lot like a YOU problem.

No need to project it onto others.
I think the real question is why is orthorexia the ONLY acceptable choice in your mind?

People can have occasional indulgences with minimal health consequences, so what's the point in policing where or how they choose to indulge?
i agree with occasional indulgences. i do it...we all do it.
but i think it's time we start calling these restaurants what they are...garbage. do kids know this? no, they don't. they are poorly educated on nutrition
there's a reason why mcdonald's used cartoons to appeal to kids so heavily.
this is also the reason why Michelle tried to institute a program to help kids realize this.
i agree with occasional indulgences. i do it...we all do it.
but i think it's time we start calling these restaurants what they are...garbage. do kids know this? no, they don't. they are poorly educated on nutrition
there's a reason why mcdonald's used cartoons to appeal to kids so heavily.
this is also the reason why Michelle tried to institute a program to help kids realize this.
"time we start calling these restaurants what they are"


Dawg where have you been the past 3 decades?

Hard to call this an issue of "lack of education" when the information has been out there for quite some time. That's like saying heroin addicts got addicted because they were poorly educated on its adverse effects.

At the end of the day, it's up to the individual to exercise accountability for their habits and choices. You can't save someone from themself.
so you think kids can control their indulgences? you think adults can too?
if so, then please explain why obesity is in such high numbers in america?
Kids? Not as much, that's the responsibility of their parents in the vast majority of cases. Adults? Absolutely (unless you live in a food desert, but that's a whole 'nother conversation).

Obesity is high in America for a ton of reasons--easy access to junk foods, massive portions, a culture of individual liberty run amok, sedentary lifestyles, etc.

Hard to pin this all on fast food when other countries have easy access to fast food too.
How much can you really protect people from themselves though?

I see no problem with occasionally eating fast food as long as you live an active lifestyle and keep your everyday consumption in check. Undeniably healthier to eat fast food once a week and keep the rest of your diet healthy than to never eat fast food, but routinely drink soda and eat chips, cookies, cakes, candy, etc. at home.

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