I used to go to this Mexican restaurant a while back for lunch a LOT(the pastor was next level!). I was turning people on to them and everything. One day one of the ladies working there got fed up I guess and asked why we keep just getting tacos. I was taken aback. I replied, “Because....y’all..have..the best tacos in town?” The legit had a sign that said “Best Tacos in Town”. :lol: I take it they don’t profit as much off tacos? The place is just a food truck now.

:lol: And what was the name of this place?
Tony's Fresh Market.
Chicken, Puerto Rican Rice (peas are burried) >D , Crab Salad, Pico De Gallo. All average taste. Nothing exciting except the Crab Salad.
Bread is the vessel.

I like a hint of flavor from my bread.

Little sweetness from wheat.

Little buttery flavor.

Texture is its main purpose.

Corn has a strong flavor.

Flour tortillas >>>>>>>>>>
Yeah, chicken tacos with cilantro/onions need corn tortillas. District Taco messed up and gave me flours a few weeks ago and it just wasn’t the same.
Did They dip those tortillas in water in that video???

i Ain’t never seen that in my life.

all you need is a comal and your set.

toast each side to your liking.
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