Unless you got the raw onions mixed in with a sauce for a burger and cheese. Then w/e you're drinking is just fine.

Depends on what you're eating. If its on a hot dog then nah, wont be enough.

Might have to take it up a notch to orange soda.
What if it has pulp?
I don’t mind raw onions, but I prefer cooked in most cases.

I’ll do raw onions on a cold deli sandwich and sometimes diced up on a hot dog with mustard and ketchup.
Summertime when im on road for extended hours i keep a lil sidebag with hygiene stuff.

Deodorant, mouth wash, hand sanitizer, floss, mint/gum. Whatever else

That’s fine to carry it but I’m talking about on the fly having something to eat 10-15 mins before meeting someone. Mouthwash still isn’t strong enough for raw onions. Don’t get me started on the burps :lol:
That’s fine to carry it but I’m talking about on the fly having something to eat 10-15 mins before meeting someone. Mouthwash still isn’t strong enough for raw onions. Don’t get me started on the burps :lol:

Not even Listerine? That **** feels like rinsing with rubbing alcohol...
Grudgingly agree. My wife’s mom is Danish and she’s awesome, but I don’t love most of the traditional Danish stuff she cooks.

Exceptions are Abelskeivers and Frikadeller: She also makes cooked Red Cabbage a lot, but I’m not sure that’s a Danish dish. But I like it.
You can't have a traditional Danish Christmas dinner without red cabbage, which is why I flew to NYC and ate fish tacos instead. :nthat:
That’s fine to carry it but I’m talking about on the fly having something to eat 10-15 mins before meeting someone. Mouthwash still isn’t strong enough for raw onions. Don’t get me started on the burps :lol:
Alcohol free mouthwash fellas.
Dove mostly
Never bothered in the slightest. Just pointing out that we all should respect cultural foods. Eat it as is, or don't eat it at all.
Eating it per our "preferences" is a Karen move.
no its not
am i gonna get mad at someone not eating a burger
cause they dont like pickles
or onions
even folks of that cultural background
yall referring to
prolly have a preference on how its prepared
funny how folks pick and choose
when to respect someones culture
Never bothered in the slightest. Just pointing out that we all should respect cultural foods. Eat it as is, or don't eat it at all.
Eating it per our "preferences" is a Karen move.
Yea there is no way you honestly buy that.

Based on this logic MANY creations would have never made it to light.

But I see what you are doing here.

Abelskeivers, which I mentioned, are like little donut balls that people open up and put jam and syrup in it.

Kringle - which is a flaky pasty with and Almond-ish flavor.

Marzipan cake. I don’t know how to describe it because I don’t care for it. LOL.
my man
aint u in the bay
how much u think ur wife would charge
to make me a kringle
no its not
am i gonna get mad at someone not eating a burger
cause they dont like pickles
or onions
even folks of that cultural background
yall referring to
prolly have a preference on how its prepared
funny how folks pick and choose
when to respect someones culture

OK cook your wife's Kare Kare without peanut butter then. Use almond butter because that's trendy. It's funny when you try to appropriate another culture because of your "preferences".
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