So was it a joke when you sampled the cakes LAST time?
Yes but no. It did start and end as a sampling, BUT in between then I fully planned on buying whole thing after bitting into the 1st piece. Its just that I dropped the whole case on ground and the cake(s) fell out the container, and I wasn't paying that.
Yes but no. It did start and end as a sampling, BUT in between then I fully planned on buying whole thing after bitting into the 1st piece. Its just that I dropped the whole case on ground and the cake(s) fell out the container, and I wasn't paying that.
Well why didn't you just buy another (of the same) item then?
Stop doing that goofy stuff for internet props man. You know damn well adults don't do stuff like THAT. Do better.
We got a different definition of adult now?

I know of and have seen plenty adults do this. Savage degenerate lifestyle.

Yes but no. It did start and end as a sampling, BUT in between then I fully planned on buying whole thing after bitting into the 1st piece. Its just that I dropped the whole case on ground and the cake(s) fell out the container, and I wasn't paying that.

This is worse than sampling :lol:
1. So you stole 2. and are now telling us we should KNOW that your thieving ways are just "a joke?"

1) No. It was sampling w/ the intent explore the product as a entree via to purchase the 1st time. The workers literally saw me drop the cakes, pick them up, and put them next to the goldfish. As I began to step away I stepped back and I literally said to worker "I can have one?" and was the recipient of a "sure" shrug. The Jarrito came after.

2. Tell me where I said "you should know that I'm joking" and I'll send you whatever that lemon creme cake cost. I don't remember the rn b/c I recycled the receipt, but if you show me where I said that I will literally go to Walmart rn, ring up the cakes, post the total in here, and then send you said total. I am completely willing to match your extreme verbiage.
Turkey pastrami from NY deli
Hot mustard
Grine Grine - nice!
If you’re still there, check out La bottacella in Trastevere.
Trastevere is a dope area all together but that restaurant in particular is one of my favorites.

Also, I’m envious of your work schedule that allows you to travel so much! Stay safe and have fun brother.

Theyre open at 7pm. I’m here all early in the day :lol:
You’re on it, bro haha... Yeah it’s a dinner spot.
I’ve hung out in that area a few times but always a little later in the day.
Since the recommended place was closed decide to randomly stop somewhere - Brunch Sunday in Rome.

Rec23 - Italian Brunch - Cool stop (has free video games to play)

I have to say, of all places that I’ve traveled with the exception of Luxor, Egypt (Home cooked meal), Italy has to be the best food I’ve eaten by far!

I eat my sweets first or with my food :lol:



Since the recommended place was closed decide to randomly stop somewhere - Brunch Sunday in Rome.

Rec23 - Italian Brunch - Cool stop (has free video games to play)

I have to say, of all places that I’ve traveled with the exception of Luxor, Egypt (Home cooked meal), Italy has to be the best food I’ve eaten by far!

I eat my sweets first or with my food :lol:




Is that calamari?
Insee yuca and what else?
Since the recommended place was closed decide to randomly stop somewhere - Brunch Sunday in Rome.

Rec23 - Italian Brunch - Cool stop (has free video games to play)

I have to say, of all places that I’ve traveled with the exception of Luxor, Egypt (Home cooked meal), Italy has to be the best food I’ve eaten by far!

I eat my sweets first or with my food :lol:



whats on your plate?
Is that calamari?
Insee yuca and what else?

Turkey Sausage
Fried Chicken
Roasted with Pecan Crust
Yuca Lasagna

The Roast Beef was outstanding - didn’t photo my 2nd trip.

Here’s the brunch option:

Sul Buffet del Salato poniamo come sempre attenzione alle materie prime del territorio che scegliamo: Lasagne, Sformati , angolo delle Uova con il Bacon
e Salsiccette, Insalate , Polletto fritto, Parmigiana di Melanzane
preparate dal nostro chef si accostano alla Treccia di Bufala Dop Regina dei Mazzoni

Il Buffet dei Doci è prodotto in casa sa dalla nostra pasticcera
Torte da credenza , biscotteria classica Italiana e Anglosassone , dolci semifreddi e al cucchiaioo con abbinamenti di gusto che coniugano tradizione e innovazione.
Immancabili i Pancakes accompagnati dallo sciroppo d’acero
ma anche da fonduta di cioccolato, panna, zabaione e marmellate !

On the Salty Buffet we always pay attention to the raw materials of the territory we choose: Lasagne, Sformati, Egg corner with Bacon
and Sausages, Salads, Fried Polletto, Eggplant Parmigiana prepared by our chef are combined with the Treccia di Bufala Dop Regina dei Mazzoni

The Buffet dei Doci is made in-house by our pastry chef
Sideboard cakes, classic Italian and Anglo-Saxon biscuits, semifreddo and spoon desserts with taste combinations that combine tradition and innovation.
The inevitable Pancakes accompanied by maple syrup
but also from chocolate fondue, cream, eggnog and jams!
Delicious, all of it :pimp:

solewoman solewoman is Wegman's the goods? They opened one not too far from me that I've been meaning to try.

Im going to hop on my soapbox real quick...
Where do you live?
Wegmans is the best you’re going to get in a predominately black area. Due to institutionalized racism, black areas don’t get the good grocery stores like Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s. (Which are my favorite and conveniently put more value in neighborhoods and property) instead they’re getting aldis and lidls. Safeway, giant and shoppers are all trash to me. This is my opinion from having to live in the dmv area....I digress. Wegmans is legit tho :smile:
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Im going to hop on my soapbox real quick...
Where do you live?
Wegmans is the best you’re going to get in a predominately black area. Due to institutionalized racism black areas don’t get the good grocery stores like Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s. (Which are my favorite) instead they’re getting aldis and lidls. Safeway, giant and shoppers are all trash to me. This is my opinion from having to live in the dmv area....I digress. Wegmans is legit tho :smile:

I'm in New York and they opened one in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, which is becoming a gentrified area.
I'm in New York and they opened one in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, which is becoming a gentrified area.

Check em out. They have a lot of variety and don’t do coupons lol. I’m not too familiar with NY though.
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