I’ve only had FGT once and thought they were good, not great. But they weren’t from a place that specializes in Southern cooking, so I’ll probably try them again some time.
I’ve only had FGT once and thought they were good, not great. But they weren’t from a place that specializes in Southern cooking, so I’ll probably try them again some time.
place that used to be in downtown oakland called pican
had great fried green tomatoes dish
it was a southern food spot
they acted all fancy
they closed down
and opened a place in hayward called plate or playte
cant remember how they decided to spell it
but they brought over almost the same menu
Any random fried item is #Regional in my book.

I think of the South when it comes to frying foods that make it a waste of calories.

FGT is a waste of calories.
Hopefully I redeemed myself with my chicken.

Bake chicken with roasted white sweet potatoes
fried green tomatoes are fire
not sure why frying things are a waste of calories
is butter a waste of calories then?
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That is a personal preference but other than a few root vegetables, I think frying certain veggies are pointless.

A fried tomato ain't worth the calories .

Again, my personal belief.

How do you feel about grilled vegetables? I felt the char on those Brussel Sprouts I posted the other day was excellent. Do you care about char on veggies too?
Sorry I originally put this in TAN by accident thanks for the heads up youngogjosh youngogjosh :

nawghtyhare nawghtyhare i tried your sampling method a few moments ago. 2 pieces of cake actually and I left the rest by the gold fish for other ppl to sample. The cake was good. A little too tangy, but good. I would’ve brought it, but that wouldn’t have been considered sampling.
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