Fine dining isn't for me. Even if it's in a casual setting. Everything seems so pretentious and extra for no reason.
Talkinbout. Pan-roasted pastry rolls, layered with an herbed tomato puree, a creamy blend of artisanal cheeses, and tender bites of aged salami. Its a damn hot Pocket b.

I come in peace and hope you thoroughly enjoyed your dining experience.

I feel the same exact way but its ok to do it once in every few blue moons :lol:
Yea whenever I see an offer to a "fancy" spot, the first question I ask is, "Will I leave full." :lol:

But I get going somewhere for the ambiance, or as Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee called it, the "Ambilance." :lol:

10 course tasting menus are no joke. More than enough to eat.

definitely more food than that foot long burrito nawghtyhare nawghtyhare got that one time
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Double up on those cabbages. I swear it is always WAY too much rice ( Nouss Nouss ) so I tell them double cabbage and 1/2 rice. It is usually still more than enough.
I don't know what west indian spots you go to but the ones I go to don't scream customer service.
I'm not asking for any customizations there.
I ended up with leftovers of both so it made no difference.
Wait you’re not allowed to ask for double cabbage? I thought it was common - I always ask for double cabbage :lol:
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