Food combos you love that others find weird.

about 219...probably should be closer to 192, lucky I don't weigh 912. regular exercise, lots of water, positive thoughts.
Peanut butter or just peanuts on food is great. If I see chopped peanuts at a thai restaurant, im using the entire jar on whatever im eating. Stir fried noodles, noodle soup, rice, whatever. :pimp: :lol:
Peanut butter or just peanuts on food is great. If I see chopped peanuts at a thai restaurant, im using the entire jar on whatever im eating. Stir fried noodles, noodle soup, rice, whatever. :pimp: :lol:

I’ve never met a food that wasn’t improved by peanut butter.
A hamburger

You’re missing out! There was a place near me that used to have tons of options - PB is great on a burger. My only mistake was I once had mushrooms too. I miss that place - great shakes too. They got screwed by their landlord who wanted them out - now it’s a fancy French restaurant.

I guess that’s one though - mushrooms.
Ketchup is gross on hotdogs and eggs. **** is sweet and ya'll weird for liking it

... there's a difference between something being weird and something being gross. you can find a normal thing gross. putting ketchup on hotdog is mainstream as hell and part of the 'norm', hence it being 'normal'. you can find it gross but it's a common/normal thing lol...

i think sushi is gross but it's definitely not "weird."
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