Flyknit Chukka Thread

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For those that were asking, Nike confirmed that they are completely sold out of the wolf grey's and will not be restocked again. The outlets was basically your last chance at under retail.
Corporate wouldn't know **** about retail. However, my girlfriend does work at Nike and I also chatted with two different reps in TN that confirmed no stock throughout their warehouses. How else do you think Sneakersteal knew what outlets were going to get them in the first place? Anymore questions?
Nah, they talked to the same reps I did.
Must be sour you couldn't get a pair. It's ok, just wait on the restock that you think is happening.
You went from "Nike confirmed", to "Corporate wouldnt know ****" about retail", to "How else did Sneakersteal know...", to "Nah, they talked to the same reps I did"...

I'll probably never write a long post like this again, but let me break this down for you.

1) You said "Nike confirmed" and then went on about your girl working at the outlet, no offense but your girl and those reps aren't NIKE, they represent a micro element in the grand scheme of Nike distribution. Probably safer to say "TN Nike has said". Honestly, you sound like someone trying to create self-exclusivity so that you feel special. It triggers the same emotional response as "THEY ARE SOLD OUT AND ONLY I HAVE EM". 

2) Nike corporate knows EVERYTHING about retail, they create the release lists and handle all distributions. Your telling me if Nike corporate wants to release these again, that an outlet rep will stop it from happening? This is old news.  

3) Your statement about Sneakersteal sounds and reads like you were the sole source for this info, if not that it also sounds like your saying Sneakersteal got his info from TN Nike. Once you got called out, you said "Nah, they talked to the same reps I did". Again, instead of being direct and factual you state another subjective and hazy fact. Sneakersteal is a guy (one guy), and a local in my region that I've followed for a very long time. Sneakersteal is not "they" or a group of people. I actually dm'ed him to double check if he spoke to TN Nike as you claimed...waiting on that response.

5) If you saw my flyknit chukka collection you'd know I am far from salty LOL.

6) Not trying to blast you personally here, but honestly you huff and puff with all this mediocre rumored called out by a couple NTers and couldn't take it so you had to pull a "your salty because move". Brush up on your analytical, cognitive, and grammar skills...We are fans of NT and this community for many reasons, and I'm sure people don't always post factual information all the time (I slip from time to time as well, from being excited), but at least those who get called out own up to it. We're here to help each other out, keep each other entertained and informed, and share our stories with the community. Have a great week bro!
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Long gone man.. sold out at full price pretty easily. I don't think either ever made it to the outlets.
That's true but you never really know. Look at the DB releases or the recent wolfgreys Flyknit those sold out as well. Anyway I just mean to say if they do happen to hit outlets some one hit me up lol
You went from "Nike confirmed", to "Corporate wouldnt know ****" about retail", to "How else did Sneakersteal know...", to "Nah, they talked to the same reps I did"...

I'll probably never write a long post like this again, but let me break this down for you.

1) You said "Nike confirmed" and then went on about your girl working at the outlet, no offense but your girl and those reps aren't NIKE, they represent a micro element in the grand scheme of Nike distribution. Probably safer to say "TN Nike has said". Honestly, you sound like someone trying to create self-exclusivity so that you feel special. It triggers the same emotional response as "THEY ARE SOLD OUT AND ONLY I HAVE EM". 

2) Nike corporate knows EVERYTHING about retail, they create the release lists and handle all distributions. Your telling me if Nike corporate wants to release these again, that an outlet rep will stop it from happening? This is old news.  

3) Your statement about Sneakersteal sounds and reads like you were the sole source for this info, if not that it also sounds like your saying Sneakersteal got his info from TN Nike. Once you got called out, you said "Nah, they talked to the same reps I did". Again, instead of being direct and factual you state another subjective and hazy fact. Sneakersteal is a guy (one guy), and a local in my region that I've followed for a very long time. Sneakersteal is not "they" or a group of people. I actually dm'ed him to double check if he spoke to TN Nike as you claimed...waiting on that response.

5) If you saw my flyknit chukka collection you'd know I am far from salty LOL.

6) Not trying to blast you personally here, but honestly you huff and puff with all this mediocre rumored called out by a couple NTers and couldn't take it so you had to pull a "your salty because move". Brush up on your analytical, cognitive, and grammar skills...We are fans of NT and this community for many reasons, and I'm sure people don't always post factual information all the time (I slip from time to time as well, from being excited), but at least those who get called out own up to it. We're here to help each other out, keep each other entertained and informed, and share our stories with the community. Have a great week bro!
Awww. 100+ posts in 1 month, you can handle much longer than that. Just open up wide...

1. You asked how I knew and I answered. My girlfriend and her GM can look up inventory at outlets across the country, same goes for most employees that work at an outlet. To double check, I like most people have done online chatted with reps from TN and they also told me that they were showing zero stock in their warehouses. Am I to doubt them as you seem to be? Who's trying to create self-exclusivity here? Look back a few pages, people have been sharing wolf grey links to outlets all week, and I gave people a heads up about Vacaville now accepting phone orders after I had just got off the phone with them. People got them, they were happy. So, they are indeed sold out and I'm definitely not the only one who has them.

2. My comment was in regards to you insinuating one would call corporate to locate inventory? Absurd of course, and take a wild guess who they would direct you to if you were to get through? You're correct corporate controls retail and corporate decides the outlets that gets what based on sale statistics and you're right again they could very well release these again, but like I originally said, multiple reps in TN told me (and probably every other person who was smart enough to online chat with them before asking for help in here), that they showed zero stock in their warehouses and were not seeing any restocks anytime soon. Go ahead and tell me how this insinuates that an outlet rep controls corporate again?

3. My only reason to bring Sneakersteal into this discussion was that he more than likely called/online chatted with a rep to locate wolf greys at outlets during the last weeks since he was dropping links back to back. If not him, then whoever he got his information from most likely did. You surely didn't think that he, kicksdeals, etc. were getting insider information did you? Anyone on NT can get this information unless they're partially slow. Oh, he's local to you? Cool. Make sure you take him out to dinner because of all the steals he's gotten you. The only thing hazy here is the dank you are smoking, so pass that **** already.

4. Wait. Where's your number 4? And the audacity to address my analytical, cognitive and grammar skills. Tsk tsk.

5. I can careless about anyone's collection. It was my assumption that you were the opposite of sweet because you were so sure that they would be restocked again. I guess it's my fault for jumping to conclusions because corporate could very well restock these all day long and forget about making new colorways. Oh and since my "useless" girlfriend works at Nike I get a "useless" 40% off all flyknits on Swoosh, so I guess I could've bought every single colorway and have a "collection" as well. Or not.

6. I don't get hurt feelings on the internet so I don't take things personal. You and your collection have a great weekend as well!

P.S. For the others that unfortunately have to sift through this off-topic-ness I'll make sure to update this thread if I see any chukkas at the employee or factory stores in Beaverton/Portland this weekend, might grab a few pairs to hook up some NT'ers if the stock is good. However, I might have to share the information via PM, since I would hate to post nonfactual information.
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Man, wolf greys were my chukka grail but comparing them to my platinums they are too similar (aside from the red hits) imo. I don't think I need 2 pairs of grey toned shoes.
If you can afford to sit on the wolf greys, I'd let them sink a little to see if they grow on you.  Chances are you won't be able to find them for under retail again if you have a change of heart.
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