Fluoride in water, and how to decalcify and healthify your body Vol. As told by my future ex-wife

I've heard all this stuff before. I used to hook up with this older chick (mid 40's) and she would tell me about all this stuff. What FutureMD mentioned about the mystic crap, she is a firm believer in that, she would tell me all that and how the illumaniti runs the world and how everyone powerful are satanists, etc. She was a smart lady, but the things she chose to believe in made me distance myself from her a bit, that shiiii is creepy.
I come across something like this every three months. I'm paranoid for a couple hours then forget about it until I read or see something about it again. Chances are I won't do anything about it.
I normally feel the same way, but this time I actually bothered to click through a few links, and I'm watching that doc now. I've come to the conclusion that there is no reason to continue consuming fluoride IMO.

The most telling thing I found was that fluoridation is actually banned in the majority of countries in the world. If almost every country who takes an honest assessment of it is coming to the conclusion that it's pointless or potentially harmful, this should tell you something. Sounds to me like this is the classic case of the US government being slow to progress and holding on to antiquated practices.
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I normally feel the same way, but this time I actually bothered to click through a few links, and I'm watching that doc now. I've come to the conclusion that there is no reason to continue consuming fluoride IMO.
The most telling thing I found was that fluoridation is actually banned in the majority of countries in the world. If almost every country who takes an honest assessment of it is coming to the conclusion that it's pointless or potentially harmful, this should tell you something. Sounds to me like this is the classic case of the US government being slow to progress and holding on to antiquated practices.

Lulz just like with universal health care
I normally feel the same way, but this time I actually bothered to click through a few links, and I'm watching that doc now. I've come to the conclusion that there is no reason to continue consuming fluoride IMO.
The most telling thing I found was that fluoridation is actually banned in the majority of countries in the world. If almost every country who takes an honest assessment of it is coming to the conclusion that it's pointless or potentially harmful, this should tell you something. Sounds to me like this is the classic case of the US government being slow to progress and holding on to antiquated practices.

Lulz just like with universal health care
I wouldn't even compare it to that, because it's actually possible to construct an argument against universal health care. From what I've been reading, fluoridation has no evidence to back it up whatsoever.

American Dental Association confirms dangers of fluoride

/fluoride :lol:
If you think that fluoride in toothpaste is safer than fluoride in water, you couldn't be more wrong. The sublingual delivery (under the tongue) is the fastest delivery system that our bodies have to offer. The sublingual delivery system bypasses the intestines, kidneys and liver by absorbing nutrients directly into your blood stream. Not only that, fluoride in toothpaste is of a much higher concentration than fluoride in water. Root canals have a similar effect of allowing toxins directly into your bloodstream.
  Thanks for this.
Appeal to authority?

Oh, you mean the very scientific studies you use to validate your own opinion instead of looking across the board at everything being presented?

Or could it be the fact that you chose a video centered around your pineal gland? 

But addressing either of those would just be TOO difficult for you to mange. I understand now. 


Oh, and BTW, your quote of Buggz05 doesn't say anything about the effects of fluoride itself, which was the point of your entire post, but merely a possible method of absorption in the body.
So you're denying your appeal to authority? "Oh, I talked to some dentist people last week. I was just texting this dude from the CDC" 

You're worse then Ben Baller 

Where have I attempted to validate my opinion? I'm trying to get all the information I can BEFORE I make an opinion.  The few things I have posted have been facts about are who banned it in europe and why, and the benefits of fluoride.

I guess you didn't read the title or my OP in depth enough, because I'M about becoming healthier.  I didn't even mention the pineal gland. I'm not going to address things I don't know have enough info about.

As for Buggz05's quote, I realize that. I previously stated that I ASSUMED fluoride in toothpaste couldn't be absorbed unless you swallowed it.  Which he corrected me on. Now, when you incorporate that tidbit with the negative effects posted below, you get the bigger picture.

As for the "point of the entire post", if you notice the conjunction "and", that shows that there are multiple points.

Now, as for the RISKS OF FLUORIDE:
Among the more significant health conditions evaluated in relation to fluoride intake are cancer, dental fluorosis, and bone fractures. Other conditions are evaluated in the full report.
Cancer.  Two major scientific approaches have been used to determine whether an association exists between the use of fluoride and cancer: carcinogenicity studies in rodents, and human epidemiological analyses which compare cancer incidence and mortality between communities with fluoridated water and those with negligible amounts of fluoride in drinking water.
Dental Fluorosis. Dental fluorosis has been recognized since the turn of the century in people with high exposure to naturally occurring fluoride in drinking water. It has always been more prevalent in fluoridated than non-fluoridated areas. Dental fluorosis only occurs during tooth formation and becomes apparent upon eruption of the teeth. It ranges from very mild symmetrical whitish areas on teeth (very mild dental fluorosis) to pitting of the enamel, frequently associated with brownish discoloration (severe dental fluorosis). The very mild form barely is detectable even by experienced dental personnel. Moderate and severe forms of dental fluorosis, considered by some investigators as presenting a cosmetic problem, do not appear to produce adverse dental health effects, such as the loss of tooth function, and represents less than 6 percent of the cases of fluorosis nationally.

In the 1940's, about 10 percent of the population displayed very mild and mild dental fluorosis when the concentration of fluoride found naturally in the drinking water was about 1 part per million (ppm). Over the last 40 years, in areas where fluoride is added to the drinking water to bring the total level of fluoride to about 1 ppm (optimally fluoridated areas), there may have been an increase in the total prevalence of dental fluorosis. In non-fluoridated areas, there is clear evidence that the total prevalence of dental fluorosis has increased over the last 40 years.
Bone Fractures.  There is some suggestion from epidemiological studies that the incidence of certain bone fractures may be greater in some communities with either naturally high or adjusted fluoride levels. However, there are a number of confounding factors that need resolution to determine whether or not an association exists. Additionally, other studies do not show an increase in the incidence of bone fractures; one study provided evidence of a lower incidence of bone fractures in an optimally fluoridated community as compared to a similar community with trace levels of fluoride in the water. Therefore, further research is required.
And more importantly:
[h2]Fluoride’s brain effects[/h2]
Recent studies have found that fluoride  is a neurotoxin which can affect cerebral functioning, with some research associating the ingestion of fluoridated water with reduced intelligence. A number of studies concerning the effect of fluoridated water  in regards to children’s intelligence come from China, where investigators have compared the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) of young people living in high- and low-fluoride areas.  (8)

These studies include:
The mean IQ of 222 children, aged 8 to 13 years, in a high-fluoride village was significantly lower (92.02 [ or -] 13.00) than that of 290 children in a low-fluoride village (100.41 [ or -] 13.21). Higher levels of fluoride  in drinking water were significantly associated with higher rates of mental ******ation (IQ <70) and borderline intelligence (IQ 70-79). The researchers concluded that “drinking water fluoride levels greater than 1.0 mg/L may adversely affect the development of children’s intelligence.”

1. http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=11571&page=23
2. http://www.ijdr.in/article.asp?issn...ssue=4;spage=297;epage=303;aulast=Baskaradoss
3. http://www.fluoridealert.org/s-fluorosis.htm
4. http://sonic.net/kryptox/medicine/frac/hip.htm
5. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/07/12/AR2005071201277.html
6. http://www.health-science.com/fluoride_toxicity.html
7.  http://glowing-health.com/poisons/fluoride-and-pineal-gland.html
8.  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1852689/
P.S. I want to look in that girl's eyes and see the sun rise 
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I normally feel the same way, but this time I actually bothered to click through a few links, and I'm watching that doc now. I've come to the conclusion that there is no reason to continue consuming fluoride IMO.
The most telling thing I found was that fluoridation is actually banned in the majority of countries in the world. If almost every country who takes an honest assessment of it is coming to the conclusion that it's pointless or potentially harmful, this should tell you something. Sounds to me like this is the classic case of the US government being slow to progress and holding on to antiquated practices.
Lulz just like with universal health care
I wouldn't even compare it to that, because it's actually possible to construct an argument against universal health care. From what I've been reading, fluoridation has no evidence to back it up whatsoever.

American Dental Association confirms dangers of fluoride

Well the ADA is aware of dangers of fluoride in the sense that too much of anything, like vitamins, can be bad for you.

They have their reasons for pursuing it however and I think you're being a little disingenuous by saying it has no evidence to back up the reasoning behind its use.

From what I understand, the studies that students and professionals get exposed to show that fluoride strengthens tooth enamel due to processes as a result of tooth decay. 

Also, I don't want to issue a blanket statement, but NaturalNews is a poor source of information on a lot of health topics because they outright lie, or don't have an understanding behind many of their claims. I understand the desire to be healthy and an aware consumer, but Natural News is privy to a lot of confirmation bias and often misrepresents information. 
If you think that fluoride in toothpaste is safer than fluoride in water, you couldn't be more wrong. The sublingual delivery (under the tongue) is the fastest delivery system that our bodies have to offer. The sublingual delivery system bypasses the intestines, kidneys and liver by absorbing nutrients directly into your blood stream. Not only that, fluoride in toothpaste is of a much higher concentration than fluoride in water. Root canals have a similar effect of allowing toxins directly into your bloodstream.
  Thanks for this.
Appeal to authority?

Oh, you mean the very scientific studies you use to validate your own opinion instead of looking across the board at everything being presented?

Or could it be the fact that you chose a video centered around your pineal gland? 

But addressing either of those would just be TOO difficult for you to mange. I understand now. 


Oh, and BTW, your quote of Buggz05 doesn't say anything about the effects of fluoride itself, which was the point of your entire post, but merely a possible method of absorption in the body.
So you're denying your appeal to authority? "Oh, I talked to some dentist people last week. I was just texting this dude from the CDC" 

You're worse then Ben Baller 

Where have I attempted to validate my opinion? I'm trying to get all the information I can BEFORE I make an opinion.  The few things I have posted have been facts about are who banned it in europe and why, and the benefits of fluoride.

I guess you didn't read the title or my OP in depth enough, because I'M about becoming healthier.  I didn't even mention the pineal gland. I'm not going to address things I don't know have enough info about.

As for Buggz05's quote, I realize that. I previously stated that I ASSUMED fluoride in toothpaste couldn't be absorbed unless you swallowed it.  Which he corrected me on. Now, when you incorporate that tidbit with the negative effects posted below, you get the bigger picture.

As for the "point of the entire post", if you notice the conjunction "and", that shows that there are multiple points.

Now, as for the RISKS OF FLUORIDE:
1. I have friends in dental school and friends who are actually dentists. I also have a friend from undergrad who, ironically enough, is getting her PhD in laymans terms things that deal with body clocks/circadian rhythms. But its not my job to qualify the strength of my network for you. I was trying to help. Those arent appeals to authority. Those are opinions from people who are specialized in the information being discussed. It'd be an appeal to authority if I prevented you from considering anything at all in dissension from what my sources listed.

2. I actually did visit the CDC museum last week. It was the only time it was free. 

3. I shared my understanding of the information and kept it relevant to what was in the video. If you have a problem with that, then don't make the video the extent of your entire post. Most of that video dealt with utter nonsense about the pineal gland and what it does and how it works. The girl also made a bunch of claims in that video that aren't supported. I'm not sure if there is ANY evidence that you can "decalcify" your body for that matter to any appreciable degree, or even at all. 

4. I appreciate that video though. I'm going to peep it later. 
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I've read a study that Fluoride does nothing as far as preventing tooth decay. (how many people use fluoride toothpaste who still get cavities)

On top of that Fluoride is meant as a topical usage not something you en jest as in put in water.

Dentist regurgitate the same garbage they were taught in dental school years ago.
Fluorosilic Acid is heavy in the drinking water. Dr. William Herzy has testified in front of Congress on the effects of Fluoride, my mother is a graduate of NYU School of Dentistry and PhD in Biochemistry and has never used Fluoride in her practice because of the poison that it is.

Trace amounts of Fluoride over periods of time will cause cancer and skeletal fluorosis.
How about the studies that show that within communities who do not fluoridate their water, they actually have lower rates of cavity decay in their populations. 2+2= ?
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So what water is safe to drink? I'm reading this stuff about how distiller water can kill people because it's stripped of minerals and will absorb the ones from the body.
damn how the hell am i still alive then?

I think it depends on how often you drink it. Once in a while is OK i guess.

had a distillator at home so i drank it erryday. Because it was fluoridated water vs. distilled water so i chose the latter. Distilled water has its benefits, and i think its true that it tends to "attract" molecules from your body which is why a lot of people recommend it for detox and when fasting. But I wouldnt go as far as to say it will kill you if you drink it.
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damn how the hell am i still alive then?

I think it depends on how often you drink it. Once in a while is OK i guess.

had a distillator at home so i drank it erryday. Because it was fluoridated water vs. distilled water so i chose the latter. Distilled water has its benefits, and i think its true that it tends to "attract" molecules from your body which is why a lot of people recommend it for detox and when fasting. But I wouldnt go as far as to say it will kill you if you drink it.
kind of sounds like drinking ionized or alkaline water, because your body's water will swap ions with the new water, and eventually you will just recycle the old with the new. I've read you can do a fresh recycle in a week if you drink massive amounts everyday, and it takes about a month to drink at a normal recommended rate of 500 ml/50lbs of body weight. I've been drinking bottles of alkaline artesian water only, for about two months, and I feel a little more... sturdy. I got sick for one day a couple weeks ago, and through many many years of detoxing experience, I would say that's pretty normal for a detoxing phase. Especially since I healed up in the same day. That's how our immune system works. We get sick and we flush out our fluids. If you're not flushing and your not eating healthy, then that means you are harboring bacteria.
damn how the hell am i still alive then?
I think it depends on how often you drink it. Once in a while is OK i guess.
had a distillator at home so i drank it erryday. Because it was fluoridated water vs. distilled water so i chose the latter. Distilled water has its benefits, and i think its true that it tends to "attract" molecules from your body which is why a lot of people recommend it for detox and when fasting. But I wouldnt go as far as to say it will kill you if you drink it.
kind of sounds like drinking ionized or alkaline water, because your body's water will swap ions with the new water, and eventually you will just recycle the old with the new. I've read you can do a fresh recycle in a week if you drink massive amounts everyday, and it takes about a month to drink at a normal recommended rate of 500 ml/50lbs of body weight. I've been drinking bottles of alkaline artesian water only, for about two months, and I feel a little more... sturdy. I got sick for one day a couple weeks ago, and through many many years of detoxing experience, I would say that's pretty normal for a detoxing phase. Especially since I healed up in the same day. That's how our immune system works. We get sick and we flush out our fluids. If you're not flushing and your not eating healthy, then that means you are harboring bacteria.
Guys...you all are really extrapolating a lot from a macroscopic view point.

You "feeling" better doesn't mean that its a DIRECT correlation. I don't even think you're wrong, nor do I discount your experience, but you've got to do better than saying you feel more "sturdy"

I can't rely on that. Do you guys have any other info that would lead me to think that this stuff has direct and literal benefits one way or another.

Again, i'm not "challenging you" (now at least) but I just want some more solid info on this. 
damn how the hell am i still alive then?

I think it depends on how often you drink it. Once in a while is OK i guess.

had a distillator at home so i drank it erryday. Because it was fluoridated water vs. distilled water so i chose the latter. Distilled water has its benefits, and i think its true that it tends to "attract" molecules from your body which is why a lot of people recommend it for detox and when fasting. But I wouldnt go as far as to say it will kill you if you drink it.
kind of sounds like drinking ionized or alkaline water, because your body's water will swap ions with the new water, and eventually you will just recycle the old with the new. I've read you can do a fresh recycle in a week if you drink massive amounts everyday, and it takes about a month to drink at a normal recommended rate of 500 ml/50lbs of body weight. I've been drinking bottles of alkaline artesian water only, for about two months, and I feel a little more... sturdy. I got sick for one day a couple weeks ago, and through many many years of detoxing experience, I would say that's pretty normal for a detoxing phase. Especially since I healed up in the same day. That's how our immune system works. We get sick and we flush out our fluids. If you're not flushing and your not eating healthy, then that means you are harboring bacteria.
Guys...you all are really extrapolating a lot from a macroscopic view point.

You "feeling" better doesn't mean that its a DIRECT correlation. I don't even think you're wrong, nor do I discount your experience, but you've got to do better than saying you feel more "sturdy"

I can't rely on that. Do you guys have any other info that would lead me to think that this stuff has direct and literal benefits one way or another.

Again, i'm not "challenging you" (now at least) but I just want some more solid info on this. 

Did you just use the phrase "extrapolating a lot from a macroscopic view" and then continue on to critique my communication skills?

I don't give a damn about educating you. There is something called Google. I apologize I have not been posting various links to these random topics I have been replying to, but I'm not wasting my time to present you with information that could be easily had using your fingers and a keyboard. Who knows, maybe you will find something more productive than anything I could give you.

Or, you can keep fighting the good fight on explaining the health benefits of fluoride...

Hell, maybe you can explain to me how 1 ppm or 1 ppb of fluoride can have any effect on anything at all...
the info about distilled water leeching nutrients from your body is true....it's distilled through ionization which swaps ions when it enters your body or something or other.

When I was feeding my plants distilled water I noticed it was leeching the nitrogen and potassium level rapidly when I started getting yellowing leaves.

And plants chlorophyl and human dna are very similar so I don't doubt that it would have the same effect on humans.

And who in this day and age is still trying to convince sillyputty of anything? :lol:
the info about distilled water leeching nutrients from your body is true....it's distilled through ionization which swaps ions when it enters your body or something or other.

When I was feeding my plants distilled water I noticed it was leeching the nitrogen and potassium level rapidly when I started getting yellowing leaves.

And plants chlorophyl and human dna are very similar so I don't doubt that it would have the same effect on humans.

And who in this day and age is still trying to convince sillyputty of anything?
See this doesn't make sense.

Distilled water isn't distilled through ionization. Distillation doesn't have anything to do with deionizaton. Its two completely different processes. You're just throwing terms out there that you don't understand completely.

If you've taken something like organic chemistry you know what distillation is. All you're doing is separating mixtures based on their volatilities. 

Deionization is different because it only removes entities with charges through a process usually thats a variant of electrolysis or uses ionic resins so its cheaper than distilled water. It often leaves behind organic compounds, viruses, and other matter.

On top of that, there are no studies or evidence that shows distilled water "leeches" materials. Plus since its distilled even if this claim was true, based on how osmosis works, it would go INTO the body, not out of the body. If there was more concentrated matter on the other side of a semipermeable membrane, then this distilled water would diffuse across it to reach tonic equilibrium. 

The US Navy also uses distilled water on their ships. I'm going to have to trust that they want to use whats best.

Deionized water? Now we're talking. That stuff could hurt you...but only if you drink TONS of it. I mean ungodly amounts while not eating food. That DEFINITELY sucks water out of you based on osmosis. There isn't a mineral/substrate/etc. that you can't get out of water that isn't already in food. DIWater also tastes nasty because there aren't those same impurities that give it the taste that we love, nor are there any ions in it like chlorine to kill common bacterial growth. Thats why DI Water is cheaper than distilled, FYI. I say all of that to say that the effects are REALLY minimal because at no point is the water SUPER pure even within the GI tract to cause that sort of sucking notion that gets brought up to that extent. The balance is never THAT out of wack. 

Distilled water still has ions in it, however. Water doesn't always exist as H2O. Even at ph=7, its rapidity going back and forth between OH- and H30+ ions, and the body's pH level isn't at 7, its more like 7.4.  

Distilled is better than DI water for human consumption. Its not like you're a machine or pipe or car battery that needs to prevent build up or corrosion.

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damn how the hell am i still alive then?

I think it depends on how often you drink it. Once in a while is OK i guess.

had a distillator at home so i drank it erryday. Because it was fluoridated water vs. distilled water so i chose the latter. Distilled water has its benefits, and i think its true that it tends to "attract" molecules from your body which is why a lot of people recommend it for detox and when fasting. But I wouldnt go as far as to say it will kill you if you drink it.
kind of sounds like drinking ionized or alkaline water, because your body's water will swap ions with the new water, and eventually you will just recycle the old with the new. I've read you can do a fresh recycle in a week if you drink massive amounts everyday, and it takes about a month to drink at a normal recommended rate of 500 ml/50lbs of body weight. I've been drinking bottles of alkaline artesian water only, for about two months, and I feel a little more... sturdy. I got sick for one day a couple weeks ago, and through many many years of detoxing experience, I would say that's pretty normal for a detoxing phase. Especially since I healed up in the same day. That's how our immune system works. We get sick and we flush out our fluids. If you're not flushing and your not eating healthy, then that means you are harboring bacteria.
Guys...you all are really extrapolating a lot from a macroscopic view point.

You "feeling" better doesn't mean that its a DIRECT correlation. I don't even think you're wrong, nor do I discount your experience, but you've got to do better than saying you feel more "sturdy"

I can't rely on that. Do you guys have any other info that would lead me to think that this stuff has direct and literal benefits one way or another.

Again, i'm not "challenging you" (now at least) but I just want some more solid info on this. 
Did you just use the phrase "extrapolating a lot from a macroscopic view" and then continue on to critique my communication skills?

I don't give a damn about educating you. There is something called Google. I apologize I have not been posting various links to these random topics I have been replying to, but I'm not wasting my time to present you with information that could be easily had using your fingers and a keyboard. Who knows, maybe you will find something more productive than anything I could give you.

Or, you can keep fighting the good fight on explaining the health benefits of fluoride...

Hell, maybe you can explain to me how 1 ppm or 1 ppb of fluoride can have any effect on anything at all...
Yeah well thats the problem.

You're basing this notion of "feeling sturdy" as being indicative of you drinking alkaline water. 

That sounds EXTREMELY legit. 

You're not even conducting studies on the water you're consuming either, nor are you collecting data on your own status in intervals or undergoing physicals or getting work-ups to see whats going on. 

I told you. I'm not defending fluoride outright, but you're not going much of what could even be called a DECENT job of explaining how you've managed to isolate the effect of a labeled bottle of water on your nebulous references to unnamed microbiological substrates.

Don't think you can pull the woo out and fool some of us with some science "sounding" terms and convince everyone who doesn't know what "ions" are. You serious? 

All I want is to do is get decent information. I'm not defending fluoride. I just want to get it right. Anecdotes aren't helping. I just want reasonable evidence here. If you're going to present yourself as a representative of this understanding, then I'd think you be more interested in making more thorough arguments.

This one study looked at some of the claims and said it was inconclusive but the risk of fluorosis was present if too much was ingested: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022113905002599#sec3.5.1

The way dentists view it is that: The fluorine replaces hydroxyl in the mineral hydroxylapatite in your teeth in a process called remineralization. The resulting fluorapatite is then stronger. The reason fluoride is said to be good for the teeth is because it binds calcium. The reason fluoride can be toxic in large doses is because... it binds calcium needed for muscle contraction. A large toxic dose could interfere with the operation of your diaphragm, for example. The acceptable levels of ingested fluoride (.7-1.2 ppm in water fluoridation) and topical fluoride (up to 5000 ppm) have been fine tuned to avoid toxic effects.Tooth enamel is composed of crystals of Ca5(PO4)3X, where X can be either an F-, Cl- or OH- ion. The crystals are strongest and most resistant to dissolution with an F- in that spot, but nature predominantly puts an OH- there instead. By putting fluoride in drinking water, and getting similar but more intense treatments from your dentist, you're replacing the OH- with F-, thus making your teeth more resistant to decay. At a certain point, your teeth have absorbed all the fluoride they can, which is why such treatment is usually discontinued when people reach adulthood.

Claims that europe has abandoned fluoride are pretty false. A lot of the water systems there are older and don't have systems in place to fluoridate water. However many of them DO sell fluoridated table salts on a very large scale. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluoridation_by_country. Also, you have to consider think of the percentage of the population that oppose fluoridation like those who reject evolution or some other scientific claim. A vast segment of the population doesn't believe in evolution, but how many of them understand it or why it was even introduced? 

Additionally, Fluoridation isn't also ADDING fluoride. Sometimes, its REMOVING  IT. Natural ground aquifers depending where you live, especially on the west-coast and southwest of the US can have WAY more fluoride in it than is recommended for consumption so there is a need to regulate how much is present there. 

Also, the required levels of Fluoride in municipal tap water reservoirs are TIGHTLY regulated, unlike  bottled water regulated from the FDA. Most people say tap is sometimes better than most bottled water because of the sheer difference in regulations. Then you have to remember that fluoride levels are WAY below the standards needed for toxicity to be introduced. 

A lot of people cite this study (http://www.fluoride-journal.com/03-36-2/362-084.pdf) but some of the evidence isn't convincing. One, the study was retracted from the journal it was pre-published in. Out of six groups of kids, the only ones with a statistically significant increase in ******ation rate are the ones drinking water with well above the WHO recommended fluoride level of 1.0 mg/L, the error bars on the group-based measurements are so wide as to make comparisons pointless, and the trend line for the children as a whole predicts an IQ drop of all of 2-3 points at the 1.0 mg/L fluoridation mark, even after an "adjustment" for creatinine which is not adequately explained. The authors do some acrobatics in the conclusion to make their results seem more significant.

The NAP also produced a study that showed that fluorosis could be a major problem and is CORRELATED (not caused) with IQ, but the low fluorosis exposure groups still were exposed to fluoride, just not toxic levels. http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=11571#toc

NOW, could everyone be wrong about ANY amount of fluoride and we havent discovered anything yet to rock the world? Sure. In fact, I HOPE they find something saying how detrimental fluoride is. Why? Because then we can move firmly in one direction or another.

I like being right about things. I know you do too. I'm happy to admit when I've made an error or that i'm mistaken about something. My goal is to get to doing as many valid, true, or real things as possible and pushing everything that isn't of those three categories to the back. The point is to look at all the data and see where it leads us. I don't want to be "mind controlled" or feel like the government wants to turn us all into lemmings. I'm against that too. However, based in the evidence, I don't see anything supporting the claims being presented. 

At the end of the day, I guess you're free to drink whatever you want and I hope it stays that way. 
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