flight club

Can someone PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE send me an invite?
Hey NT is it just me or can you still cop these on the website right now ??? I already got my 4 prs so $150 a pair very sad I copped them right at 3 PST anddid not know about the code and I used 2 diff accounts to cop since it was only 2 per account.

With that said I went back to airjordanflightclub.com and it is still showing you can put them in your cart so I tried to get 2 more prs with the discounts andit kept comming up error and it would not let me proceed to the page where it says your order has been processed does anyone know if these are still availableon there or what ???.

Also about returns does anyone know if I call NDC tomorrow and say I would like to cancel 1 of my orders will they let me ??? or will I have to wait until Iget the shoes and then send them back in order to get the refund ???

any info on these matters will be greatly apprciated thanks NT.
I already ordered some but I didn't get the 20% off so I was trying to order more and get them for $120 instead of $150 and then I was just going to sendthe one's I paid $150 for back to NDC.

Why won't it let me get to the confirmation page it keeps saying ERROR does anyone know why it is doing this ???
Originally Posted by dalamina

flight club ships only to the US.Damn.
I tried to order and got nowhere, it won't even let me ship to my US address because i don't have a US credit card
Would it be that hard to have worldwide shipping??
this coupon code 2PCTH7E does not work anymore they prob caught all the people getting them for $120.00 and not $150.00 and cancelled the code congrats to allthat got them for $120.00 I unfortunitly was unable to get them for $120.00 because I copped right when they went on sale at 3PST and had no idea about anycode so I paid the original price of $150 plus tax per pr.
dunno what happened w/my jumpman23 accounts.....been a member since it first was up and running, but i never received the email for these.

can someone hook me up an invite?

thx in advance,

[email protected]
^ Yea I went in with one account and got 2 pair for $120 and turned around with my other account and it wouldn't let me use it. THis was around 9:30 E.T.
DAMN! it looks like my order didn't go through! my card shows that the money was not charged! yall better get your confirmation emails before making it alock!
DAMN! it looks like my order didn't go through! my card shows that the money was not charged! yall better get your confirmation emails before making it a lock!

When you go to the Nike website and look at your order history, does it say in progress? If it does I think they will charge you sometime today or sometimenext week.I'm going through the same thing.I called Nike a few minutes and the rep said if it doesn't ship today then it will ship next week.
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