First Atheist Monument in the US.

You build a monument to honor something not to antagonize people.They could have built it anywhere but choose to build it in front of the court house. Building a monument across the street from the ten commandments seems more out of spite than to honor science.

People act like religion is the great evil of the world. But in reality its that people like to criticize and ostracize people who think differently from them. People like to believe that their beliefs are superior and defend them so vigorously because they tie their pride and egos to them thinking their beliefs define them. These people are building this monument to antagonize religious folk proving that it isn't religion that is bad, its people's inability to tolerate each others differences.

Brah read the article. The monument is just to remind people of the truth. That America is no a Christian Nation and was not found as a Christian Nation.

If religious folk can't handle that fact, then that's really their problem.

And please get the outta here implying that religion is being used as some scapegoat for people killing each other. People walk into crowded buildings and blow up themselves, women and children. All in the name of God and a prophet who was a child raping pedophile.

But oh that's right, they'll not your religion so it is different right. :rolleyes
For anyone confused and/or just curious, check out the documentary Religulous. Extremely well-done, funny, and interesting. Directed by Bill Maher.

This monument is... discussion worthy. I know one monument doesn't change what atheists said they would never do, but it does seem a bit hypocritical. A monument isn't in your face I guess, but the publicity it will get may be. Who knows.
So just to recap.. A monument of "commands" that damns the reader to an eternal lake of fire if not followed is NOT antagonizing anyone?
They didn't put the Ten Commandments there with the intent to offend. You are the one finding offense in it. The ten commandments can be be interpreted by a Christian in many different ways. That doesn't mean it's meant as insult to non believers . if there was a statue of e=mc^2 that doesnt mean that people of religious faith are stupid for believing in anything other then science or any other inference that a person could concoct. it is simply just a statue of a scientific law. Meant to be appreciated at face value.

I'm not saying religious people are not without fault. Religious people can be judgmental. But guess what everyone is judgmental. We do wrong and always justify our actions but are quick to condemn others as scum or without virtue.The point I'm trying to make is I thought atheists prided themselves in their open mindlessness and tolerance. Obviously this doesn't represent the actions or behavior of all atheists only a small minority. But these guys are becoming part of the greater problem not the solution.
What the hell doea an athiest need with a monument? :lol:

I'm sayin'

The monument in itself is questionable...

I thought their whole M.O. was non-belief

You're making a monument to tell everyone...that you don't believe

As an "atheist", I gotta agree here, this is corny

like Degrasse Tyson said, why does the word atheist even exist? :lol: No such thing as non basketball players forming a word and making a monument in front of Staples Center to let the world know they dont play basketball :lol:

we still experience discrimination though...
No beliefs are being pushed with the monument though. Read the whole article.

Read it.

An atheist believes that a hospital should be built instead of a church. An atheist believes that a deed must be done instead of a prayer said. An atheist strives for involvement in life and not escape into death. He wants disease conquered, poverty banished, war eliminated.

-Founder of the American Atheists

Yeah, beliefs are being pushed.

Beliefs are being stated.

Its definitely soft trolling, but its in response to the commandments not being removed. They settled on "you guys can have a monument too". Seems fair.
Beliefs are being stated.

Its definitely soft trolling, but its in response to the commandments not being removed. They settled on "you guys can have a monument too". Seems fair.

Bruh....c'mon now

A monument deliberately placed across another with the beliefs inscribed on it from the founder...

You can't say "no it's not being PUSHED it's being stated!" That's like saying Martin Luther King's speech was an announcement. You can't play the technicality game

It's a gotdamn MONUMENT
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The monument is definitely out of spite. I find it stupid. It is a cool monument, I like it very much. But c'mon now. I'm an atheist, I put my name into the atheist census, and I was good. I don't want a bunch of monuments spreading my non-belief. How is that possible? A statue of an atheist maybe. This though, nah.

I'm sorry, I do not approve.
The monument is definitely out of spite. I find it stupid. It is a cool monument, I like it very much. But c'mon now. I'm an atheist, I put my name into the atheist census, and I was good. I don't want a bunch of monuments spreading my non-belief. How is that possible? A statue of an atheist maybe. This though, nah.

I'm sorry, I do not approve.

I am not an atheist but much respect

I like what you stand for and quite frankly this should be the attitude of all atheists.

It's never going to be but whatever
Having a Christian monument on public grounds gives the appearance of the State endorsing religion. This is to balance out the message.
Having a Christian monument on public grounds gives the appearance of the State endorsing religion. This is to balance out the message.

I understand that. I would rather that neither side had monuments, and religion stays within the churches and homes. But that won't happen any time soon. Lets be real, how much is this going to help anything? It won't. It will just make a bunch of Christians angry. Who wants that?

I'm fine with my beliefs, and I don't give a damn about the next man's beliefs. Why should I? I believe in nothing, so what object could you possibly make to show that?

I'll tell you.

You can't

It's an object made out of spite. It's childish if you ask me. You have a monument, so I want a monument!

Come on. As an atheist, I don't approve. Let's just keep the census growing and move on.
I understand that. I would rather that neither side had monuments, and religion stays within the churches and homes. But that won't happen any time soon. Lets be real, how much is this going to help anything? It won't. It will just make a bunch of Christians angry. Who wants that?

I'm fine with my beliefs, and I don't give a damn about the next man's beliefs. Why should I? I believe in nothing, so what object could you possibly make to show that?

I'll tell you.

You can't

It's an object made out of spite. It's childish if you ask me. You have a monument, so I want a monument!

Come on. As an atheist, I don't approve. Let's just keep the census growing and move on.'s so petty.
As an Atheist, I don't really see the point. I don't need anything that states or proves my disbelief; everything in the this planet is a testament to the nonexistence of god.
Having a Christian monument on public grounds gives the appearance of the State endorsing religion. This is to balance out the message.
I'm a Christian and i support atheists in their right to build monuments if they decide they want to. If they also want to build a monument across the street from a Christian one than that is their right as Americans. But lets not pretend we dont know what the message is. Their not exercising their free speech to voice their opinions and beliefs. They are doing it to antagonize Christians. If this group of atheists respected other peoples beliefs they wouldn't be doing this. Is this what America should be? Wouldn't it be ridiculous if I saw a Jewish or Islamic monument and purposely built a Christian one nearby as an act of protest.  I also understand that many people of different faiths can be guilty of this behavior alot more often then atheists. But in this case they are doing the very thing they condemn.  Nobody is saying atheist monuments shouldn't be built. I think what most people in this thread are saying is building one across the street as an act of protest is a petty thing to do. 
So just to recap.. A monument of "commands" that damns the reader to an eternal lake of fire if not followed is NOT antagonizing anyone?
They didn't put the Ten Commandments there with the intent to offend. You are the one finding offense in it. The ten commandments can be be interpreted by a Christian in many different ways. That doesn't mean it's meant as insult to non believers . if there was a statue of e=mc^2 that doesnt mean that people of religious faith are stupid for believing in anything other then science or any other inference that a person could concoct. it is simply just a statue of a scientific law. Meant to be appreciated at face value.

I'm not saying religious people are not without fault. Religious people can be judgmental. But guess what everyone is judgmental. We do wrong and always justify our actions but are quick to condemn others as scum or without virtue.The point I'm trying to make is I thought atheists prided themselves in their open mindlessness and tolerance. Obviously this doesn't represent the actions or behavior of all atheists only a small minority. But these guys are becoming part of the greater problem not the solution.

What IS the solution, though? To tell this particular group not to exercise their rights? I guess they won, just with the threat of the monument because, as someone mentioned, it's officially a discussion. At the very least, it brings up the significance of symbolism.
I feel like there is this huge stereotype that atheists really like to troll. 
What IS the solution, though? To tell this particular group not to exercise their rights? I guess they won, just with the threat of the monument because, as someone mentioned, it's officially a discussion. At the very least, it brings up the significance of symbolism.
The solution is to be respectful of the things people believe and not impose your beliefs or way of life on other people. To respect that we believe different things and not belittle each other. 

   I also didnt say atheists shouldnt or cant exercise their rights. I mentioned that like 2 posts above yours. 
IMO, it was very bad taste in placement, because now the message is weakened in structure, but the message is also amplified in distance because of the commandment monument vs atheist monument stand off. If it were placed anywhere else, many people would of never heard about it. How the game is played.

It's like Richard Dawkins giggling and throwing eggs at Joel Osteen's house.

I'm not going to sit here and act like atheist aren't persecuted and treated unfairly in this country, we need a foundation to stand on. This monument isn't what's needed but it helps out, it shows that we do have a community of people with the same mindset, for many individuals unsure about their ideas, that they're not crazy about there closet atheist beliefs.
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