First Atheist Monument in the US.

Atheists taking it too far. Reading the article and its looking like this is just being done out of spite.
At this point, you letting the religious folk bring you down to their level.
So atheists are above those who believe in a God ?

And I think NT has the highest percentage of atheists that ive seen anywhere
Atheists are like the Lakers fans of religion 

seems like one religious person speaks up and 10 atheists pop up with pitchforks and the others are in the background prepping concentration camps.

Good to see a community get together behind a single commonality, the eradication of theism. 

In fact, if Atheism is the new gay, I would venture to say that in 50 years, religion will be the new gay.
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i will one day make a trip and see this for myself since this is like a couple of hours from me :pimp:

...that's if the jesus freaks haven't torn it down yet :smh:
I grew up Catholic, went to Sunday school for 8 years--got baptized, first communion, and confirmation. And I don't mind if atheists want to do this, as long as they don't force or push their beliefs on others, the same way I don't condone any other religion forcing their beliefs on others. Matter of fact, sometimes I feel like I'm in the middle, anyone else feel that way?
Man they did we out religion behind us and the problems that it has created we would be a greater world
Man they did we out religion behind us and the problems that it has created we would be a greater world

Not really. People will find a way to start stuff no matter what. There is always something that will cause conflict among people.

Also if there was no religion, so many people would think that there is no reason to live a "good" lifestyle. If anything the crime rate and conflict would increase. Everyone would be on some YOLO type ish
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with 1 monument?

With any sort of monument...religious people are criticized for pushing their beliefs on other people and now there are "atheism evangelists"

We'd rather there be no monuments at all, but if they are allowed to have the Ten Commandments, we will have our own

Yeah, hypocrisy

No beliefs are being pushed with the monument though. Read the whole article.

The Stiefel Freethought Foundation, a group led by millionaire atheist Todd Stiefel, funded the new atheist monument to the tune of $6,000. It will include a quote from the Treaty of Tripoli, a 1796 peace agreement between the U.S. and North African Muslims, which has become a rallying point for atheists because of its declaration that "the government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion."

The display will also feature Biblical quotes that supporters say correspond to the Ten Commandments, such as Deuteronomy 13:10, which says to "stone him with stones" so "that he die" in reference to people who worship other gods. (The first commandment reads, "You shall have no other gods before me.")

I love this.

I sincerely doubt not having religion would effect crime rates though. Especially considering religious people already participate in the same crimes as the nonreligious.
You build a monument to honor something not to antagonize people.They could have built it anywhere but choose to build it in front of the court house. Building a monument across the street from the ten commandments seems more out of spite than to honor science.

People act like religion is the great evil of the world. But in reality its that people like to criticize and ostracize people who think differently from them. People like to believe that their beliefs are superior and defend them so vigorously because they tie their pride and egos to them thinking their beliefs define them. These people are building this monument to antagonize religious folk proving that it isn't religion that is bad, its people's inability to tolerate each others differences.
You build a monument to honor something not to antagonize people.They could have built it anywhere but choose to build it in front of the court house. Building a monument across the street from the ten commandments seems more out of spite than to honor science.

People act like religion is the great evil of the world. But in reality its that people like to criticize and ostracize people who think differently from them. People like to believe that their beliefs are superior and defend them so vigorously because they tie their pride and egos to them thinking their beliefs define them. These people are building this monument to antagonize religious folk proving that it isn't religion that is bad, its people's inability to tolerate each others differences.

So just to recap.. A monument of "commands" that damns the reader to an eternal lake of fire if not followed is NOT antagonizing anyone?
No beliefs are being pushed with the monument though. Read the whole article.

Read it.

An atheist believes that a hospital should be built instead of a church. An atheist believes that a deed must be done instead of a prayer said. An atheist strives for involvement in life and not escape into death. He wants disease conquered, poverty banished, war eliminated.

-Founder of the American Atheists

Yeah, beliefs are being pushed.
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So just to recap.. A monument of "commands" that damns the reader to an eternal lake of fire if not followed is NOT antagonizing anyone?

That monument was not built for another.

This one was built and strategically placed across the other one so that people will know of the conflicting beliefs. That's that antagonizing that he's referring to.
So just to recap.. A monument of "commands" that damns the reader to an eternal lake of fire if not followed is NOT antagonizing anyone?
That monument was not built for another.

This one was built and strategically placed across the other one so that people will know of the conflicting beliefs. That's that antagonizing that he's referring to.
Reminds me of the BMW/Audi billboard war 
So just to recap.. A monument of "commands" that damns the reader to an eternal lake of fire if not followed is NOT antagonizing anyone?

That monument was not built for another.

This one was built and strategically placed across the other one so that people will know of the conflicting beliefs. That's that antagonizing that he's referring to.

But still no one is being damed to hell or persecuted. Just a concrete quip, of sorts, no? I just find it funny that he has no problem with the statue damning people to hell, but has a problem with a statue poking fun at a statue damning people to hell. It is what it is, I guess.
People act like religion is the great evil of the world. But in reality its that people like to criticize and ostracize people who think differently from them. People like to believe that their beliefs are superior and defend them so vigorously because they tie their pride and egos to them thinking their beliefs define them. These people are building this monument to antagonize religious folk proving that it isn't religion that is bad, its people's inability to tolerate each others differences.

Exactly. Well said. With or without religion people would find a reason to hate and kill each other.
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But still no one is being damed to hell or persecuted. Just a concrete quip, of sorts, no? I just find it funny that he has no problem with the statue damning people to hell, but has a problem with a statue poking fun at a statue damning people to hell. It is what it is, I guess.

I'm pretty sure the ten commandments monument, in itself, doesn't reference the actual damning people to Hell, just the ten commandments.

If the atheist monument was built somewhere else by its own means I wouldn't really have a problem with it.

The intent of this atheist monument is, i daresay, to challenge the monument across from it which kinda taints what a monument stands for.
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But still no one is being damed to hell or persecuted. Just a concrete quip, of sorts, no? I just find it funny that he has no problem with the statue damning people to hell, but has a problem with a statue poking fun at a statue damning people to hell. It is what it is, I guess.
I'm pretty sure the ten commandments monument, in itself, doesn't reference the actual damning people to Hell, just the ten commandments.

If the atheist monument was built somewhere else by its own means I wouldn't really have a problem with it.

The intent of this atheist monument is, i daresay, to challenge the monument across from it which kinda taints what a monument stands for.
isn't that the main objective?

I've noticed on NT its usually just atheists challenging and poking holes at every religious post. And when asked why they do this they respond with something along the lines of "its their right to do so, when religious folks are posting about their own beliefs" 

its a never ending cycle really.
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