fire red project " tutorial added 3/13/09 page 4" black cement project added!!! 6th page!!!

My cdp 4 is chipping the paint out... how do i put back the paint?? what should i use any surggestion?
ok now for the tutorial

first stage CLEANING


1) wash off any dirt with warm to hot water with eather a soft brush or what i used i pot plastic ball brush thing lol dont know what its called

2) if just dirty from normal wear skip step one...grab a bowl or anything u can mix in..grab some "bar keepers" i got mine at lows u can also get the acetone there...
pour a good amount into bowl and add hot water mix until water looks milky and has foam on top, now grab a baby tooth brush "got mine at the doller store whoop whoop they came in a pack of 5" so now all u do is srcub away!  use mild preausre on mid sole so u wont scrub away the paint "aslo if your doing this to your 3s or any other shoe that has cement print do not again do not let the mix sit, clean right away the print will suck it up and will turn a powdery white, do the shoe in sections like you would when u wash a car so the mix wont dry up on the leather...once u see that u got most of the grimmy stuff out whipe off with clean moist rag and dry off with a fully dry rag for best results. also in between dipping the tooth brush  mix the water. also extra dirty areas poor some bar keepers on the tooth brush and apply to area dry after dip your thooth brush into the mix and scrub works gerat to get into the webing of the Vs aslo great to bring back the white on the mesh of the 11s     NOTE: i have not tried this on suade and dont plan too use this only on leather and on midsole
3) now that the shoe has been cleaned use any leather cleaner on the market "i found mine at the doller store lol of course i tired it on sone other shoes first and i liked the out come"  so i used it but u can use any car leather cleaner for an extra white mix a small ammount of white shoe polish to your leather cleaner make sure u get it only on what u want to get white this is were your patients kicks in

4) after u have let the shoe dry and want to bring back some of the cement print if applicable grab a clean cloth and some baby oil damp once yes once lol and apply to the print clean off any acces oil this will bring back your print the baby oil works great on suade i did this to my playoff 8s and brought them back ten times better than that ugly faded look make suer u let the shoe dry and whipe off any acces oil... 

and there u have it thats how u get your shoes cleaned simple huh just need time and patients 

now for the painting

   your going to need masking tape "doller store" some angelus acrylic leather paint. u can only order this on line at the paint is about two bucks and like another two bucks for shipping i got mine really fast took only a couple of days. a set of soft paint brushes the softer the better "less stroke marks" but keep in mind that in the first two layers u will see brush marks they go away after every coat. u will also need clear acrylic sealer "matte" got the brushes and the sealer at michaels but im sure u can find this stuff at any art or craft store...your aslo goining to need cotten balls and Qtips, a blow dryer to speed up the drying time in between coats.

1) mask the shoe off  so the acetone wont touch the leater



2) once u got all the paint off make sure u keep one shoe painted so u can follow the same patern so u know what needs to be painted black red white ect... 
now that the shoe has all the paint off  take the masking tape off cuz it probably got acetone all over it


 all u have to do know is tape off the section u want to paint


and start painting

4) painting take some time and like 4 to 5 coats to look clean..start off with a base coat again do one section at a time. in between coats use the blow dryer from at least a foot way if u need to go close turn it down to warm or cool air.... once u see it dry apply another coat of paint... i recomend useing different size brushes for better results use the thin to out line the shoe and this is very important do not again do not or avoid to paint on the tape if u brush paint were the outlining of the tape is once u try to take it off it will bring some of the paint with it will strech and rip..that will make the line look so ugly and not crispy...see what happens is that once the paint drys it turns into like this plasic that prevents the paint from cracking so when u walk the paint moves with the movment of the shoe there for deleting the cracks and chips so if it drys on the tape once u pull it off it will bring some of the paint that is on the shoe with it... try to out line the place u are trying to paint with i small brush and light paint...ok so once u are done painting a section take off the tape and cover that part off to paint a different colered section try and get the lines as crispy as posible and use small pieces of tape to make the "round" effect

5) after the shoe has been painted spray the acrylic sealer from a distance for if done too close it will be too much and it will clot and look hella ugly so just lighty spray it on let it dry and your done brand new shoes!!

if any ?s please feel free to ask ill try my best to help u all out enjoy and have fun lol i recomend getting a 6pack of coronas lol takes lots of time!!!! but worth it at the end




I did a pair of 3's & 4's over a few years back they came out super fresh but after awhile the paint chipped again mostly on the white part of the midsoles. Idk perhaps I didn't use da right mix but I didn't do a lot of the steps u did I was @ work doing this while I had free time.
Can u post picks of them after a few wears so we can see how well they hold up.
Originally Posted by anDown Goes Frasier

I did a pair of 3's & 4's over a few years back they came out super fresh but after awhile the paint chipped again mostly on the white part of the midsoles. Idk perhaps I didn't use da right mix but I didn't do a lot of the steps u did I was @ work doing this while I had free time.
Can u post picks of them after a few wears so we can see how well they hold up.

yeah i can do that
ghotemex23!! You are the man bro!!! Awesome tutorial! How did you learn how to do all this? I can't wait to try it out and resurrect some of my J's. I was wondering if I could use an airbrush with those Angelus Acrylic Leather Paints...

The thing I'm worried about with using the airbrush is it will be hard to not get overspray on the masking tape, so when I remove the masking tape it might pull on the rest of the dried paint. I'll have to do a couple of test runs with this, but if I could avoid paint strokes with the airbrush, I will be super pleased!

Thanks again!!
Originally Posted by mikecabrera

ghotemex23!! You are the man bro!!! Awesome tutorial! How did you learn how to do all this? I can't wait to try it out and resurrect some of my J's. I was wondering if I could use an airbrush with those Angelus Acrylic Leather Paints...

The thing I'm worried about with using the airbrush is it will be hard to not get overspray on the masking tape, so when I remove the masking tape it might pull on the rest of the dried paint. I'll have to do a couple of test runs with this, but if I could avoid paint strokes with the airbrush, I will be super pleased!

Thanks again!!
bro i thoguht of the same thing!!!!! i wanted to get an air brush kit so i can start doing it like that reduces time and comes out cleaner but yeah the only thing i can think of is grab a box cutter blade and lighty go thru were the tape seem is but it happend to me a couple times it fixable just go over it with a brush ofter the paint doesnt peel hella bad it just takes a little chunk if your not carefull and when u take the tape off pull away from the paint so if it does strech a little it would be left over paint not taking it from the paint " did that make sense? lol

also i forgot to add try out the cleaning and painting on some old beat up shoes that u know u dont want or that u have just to work or do things u wont do with some js lol see how u like it u know

2002 Black/White/Red Jordan IX's

Project: Fire Red.

Started February 2002.

Completed (about a week later).

They went from...


As you can see, i beat 'em to death.

I also had the black/silver VI lows that came out in 2002... i made them Varsity Reds from the same material left from those IX's.

I sold them for 80 bucks after 5 wears becuz my homeboy was mad consistent about me selling them and i'm a yes man (or was).

Any who... i'll do this again in a heart beat.
dam bro i can see what they could look like and might do that u should start from scratch again follow my steps to take off the paint and repaint those shoes unless u are trying to donate to the cause and ship them over to me lol 
  and i can give it a shot let me know if your interested
Originally Posted by ghetomex23

dam bro i can see what they could look like and might do that u should start from scratch again follow my steps to take off the paint and repaint those shoes unless u are trying to donate to the cause and ship them over to me lol 
  and i can give it a shot let me know if your interested

Haha... you know what, you deserve some kind of consolation for erecting this thread as it
prompted me to whip these out and showcase them.

But, i'll at least grant your wish, remove the paint and start on

Air Jordan IX Project Fire Red Part Deux.

I remember wearing these to hoop in and these cats laughed at me cuz they assumed,

"Okay, we havent' seen these in stores, they were never released... they prolly fake!"

I don't blame them.

When they were done, the IX's were clean as hell.

Mind you... it wasn't even a restoration job on some beaters; I applied the paint on BRAND NEW SHOES.

This time around, i would definitely take more care of them as i was type negligent back in college.

My concern at this point is... 1. how do i clean the sock liner (the portion under the laces) - that shouldn't be too hard, but
need to know how to rewhiten them. And 2. How to i remove the years of charred, scarred, grime, gunk, debri, and stains
from the sole?

Originally Posted by ghetomex23

Originally Posted by mikecabrera

Originally Posted by ghetomex23

Originally Posted by stevesteve72

If that is really the same pair of V's then you my man are amazing. And I'm not being sarcastic nice work

thanks bro and yes there the same Vs lol see all u need is time and the right stuff to get this kind of job done there is so many thing out there to restore your shoes for example most of the creases i got out with a small iron...grab a thin face towal spray some water on it and iron softly but make sure u stuff the shoe from the toebox to lift a little and slowly the creases come out just like a shirt and to bring back the white leather i used a leather cleaner/whitener......for all the dirt i first used hot hot water to take most of the dirt and mud chunks off after i got most of it out i just used a thooth brush but give me a couple of hours and ill make a tutorial with pics of matirial i used.....
Woohoo!!  Can't wait for your tutorial bro!!  Will be much appreciate by all here!!  Much thanks for taking your time to do this for us. 

no problem so i was just on craigslist looking for some new js and i fell upon these beauties guys is asking 100 bucks for them but going to try and work out a deal with him so i can get them restore them and post up on here for all ya to see my work step by step  ill post up the link so u guys can see that its legit that im buyin them 

the link to his craigslist post 

check it out

I really hope you do these. I bought a pair of these recently and I want to freshen up the white parts. Mine are no where near as bad as those, but the white sections on the midsole are turning yellow. I am just kind of scared I will mess up lol.
BinYe wrote:

Originally Posted by ghetomex23

dam bro i can see what they could look like and might do that u should start from scratch again follow my steps to take off the paint and repaint those shoes unless u are trying to donate to the cause and ship them over to me lol 
  and i can give it a shot let me know if your interested

Haha... you know what, you deserve some kind of consolation for erecting this thread as it
prompted me to whip these out and showcase them.

But, i'll at least grant your wish, remove the paint and start on

Air Jordan IX Project Fire Red Part Deux.

I remember wearing these to hoop in and these cats laughed at me cuz they assumed,

"Okay, we havent' seen these in stores, they were never released... they prolly fake!"

I don't blame them.

When they were done, the IX's were clean as hell.

Mind you... it wasn't even a restoration job on some beaters; I applied the paint on BRAND NEW SHOES.

This time around, i would definitely take more care of them as i was type negligent back in college.

My concern at this point is... 1. how do i clean the sock liner (the portion under the laces) - that shouldn't be too hard, but
need to know how to rewhiten them. And 2. How to i remove the years of charred, scarred, grime, gunk, debri, and stains
from the sole?

to clean the iner part at the bottem of the shoe laces its simple tooth brush  "bar keepers freind" and hot water make the mix and also apply a dry rub do it over and over and al that stuff will come off and turn white again and for the mid sole same concept except run the sole under hot water to get as much as that old gunk and junk to unstick from the sole and with a bigger brush rub the hell out of it no need to worry about the soles let me know how this turns out and dont worry about the haters bet u if they only knew what u did and that they were legit kicks they would want in on it rock what u feel like u know i did some air maxes and i have ppl come up to me asking were i got them and i said i made them ....ill tell ya them cats wanted in askin if i could hook them up...the air maxes were simple and they were my test dummys







and there u go fire red air maxes lol
Originally Posted by sthebest1984

Originally Posted by ghetomex23

Originally Posted by DMoney82

Man the Fire Red's only been out a few years and your yellowing already? I swear on everything I love you just made me remember I had these. I'm bout to go look for em now. Haven't wore em 08'. God damn I loved this shoe. $*% I just remembered the Aqua 8 retros too!!!! Thnx for this thread!!! 

lol your welcome bro and i have a little trick to bring out the aqua 8s too! makes the suade all buttery and black again get at me...

let me oil?

 i was thinking the same thing....
Originally Posted by mikecabrera

ghotemex23!! You are the man bro!!! Awesome tutorial! How did you learn how to do all this? I can't wait to try it out and resurrect some of my J's. I was wondering if I could use an airbrush with those Angelus Acrylic Leather Paints...

The thing I'm worried about with using the airbrush is it will be hard to not get overspray on the masking tape, so when I remove the masking tape it might pull on the rest of the dried paint. I'll have to do a couple of test runs with this, but if I could avoid paint strokes with the airbrush, I will be super pleased!

Thanks again!!
If you get paint on the tape just take an exacto knife..or any sharp knife, and score the line between the tape and what you should come off clean that way
Originally Posted by prattn33

Originally Posted by mikecabrera

ghotemex23!! You are the man bro!!! Awesome tutorial! How did you learn how to do all this? I can't wait to try it out and resurrect some of my J's. I was wondering if I could use an airbrush with those Angelus Acrylic Leather Paints...

The thing I'm worried about with using the airbrush is it will be hard to not get overspray on the masking tape, so when I remove the masking tape it might pull on the rest of the dried paint. I'll have to do a couple of test runs with this, but if I could avoid paint strokes with the airbrush, I will be super pleased!

Thanks again!!
If you get paint on the tape just take an exacto knife..or any sharp knife, and score the line between the tape and what you should come off clean that way

   yeah that works really well but u need to be super carefull not to cut into the leather but that works
Originally Posted by dtb00201

Originally Posted by ghetomex23

Originally Posted by mikecabrera

Originally Posted by ghetomex23

Originally Posted by stevesteve72

If that is really the same pair of V's then you my man are amazing. And I'm not being sarcastic nice work

thanks bro and yes there the same Vs lol see all u need is time and the right stuff to get this kind of job done there is so many thing out there to restore your shoes for example most of the creases i got out with a small iron...grab a thin face towal spray some water on it and iron softly but make sure u stuff the shoe from the toebox to lift a little and slowly the creases come out just like a shirt and to bring back the white leather i used a leather cleaner/whitener......for all the dirt i first used hot hot water to take most of the dirt and mud chunks off after i got most of it out i just used a thooth brush but give me a couple of hours and ill make a tutorial with pics of matirial i used.....
Woohoo!!  Can't wait for your tutorial bro!!  Will be much appreciate by all here!!  Much thanks for taking your time to do this for us. 

no problem so i was just on craigslist looking for some new js and i fell upon these beauties guys is asking 100 bucks for them but going to try and work out a deal with him so i can get them restore them and post up on here for all ya to see my work step by step  ill post up the link so u guys can see that its legit that im buyin them 

the link to his craigslist post 

check it out

I really hope you do these. I bought a pair of these recently and I want to freshen up the white parts. Mine are no where near as bad as those, but the white sections on the midsole are turning yellow. I am just kind of scared I will mess up lol.

lol bro i wish i got these but the guy hasnt hit me back up but i would of loved to have done these for all ya but again if any one has any beaters like this and would like to see them get restored hit me up and dont be scared bro practice on some old kicks all u have to do is get the tape lined up as close as u can and just follow my steps and u should be good to go
question howd u fix the cracks in the white on the bottom of the fire 3's.... this has happened to a few of my shoes didnt know if i could fix em
Originally Posted by joerocks99

question howd u fix the cracks in the white on the bottom of the fire 3's.... this has happened to a few of my shoes didnt know if i could fix em

if the white insole is the only thing that is cracking all u have to do is tape up the leather and the red part of the midsole and leave the white un taped after grab a hand full of cotten balls some acetone and just whipe all the paint off after grab some white angelus paint, a soft brush and paint away  but if your talking about a creas on the actual midsole well that i dont know how to fix its just all the presure that u put on the shoe that creates that crease....but if its just the paint well that can be fixed.....did that answer your ? bro 
Originally Posted by joerocks99

question howd u fix the cracks in the white on the bottom of the fire 3's.... this has happened to a few of my shoes didnt know if i could fix em

if the white insole is the only thing that is cracking all u have to do is tape up the leather and the red part of the midsole and leave the white un taped after grab a hand full of cotten balls some acetone and just whipe all the paint off after grab some white angelus paint, a soft brush and paint away  but if your talking about a creas on the actual midsole well that i dont know how to fix its just all the presure that u put on the shoe that creates that crease....but if its just the paint well that can be fixed.....did that answer your ? bro 
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