Final: Pistons (18-7) Celtics (20-3) Billups Sells the Fake!

Can't really blame Tony Allen on that final play. Most player will try to block it will only 1.7 seconds left. Great game nonetheless since it's thefirst game I've watched the Celtics playing a quality team.
If you talkin to me, I had that in the quick reply box after the foul but didnt press it, but I wasnt acting like I was 'calling' it, I said it needs to be him, then edited wit a
after the foul...
I meant the referees calling that foul; don't end a great game like that.

Fifth, I wish I had a screencap of the chick's booty when the cameras went to Devin Harris in the Mavs' locker room. Looked like Rachel Nichols.

Rachel Nichols has nice buns?
That was a %%*%+%# great fake. He got me with that *!*@, I looked up to see if the ball was going in.
5am6oody72 wrote:
Come on now.

How are you gonna end the game on a pump fake-lean into the defender foul? The Reggie Miller Special?

That's why I quit watching the NBA outside of my two teams, but I figured this would be a good game so I'd watch. Now I remember why I stopped.
I hear you, bud.

This crap has GOT to stop.
pump fake-lean into the defender
It's just such a shame that someone KNOWN for pulling this pulled it to end the game.
and also tony allen hadn't played as much as the others had. u can't really just bring him into a situation like this, at the end and most importantpart of the game and have him faceoff with a guy like Chauncey
Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Fifth, I wish I had a screencap of the chick's booty when the cameras went to Devin Harris in the Mavs' locker room. Looked like Rachel Nichols.
Rachel Nichols has nice buns?

That's what I'm saying... I don't know if it was her. Cuz she damn sure doesn't strike me as the type to have some nice cheeks.

Anyone with a dvr, rewind to like the last 30 seconds of the Celtics-Pistons and confirm!
come on, he did nothing that Kobe or any other known "clutch possession" player woulda did, Kobe pumps every time in that situation...he's tryingto win. If its not in a exciting movie-like fashion, so be a Pistons fan, i'll take it.
1.7 seconds left? Yeah, I'm pretty sure 100% of NTers would have been on that fake as well.
Can't really blame Tony Allen on that final play. Most player will try to block it will only 1.7 seconds left.
The last thing you want to do is go for a shot block on a JUMP SHOOTER to end the game.....
Ahh, it was probably Lisa Salters. Makes sense. Checkered black & white pants. Not sure if that's what Lisa is wearing tonight.

Damn, I'm turning a b-ball thread into a booty thread.
The last thing you want to do is go for a shot block on a JUMP SHOOTER to end the game

SO what should he have done, just stand there and watch Billups shoot a 16 footer? That would have been dumb.

Tony Allen made an instinctive basketball play. Problem is, he's not in a basketball league. This $*@# is Sternstuball, it ain't the same sport. Ifthis is any other league in the world, that's a no call or offensive foul and Billups coach is yelling at him for not just shooting.

Wouldn't you have rather seen Billups nail a J over Tony Allen's closeout defense? Or Tony Allen with the great block or contest? A pump fake and leaninto you on a marquee national tv game? C'mon Stern. Handle that
"Free the NFL"

And tell me how Eddie House shoots with ALL the confidence in the world and NO hesitation yet I never feel like he is going to knock down the jumper.
Isit just me?
good game by both teams. the fake was beautiful and that was the game right there. force the ref to make the call and knock down the free throws. great play byBillups
Tony Allen did NOT jump into Billups.

He simply jumped, and Billups jumped into the mid-air Allen.

And THAT is the problem I have.

I don't fault Tony for jumping. I fault Billups for jumping into an airborne Allen, the refs for falling for it, and the league for not doing anythingabout it.

Bottom line: there's nothing wrong with jumping to block a shot, as long as you're not jumping into the player. When the offensive player sees thatmaybe yu're going to jump into him and maybe you're not, and he decides to jump into the defender to be SURE that there's contact, there's aproblem.
Why are people surprised than Tony Allen jumped, you know there was one second right? Its a natural reaction to jumo with all your might.

and SMH @ people complaining at how it ended. Billups just straight schooled dude, and he didn'tt really have to force the lean cause Tony Allen alreadybroke the plane on his jump, automatic call regardless of the time.

Fourth, the Celtics have lost 2 games by a basket and another in ot by 5 points. Still the team to beat.

I like the C's cause of Ray Allen and KG....but the Celtics haven't even made the playoffs with that squad, and although they will this season, thatdoesn't make them the team to beat. The Pistons have thee starters that can equally compete with the Celtics, except they have veterans with championshipexperience.

They just beat the Celtics who are straight DOMINANT @ home, great win to show who's the team to beat in the East.

Tony Allen did NOT jump into Billups.

Tony Allen DID NOT jump straight up, he broke the "parallel plane" your allowed and jumped towards Billups and tried to play it off by turning hisback, refs won't fall for that nonsense.
@ the people complaining about what Billups did. Get real, it was a fouland he knows how to play the game. Any other player who is smart would have done the same exact thing. Stop getting butt hurt because the Celtics lost, youknew it was coming tonight whether you like it or not.
SO what should he have done, just stand there and watch Billups shoot a 16 footer? That would have been dumb.

Tony Allen made an instinctive basketball play. Problem is, he's not in a basketball league
Nah, he just had to be more alert. Its just like how coaches tell their players how to gaurd Kobe, they tell the players to never leave their feetcuz he gonna draw the foul everytime. You gotta know the players who take advantage of that...

I guess I can understand the complaints, but its not streetball where players are just gonna play straight up. Pro ball has always been a game of deceit.

Tony Allen did NOT jump into Billups.
Nah, Tony Allen didnt jump into Billups, but he jumped AT him, its not like he jumped straight up with his hands up. The reason why refs call thatis because that impedes a player's space when the contact is made, who's to say Billups wasnt tryna shoot a leaning jumper? Of course that wasnt hisintention, but its in the rules for the refs to respect that...

Pro ball has always been a game of deceit.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

The last thing you want to do is go for a shot block on a JUMP SHOOTER to end the game

SO what should he have done, just stand there and watch Billups shoot a 16 footer? That would have been dumb.

Tony Allen made an instinctive basketball play. Problem is, he's not in a basketball league. This $*@# is Sternstuball, it ain't the same sport. If this is any other league in the world, that's a no call or offensive foul and Billups coach is yelling at him for not just shooting.

Wouldn't you have rather seen Billups nail a J over Tony Allen's closeout defense? Or Tony Allen with the great block or contest? A pump fake and lean into you on a marquee national tv game? C'mon Stern. Handle that


Like I told my boy, Chauncey did take the easy(but smart way ) to win the game and it worked.
That WAS a foul, had been called that all game long....wasn't Tony watching from the sidelines?
If he didn't jump, Billups probably would have hit the that's a catch 22.

But no you don't stand there and watch, just put your hands up.
There's certain guys who you KNOW are just going to try and draw that pump fake, word to D. Whistle
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Tony Allen did NOT jump into Billups.

He simply jumped, and Billups jumped into the mid-air Allen.

And THAT is the problem I have.

I don't fault Tony for jumping. I fault Billups for jumping into an airborne Allen, the refs for falling for it, and the league for not doing anything about it.

Bottom line: there's nothing wrong with jumping to block a shot, as long as you're not jumping into the player. When the offensive player sees that maybe yu're going to jump into him and maybe you're not, and he decides to jump into the defender to be SURE that there's contact, there's a problem.

you sure SKA?

it certainly didnt seem like he jumped straight was more like up and in to, to contest/block the shot
:I @ anyone saying that it wasn't a foul/ shouldn't have been called.
Celts got styled on nicely but IMO they need this. They need to go through the pain of defeat especially from the Pistons who they'll face in theconference finals. That could be inspiration for them.

IMO there was NOTHING wrong with what Allen or especially Billups did. Its a basketball play. Thats what Billups is taught to do. He probably practices iteveryday. If it was just a brush it would be a lot different but Allen full on tackled him mid air.
I can't figure out why Ray Allen would be inbounding the ball, and why would Pierce shoot the ball so fast and give the Pistons another chance?
If anything it was an offensive foul. Tony Allen was more vertical than Billups, how had to make a conscious effort to jump abnormally forward to initiate allthe contact. It wasn't even a legit shot attempt. You got guys thinking "I'm going to jump into him," and not even about making a bucket.That's not basketball.

Again, anywhere except the NBA, that's play on or offensive foul.

And THAT'S the reason the league is not bringing in the fans post Jordan, because it's not about basketball anymore. It's about fooling the refsand loopholes in the interpretation of the rules.

But Stern will continue to focus on the wrong things like dress code, and taking away player's iPods, and trying to turn them into schoolgirls when thebottom line is the on court product is deteriorating in quality.
And THAT'S the reason the league is not bringing in the fans post Jordan, because it's not about basketball anymore. It's about fooling the refs and loopholes in the interpretation of the rules.

But Stern will continue to focus on the wrong things like dress code, and taking away player's iPods, and trying to turn them into schoolgirls when the bottom line is the on court product is deteriorating in quality.
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