Father carries disabled daughter through triathlon: NOW THIS IS PARENTING

You know what...I almost almost see what you're saying. I really do. 

But I guess he figures that he might as well give the kid some experiences, right? 

please don't feed the troll.

a man decides he wants to do something spectacular as a dad and he's labeled an attention *****, GTHOH! ya dudes seriously concern about safety?....she's on a kayak with a life vest on, should it flip over, which is unlikely, im sure he's well qualified and physically capable of taking care of her.
You know whats funny?

I have a friend thats a psychiatrist who has a knack for investigating the notion of narcissism and breaking it down...I wonder if this dad would qualify, even on a slight level.

I mean partially, doesn't the dad get some sort of recognition out of it?

I mean, no doubt does he love his kid...I'm not denying that, nor do I think she is in any danger...but I want to know what pushes HIM. Is it some round-about way of proving his able-bodied-ness? Or is this just the most extreme act of selfless altruism we've ever seen?

You know what I mean?

just appreciate it for what it is. The sun came up, its a beautiful day


Nobody will ever be able to prove why the dad does this, or whether or not he likes the accolades and attention. But as a father, I can say with 100% certainty that I don't do good dad **** for the attention. I do it because as a dad, that's what you're called to do. And I do it because my kids enjoy it.

When you're a parent, there's a lot of joy in engaging in activities that you enjoy with your kids. And kids love it too. Why do you think so many kids end up following in the footsteps of their parents when it comes to sports, careers, etc.? His girl can't engage in what he enjoys, so maybe this is his way of helping her do that. Maybe this is a bonding time for them. Maybe she enjoys it too.
This made me teary. It takes a very special person to raise a handicap child and he was only around 26 when he had her. So admirable.
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I've seen this story before. It was either on ESPN E:60 or Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel. It def made me tear up a bit when I seen it. My upmost and greatest respect goes to him. Most def deserves the father of the year award.

I don't see the point, or how this is such good parenting...

seems like she's being placed in situations that could easily go very badly. the only impressive part is his test of conditioning carrying around extra dead weight through each competition.

i just dont so how he's doing any of that for her. she cant walk, talk, see, or even understand whats happening, so how does she possibly enjoy any of that chaos?

I'm not hating by any means, it's just my opinion, just seems selfish to me. shrugs.
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I don't see the point, or how this is such good parenting...
seems like she's being placed in situations that could easily go very badly. the only impressive part is his test of conditioning carrying around extra dead weight through each competition.
i just dont so how he's doing any of that for her. she cant walk, talk, see, or even understand whats happening, so how does she possibly enjoy any of that chaos?
I'm not hating by any means, it's just my opinion, just seems selfish to me. shrugs.

Selfish!! :wow:

So your logic tells you F that girl, she should just be sitting at home on the couch?

What's wrong Freeze, you don't want to see this type of behavior? A man who loves his daughter unconditionally.
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Son is an attention *****. why else would you bring a child on these type of events? I'm not buying it

You obviously don't have kids. I'm sure its a mixture of things. Most importantly to spread awareness and its obviously working.

Very touching story.
Son is an attention *****. why else would you bring a child on these type of events? I'm not buying it
You obviously don't have kids. I'm sure its a mixture of things. Most importantly to spread awareness and its obviously working.

Very touching story.
The more I read responses to "TruthGetsBusy," I note how the automatic response is that he doesn't have kids.

Also, what do you mean by "spreading awareness?" What are we being made "aware" of? Spend time with your disabled kids? Ok...I can work with that. Or do you mean that awareness of what disabled kids can do?...because that kid isn't doing much.  

Part of me wants to think the dad gets a slight kick out of all of this. 

Why are we so opposed to the notion that people enjoy whatever degree of fame or recognition they get for the smallest things? 

Not everything is motivated by some sort of lofty moral framework of altruism and "love." 
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The more I read responses to "TruthGetsBusy," I note how the automatic response is that he doesn't have kids.

Part of me wants to think the dad gets a slight kick out of all of this. 

Why are we so opposed to the notion that people enjoy whatever degree of fame or recognition they get for the smallest things? 

Not everything is motivated by some sort of lofty moral framework of altruism and "love." 

Last week was so peaceful, who are you to judge this man?

You just had to say this huh?
The more I read responses to "TruthGetsBusy," I note how the automatic response is that he doesn't have kids.

Part of me wants to think the dad gets a slight kick out of all of this. 

Why are we so opposed to the notion that people enjoy whatever degree of fame or recognition they get for the smallest things? 

Not everything is motivated by some sort of lofty moral framework of altruism and "love." 

Last week was so peaceful, who are you to judge this man?

You just had to say this huh?
I'm not judging him (I dont think?)...its just that I note how quick people are to shoot down the idea that the Dad doesn't enjoy his newfound fame in some shape. 

This isn't the first time we've heard of this dude. Hes been doing this for years. 

People are afraid that others might have slightly self-centered motivations. I don't think anything is WRONG with this either...I just think its interesting how people will come in here trying to one-up each other saying how "great" this is instead of looking at people with slightly contrasting viewpoints as possibly having a point. Its like we're afraid to see things for what they could be. 

Its not like this is his ONLY race with his child. This is his bit. Its what he is known for. I just find it a little odd.

Who knows. Maybe i'm wrong about the whole thing and he is really THAT smitten over his child that he's going to make sure his kid can do every single thing that he does out of LOVE. Or...the guy does this stuff because he knows other people will look at him more highly for doing this stuff. He knows what we'll like so he does it under an image of something that has admirable goals but continues to do it knowing the sort of response it will garner. 

It seems a little consistently too good to be true. 

Like for instance. Remember when Mayor Cory Booker kept saving people? After a while it seemed like he was doing so not to just genuinely help others, but because he knew how others would look at him more favorably. 

Essentially, people are scared to realize when they get pandered to...so we avoid the notion altogether. 
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I don't get how this is a great story....its just pointless. >D
How many triathlons have you done champ? I haven't done any; but I can only imagine how difficult it would be and then to add the difficulty of pushing/ carrying your daughter? That's tough, and don't deny it.

Some of you guys are acting like the little girl is a vegetable or something, CP doesn't mean she can't function neurologically. I know a little girl that has CP that has the time of her life riding in the car with the top down and watching her big sister's gymnastics practices. I would guess that maybe this father started taking his daughter with him as he trained and she enjoyed it so he started competing with her to make her happy. So in turn, he sacrifices a faster time to show his love for his daughter.

Just a thought.
I don't get how this is a great story....its just pointless. >D
How many triathlons have you done champ? I haven't done any; but I can only imagine how difficult it would be and then to add the difficulty of pushing/ carrying your daughter? That's tough, and don't deny it.

Some of you guys are acting like the little girl is a vegetable or something, CP doesn't mean she can't function neurologically. I know a little girl that has CP that has the time of her life riding in the car with the top down and watching her big sister's gymnastics practices. I would guess that maybe this father started taking his daughter with him as he trained and she enjoyed it so he started competing with her to make her happy. So in turn, he sacrifices a faster time to show his love for his daughter.

Just a thought.

Exactly! Using the logic that some people in this thread are using, you shouldnt read to children with developmental disorders or play with them. This dude is great I dont care
Son is an attention *****. why else would you bring a child on these type of events? I'm not buying it
I've looked through all of your recent posts.  You are a miserable human being.  I feel sorry for anyone that has to associate with you because I'm sure you just bring them down.

With that said, you're the first person I'm using the ignore member function on.  You can troll and post your negativity if you want, but I'm not going to pay attention to it.
This thread is proof positive that if we're gonna have a rep system, we also need a downvote option.

Make it happen Meth.
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I don't get how this is a great story....its just pointless. >D
How many triathlons have you done champ? I haven't done any; but I can only imagine how difficult it would be and then to add the difficulty of pushing/ carrying your daughter? That's tough, and don't deny it.

Some of you guys are acting like the little girl is a vegetable or something, CP doesn't mean she can't function neurologically. I know a little girl that has CP that has the time of her life riding in the car with the top down and watching her big sister's gymnastics practices. I would guess that maybe this father started taking his daughter with him as he trained and she enjoyed it so he started competing with her to make her happy. So in turn, he sacrifices a faster time to show his love for his daughter.

Just a thought.

it said she has the mind of a 3 year old. she cant walk or talk, and she's blind. what possible enjoyment can she have?
I'll be thinking of this story when I try and come up with reasons to skip the gym... Inspiration
I don't get how this is a great story....its just pointless. >D
How many triathlons have you done champ? I haven't done any; but I can only imagine how difficult it would be and then to add the difficulty of pushing/ carrying your daughter? That's tough, and don't deny it.

Some of you guys are acting like the little girl is a vegetable or something, CP doesn't mean she can't function neurologically. I know a little girl that has CP that has the time of her life riding in the car with the top down and watching her big sister's gymnastics practices. I would guess that maybe this father started taking his daughter with him as he trained and she enjoyed it so he started competing with her to make her happy. So in turn, he sacrifices a faster time to show his love for his daughter.

Just a thought.

it said she has the mind of a 3 year old. she cant walk or talk, and she's blind. what possible enjoyment can she have?
Oh yeah I forgot 3 year olds aren't entertained by adults hiding their face and then removing their hands and watching blues clues. Y'all are seriously some cynical dudes
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