Father carries disabled daughter through triathlon: NOW THIS IS PARENTING

BTW, Optimus/Dame Theory/sillyputty, I don't think anyone is really upset that you're questioning his motivations.  Anyone with half a mind can surmise that we'll never truly know if we're not that person.

I think they're more annoyed that you're back, casting a negative shadow over an otherwise positive thread.  You've turned the thread into another debate where you state your opinion as fact, and then damn others who do the same.  The schtick wears thin after awhile, word to the fourth iteration of the internet you.  
Not even the same thing. Are you serious?

THAT was ridiculous in and of itself.

But the thing is that Gabby garnered that recognition from her OWN efforts. 

Is she seeking fame? Sure. The cereal boxes and interviews come with the territory...but the initial standard was her gold medal. 

HOWEVER if Gabby rests on those laurels, then yes she is doing it more for the fame.

You all aren't getting how this is different. 

This dad in the first few times wasn't doing it for recognition, he just may have wanted to do it for the hell of it. But after the first few times...what is he really doing at that point?

He gets to be called the worlds best dad a few times if he brings his daughter with him.

You're telling me that after having a disabled kid that hearing that doesn't boost your ego? It doesn't remind you how great of a man you are? How able YOU are by not letting nature dictate how weak your family is? 

Its about image at the end of the day. And no, Gabby doesn't relate to this at all. 

in the same toll, don't you think after getting a section with Bryant Gumble and the recognition he so seeked he would have stopped, that crave for fame would have been satisfied....i mean he was not gonna get any more fame than that, obviously there is something else diving him, perhaps this is something special him and his daughter share, maybe is his way of encouraging other parents who are going through the same difficult struggle of raising a disabled child and showing them that there is more to it, that they can be out there having as much fun with their child as if they were healthy.....seems like you dudes are too caught up as always going against the popular opinion and trying to swamp the whole thing with a negative motive....get over yourself!!!!!

What aren't you getting?

Does he inspire the parents of other disabled kids? Sure.

Does he raise money for charities? Sure.

But why are you overlooking what HE gets out of it? 

This is the problem.

The moment you address or even ACKNOWLEDGE his fame, you get defensive.

You see yourself? 

Do I care what his motivations are? Nope. Not at all.

Do I think what he's doing is cool? Absolutely.

But why are you all so opposed to the notion that he gets SOMETHING out of it? 

THAT is the problem here.

You all had no problem fawning over the "lovey dovey" part except when someone says "well he also gets famous" then its "you hate kids and you're an awful person etc"

Why is it that way?

Its that reluctance to grant credibility to the fathers own recognition that speaks to the level of maturity you all have discussing this.

Like I said, the notion that a parent could even on a MINIMAL level exploit their kid is something none of you all want to discuss. 
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Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE  

 I don't think anyone is really upset that you're questioning his motivations.  Anyone with half a mind can surmise that we'll never truly know if we're not that person.

I think they're more annoyed that you're back, casting a negative shadow over an otherwise positive thread.  You've turned the thread into another debate where you state your opinion as fact, and then damn others who do the same.  The schtick wears thin after awhile, word to the fourth iteration of the internet you.  
Actually, no one is stating anything as fact...which is what makes this even more interesting.

You all don't know that "love" is the only motivation, so you all aren't justified in ridiculing TruthGetsBusy for asserting that the father seeks attention in his own manner. 

The whole problem is that you all are opposed to the idea, which is subjective anyways, that this guy gets a little ego boost...but no one is opposed to the idea that he loves his daughter.

Why is that? 
im getting defensive because i see nothing wrong if he enjoys recognition, WHO DOESNT!!!....he should be recognized, WHY NOT??
i think the positive that comes out of this act far outweighs whatever selfish negative motive and hunger for fame this man MIGHT have....but since you feel so strong about it, perhaps you, TruthGetsBusy and Mr Freeze should rally at his next marathon and protest.
im getting defensive because i see nothing wrong if he enjoys recognition, WHO DOESNT!!!....he should be recognized, WHY NOT??
i think the positive that comes out of this act far outweighs whatever selfish negative motive and hunger for fame this man MIGHT have....but since you feel so strong about it, perhaps you, TruthGetsBusy and Mr Freeze should rally at his next marathon and protest.
Again, you're completely misunderstood on whats being discussed here.

I don't see anything wrong with his recognition and neither does TruthGetsBusy or MrFreeze.

However, its the fact that when BROUGHT UP that he gets recognition or that the father might at a very minimal level get to be famous for doing what he baits people into following, that you all get really defensive.

THAT is the funny thing. 

The mere acknowledgement of the potential facet of this man character (which is ENTIRELY subjective on your behalf as well) causes many of you to react in such a way that you think challenging a fathers "love" for his kid means you're the worst person alive.

I think hes a good dude...BUT when anyone seeks to flesh out a more well-rounded picture of said motivations, then anyone who breaks from the pack is seen as someone who hates disabled kids or something. 

His proclaimed "love" of his child is not the only story being told here, but since its the only one you all are willing to embrace, anyone who veers from that gets told to stay in line. 

This has been far more interesting than I thought it would be. You all really must not think that anyone does selfish things...ever. 

Is there something wrong with being selfish? Usually...not really. But when we try to bring that up, then you're the guy who would blow up a short-bus or something.

Miss me with that "you don't have kids" argument. I see how the parents act in the little league baseball stands. 
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i mean look at your choice of words, "baits people into following" how can you not expect people who feel the complete opposite you do, not to react??...because at the end of the day he is still doing a positive thing, no matter which way you paint it.

we are all well aware he might enjoy the recognition, no one is debating that?....but you bringing it up, is completely irrelevant when you really think about it and we all know you are only doing so to spark a debate on here...that has always been your MO.
Parsing through words to reinforce your own bias without digesting the argument in its entirety. 


is like you cant just take it for what it is, you are never just satisfied with agreeing to disagree, do you ever step back to look at the **** you post and what type of personality you display on here :x
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i mean look at your choice of words, "baits people into following" how can you not expect people who feel the complete opposite you do, not to react??...because at the end of the day he is still doing a positive thing, no matter which way you paint it.
I don't know if its "positive" but he is surely getting positive reactions from it.
we are all well aware he might enjoy the recognition, no one is debating that?....but you bringing it up, is completely irrelevant when you really think about it and we all know you are only doing so to spark a debate on here...that has always been your MO
NOW you're aware of that he may enjoy the recognition. 

At the beginning of the thread if anyone dared say so, you all were up in arms. 

Dudes are recognizing the flaw in their reflexive nature to get mad at people making uncomfortable statements.

You wouldn't dare say TruthGetsBusy or MrFreeze now are just completely negative people, would you?

They don't think poorly on the dude, they just recognize another component of this man's motivations and character that many REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE POSSIBILITY OF.

Its not about proving how selfish he is, or how much he loves his daughter. Its the reaction you all have to shutting down that conversation that makes you all appear defensive.

Now you realize that. 

Ok, hes a good dude, leave it at that. Everything doesnt need a qualifier
Parsing through words to reinforce your own bias without digesting the argument in its entirety. 

Which bias? Me thinking he is a good dude is a bias?
More like going through the effort of ridiculing people for asserting the possibility that the father gets some ego boost out of "helping" his daughter.

Its not the argument thats the problem, its the refusal to discuss the notion entirely thats the problem. 
honestly, because of the fame, he can't stop. he's become that 'guy that does triathlons with his daughter'. that's why he doesnt stop. 75 is excessive in any sense, whether with the daughter or alone, so there has to be another motive. IMO, since it's not fact, I think, initially it started out as something sweet and innocent, but through time, the competitions have given Dad a sense of self, and now he almost has no identity without it. Only sith speak in absolutes, so as I said, this is what i think, given the circumstance.
Anyways, back to the convo at hand, were all the 75 events triathlons, or were there other endurance type events? It would be dope if he got an Espy
honestly, because of the fame, he can't stop. he's become that 'guy that does triathlons with his daughter'. that's why he doesnt stop. 75 is excessive in any sense, whether with the daughter or alone, so there has to be another motive. IMO, since it's not fact, I think, initially it started out as something sweet and innocent, but through time, the competitions have given Dad a sense of self, and now he almost has no identity without it. Only sith speak in absolutes, so as I said, this is what i think, given the circumstance.
I'm right here with you.

But when you bring this up, you hate disabled kids or something. 

I see right through this...but its an uncomfortable reality. 

Yes. He loves his kid. We get it. Moving on.

Mind you, he doesn't bring his daughter on every event so clearly when he does, he does it for a reason. Otherwise, he'd refuse to attend an event without her.

There is nothing wrong with being famous or seeking attention...but don't get mad when we decide to talk about it. THAT seems to really piss people off for some reason. 
honestly, because of the fame, he can't stop. he's become that 'guy that does triathlons with his daughter'. that's why he doesnt stop. 75 is excessive in any sense, whether with the daughter or alone, so there has to be another motive. IMO, since it's not fact, I think, initially it started out as something sweet and innocent, but through time, the competitions have given Dad a sense of self, and now he almost has no identity without it. Only sith speak in absolutes, so as I said, this is what i think, given the circumstance.
75 events are excessive?  LOL  I have a guy in my office who is 60 years old and runs a half or full marathon every single month.  Should I tell him he's being excessive?  Keep reaching for excuses to fuel your ignorant, pessimistic argument.
honestly, because of the fame, he can't stop. he's become that 'guy that does triathlons with his daughter'. that's why he doesnt stop. 75 is excessive in any sense, whether with the daughter or alone, so there has to be another motive. IMO, since it's not fact, I think, initially it started out as something sweet and innocent, but through time, the competitions have given Dad a sense of self, and now he almost has no identity without it. Only sith speak in absolutes, so as I said, this is what i think, given the circumstance.
I'm right here with you.

But when you bring this up, you hate disabled kids or something. 

I see right through this...but its an uncomfortable reality. 

Yes. He loves his kid. We get it. Moving on.

Mind you, he doesn't bring his daughter on every event so clearly when he does, he does it for a reason. Otherwise, he'd refuse to attend an event without her.

There is nothing wrong with being famous or seeking attention...but don't get mad when we decide to talk about it. THAT seems to really piss people off for some reason. 

He lives in Western Michigan and his Facebook group has under 10,000 followers.  He's a real global celebrity.
honestly, because of the fame, he can't stop. he's become that 'guy that does triathlons with his daughter'. that's why he doesnt stop. 75 is excessive in any sense, whether with the daughter or alone, so there has to be another motive. IMO, since it's not fact, I think, initially it started out as something sweet and innocent, but through time, the competitions have given Dad a sense of self, and now he almost has no identity without it. Only sith speak in absolutes, so as I said, this is what i think, given the circumstance.
I'm right here with you.

But when you bring this up, you hate disabled kids or something. 

I see right through this...but its an uncomfortable reality. 

Yes. He loves his kid. We get it. Moving on.

Mind you, he doesn't bring his daughter on every event so clearly when he does, he does it for a reason. Otherwise, he'd refuse to attend an event without her.

There is nothing wrong with being famous or seeking attention...but don't get mad when we decide to talk about it. THAT seems to really piss people off for some reason. 

He lives in Western Michigan and his Facebook group has under 10,000 followers.  He's a real global celebrity.
Because the triathlete community is as big as it is? 

Dude isn' going to the olympics or getting additional TV time or anything. 10K followers is a lot considering those who didn't like it on FB but still read the story and spread the word of it.
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