Father carries disabled daughter through triathlon: NOW THIS IS PARENTING

so don't? 


Its like me having an unpopular opinion means I have a gun to your neck as well. 


Like I said, I think he loves his daughter...but to think he doesn't enjoy his fame? Naive. 
 I mean you do say things like "I will not tolerate..." and "I demand to know..."
 . You're an intelligent and well spoken dude, no doubt about that. I for one appreciate what you bring to NT but sometimes you just strike a nerve with your comments. You have knowledge about a vast amount of subjects and that's why you come off as headstrong. Not trying to tell you what to do, just trying to give you advice. You gotta watch out what you say and how you say it especially since this community is so diverse. Take it for what it's worth
So? Thats how I address certain comments. 

Look. I understand if someone is going to take offense to what i'm saying, but I don't see why I need to change my tone to be self-ingratiating if i'm not openly disrespecting someone ...at least attempting to. 

I'm not about to start changing my feelings on something because it makes others uncomfortable. The biggest form of censorship is asking someone to change their argument because it makes you feel uncomfortable. Its like that gay-marriage thread. There are plenty of people who don't support it and they're entitled to that, but likewise, I'm entitled to say what my piece is on the matter as well so you don't get to tell me how I should frame my argument when it doesn't pose a threat to anyone else. if you support social conservatism...thats cool. I'll protect your right to feel that way, but I won't defend your individual stance for you. 

He can enjoy the fame, im sure he does...but I doubt the fame is the motive behind what he's doing, I believe his daughter is and what he thinks she may or may not be experiencing, at this point what I think or what you think has equal value because neither one of us is inside this man's head.
I don't think we'll ever know either...BUT the fascinating thing to me is how quickly you and others shut down the notion that he can, even at a minimal level, be motivated by the fame and admiration he garners from those in which he seeks to elicit a response from. 

That sort of reflexive retort against people who felt that the man might be slightly selfish indicates that some of you all were so opposed to the idea that you all might be hiding something by way of protecting an image of this man. 
Nobody is saying he cant, we're saying WHO CARES. The physical achievement is outstanding AS IS the gesture for his daughter. He deserves all the fame he gets

I'm saying it is as important as the story he perpetuates and ignoring it, ignores a facet of the image he seeks to portray.

What separates his desire to be seen as this guy from Kim K? Are you saying Kim K doesn't love her family? 

The pursuit of fame, wrapped in another blanket, is still the pursuit of fame.

I don't think we'll ever know either...BUT the fascinating thing to me is how quickly you and others shut down the notion that he can, even at a minimal level, be motivated by the fame and admiration he garners from those in which he seeks to elicit a response from. 

That sort of reflexive retort against people who felt that the man might be slightly selfish indicates that some of you all were so opposed to the idea that you all might be hiding something by way of protecting an image of this man. 
I can say the same thing for you, you are so quick to propose that his motive is one of self accomplishment.
I said it was IN ADDITION to his "love for his daughter"

Mind you, TruthGetsBusy said the same thing. he just felt that no one was incorporating that notion either. 
I can't say I didn't try 
 Dude is probably the most hated and unwelcome NTer of all time
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I can't say I tried
 Dude is probably the most hated and unwelcome NTer of all time
The funny part is that we don't even disagree on the notion that he loves his daughter...but to ignore the notion that he on a SLIGHT level does this for the crowd and the praise he is about to receive isn't that farfetched of an idea.

Do you LEGITIMATELY think he doesn't anticipate doing interviews over this? 

I think the real issue is that people think parents would never exploit their children, even in the smallest way, or ever face the reality that someone could even think to do that. 

Essentially, if we ignore it, we don't have to deal with the implications of that conjecture.

But we don't ignore those who continually do things in the public eye based on their prior recognition for doing so. 

We're moving the goalposts and I think thats why people got mad at TruthGetsBusy. Granted, he could have worded it differently. 
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I can't say I tried :lol:  Dude is probably the most hated and unwelcome NTer of all time

who hates him? how's he unwelcome? opinions, of all sort, are always welcome. i appreciate the perspective, doesn't mean i have to cosign everything, but the different plane of thought is nice, unlike a lot of you sheep.
who hates him? how's he unwelcome? opinions, of all sort, are always welcome. i appreciate the perspective, doesn't mean i have to cosign everything, but the different plane of thought is nice, unlike a lot of you sheep.

So people who appreciate what the man is doing without worrying about his motive or drive are now sheep?.... :rofl:
who hates him? how's he unwelcome? opinions, of all sort, are always welcome. i appreciate the perspective, doesn't mean i have to cosign everything, but the different plane of thought is nice, unlike a lot of you sheep.
 Absolutely opinions are always welcome. I've seen a bunch of different characters thoughout the years. And it's not like I'm dogging him for his thoughts. Dude is probably the most knowledgeable NTer of all time
 I feel he is unwelcome because of how he always has to be right. How he always has to get into a debate about somethign. How he always makes other people feel unwelcome because of their thoughts and opinions. And that is something "I will not tolerate..."

I don't expect him to censor himself but he does have to be mindful of the other people in this community who get easily butthurt. He already got banned once for this type of stuff...

And for the record, I don't hate the dude. I think it's great that he joined because he brings a fresh sense of knowledge and intellect that this community has been lacking for SO many years. I just find him annoying sometimes
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This isn't even new. Didn't anyone catch the piece on this from Real Sports with Brynat Gumbel on HBO. I think they ran the piece last year.
Did this dude just bring up Kim K?

::slits wrists::
How is what he does different from Kim K?

Please tell me.

And yes, i'm going there. You knew it was coming. 

Does Kim K not put her family in a position to make money and to continually win? Are you saying Kim doesn't love her family more than her fame? 

Call it "love" or whatever you want...but after 10 events, this dude knows what hes doing. 

There is more than just "love" to account for.

Mind you, this story is YEARS in the making...AND he doesn't bring her on every event he does. 

You all are COMPLETELY opposed to the idea that IN ADDITION TO "LOVING" HIS DAUGHTER, that this dude gets a rush out of being admired as "a good dad."

Its all about reinforcement and projection of the self. 

Since his daughter won't possibly be able to bring him that joy academically, physically, or even mentally, he's going to bring himself that sort of joy through her. 

I see this sort of thing all the time.

I think its admirable for him to bring his daughter along...but thats not ALL that is at play here. 
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Who cares?

I do. 

Its funny that everyone else seems to think this isn't a valid question. You're so focused on praising this guy that you don't understand that you might have been baited into doing so under the guise of an act that he knew society would appreciate. 

Its about understanding the whole picture being painted. 

Oh really? Why is that?
Because carrying an extra 80 lbs during a triatholon just so your daughter can experience what it's like to be in one is a feat in its own. Because doing that 75 times, is a feat in its own. I'm not going to act like I know what it is to have a child. But I've heard from many many people that bringing a child into this world is truly a life changing experience. That you care more about them then yourself.
No one is questioning his "love" for his child.

No one.

I bet he loves his daughter more than his wife. You'd kinda have to, to put up with that.

But this is what he is known for. Period.

When he stops doing this, he stops getting recognized.

I wish someone with some experience in marketing or psychology would come in here or something and phrase this in a better manner for me if i'm not being clear.

At this point, its more than his daughter. Its about the recognition he gets from doing this.

If you can't see it, then I don't know what to tell you.

The first 10 times, we got the point...75? And you don't even take her on all your events? So whats the point of bringing her on the ones you DO enjoy? You might as well say you don't do anything she can't do. That'd be more interesting.
Stop stating things that you have no clue about as fact.  I understand that this is what you do, but it really is quite annoying.  So now you have direct insight into this man's motivations to the point that you can definitively say that "its about the recognition he gets from doing this"?  And even more, you can use that direct insight to be smug towards others who aren't privy to that info?  **** outta here with that pompous nonsense.  
Who cares?

I do. 

Its funny that everyone else seems to think this isn't a valid question. You're so focused on praising this guy that you don't understand that you might have been baited into doing so under the guise of an act that he knew society would appreciate. 

Its about understanding the whole picture being painted. 

Oh really? Why is that?
Because carrying an extra 80 lbs during a triatholon just so your daughter can experience what it's like to be in one is a feat in its own. Because doing that 75 times, is a feat in its own. I'm not going to act like I know what it is to have a child. But I've heard from many many people that bringing a child into this world is truly a life changing experience. That you care more about them then yourself.
No one is questioning his "love" for his child.

No one.

I bet he loves his daughter more than his wife. You'd kinda have to, to put up with that.

But this is what he is known for. Period.

When he stops doing this, he stops getting recognized.

I wish someone with some experience in marketing or psychology would come in here or something and phrase this in a better manner for me if i'm not being clear.

At this point, its more than his daughter. Its about the recognition he gets from doing this.

If you can't see it, then I don't know what to tell you.

The first 10 times, we got the point...75? And you don't even take her on all your events? So whats the point of bringing her on the ones you DO enjoy? You might as well say you don't do anything she can't do. That'd be more interesting.
Stop stating things that you have no clue about as fact.  I understand that this is what you do, but it really is quite annoying.  So now you have direct insight into this man's motivations to the point that you can definitively say that "its about the recognition he gets from doing this"?  And even more, you can use that direct insight to be smug towards others who aren't privy to that info?  **** outta here with that pompous nonsense.  
So how do you KNOW he loves his daughter then as his main motivation? Because he says so? 

See how that works? 

You can't validate that beyond what he says he claims to do...now can you? 

You all take the "love and altruism" angle without question, but never address his new-found fame and the amount of recognition he has since gained from this. 

This is precisely what i'm talking about. 

There is more to this story than "love" and you all are getting REALLY defensive over the possibility that a man with a disabled child MIGHT on some small level want to reinforce his own status by not letting his ability to have a "normal child" speak negatively about him. 

Parents can be equally as selfish, you know. You're aware aware of this, right? 
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Did this dude just bring up Kim K?

::slits wrists::
How is what he does different from Kim K?

Please tell me.

And yes, i'm going there. You knew it was coming. 

Does Kim K not put her family in a position to make money and to continually win? Are you saying Kim doesn't love her family more than her fame? 

Call it "love" or whatever you want...but after 10 events, this dude knows what hes doing. 

There is more than just "love" to account for.

Mind you, this story is YEARS in the making...AND he doesn't bring her on every event he does. 

You all are COMPLETELY opposed to the idea that IN ADDITION TO "LOVING" HIS DAUGHTER, that this dude gets a rush out of being admired as "a good dad."

Its all about reinforcement and projection of the self. 

Since his daughter won't possibly be able to bring him that joy academically, physically, or even mentally, he's going to bring himself that sort of joy through her. 

I see this sort of thing all the time.

I think its admirable for him to bring his daughter along...but thats not ALL that is at play here. 

Well for starters he does it to raise money for a charity that helps victims of domestic abuse: http://www.safehavenministries.org/...his "Team Maddy" group does positive things and encourages other people to become physically active and better their health if capable so he's not exactly in the same vein as the Kardashians at all....And dude was a chronic smoker and quit to become capable of working out and participating with his daughter in the events....the fact that this just became real news in the past month after doing this over a period of 4 yrs is a decent sign that the guy doesn't go out and seek interviews and get his name in the public. I'm not even in total disagreement with your premise, every human has a bit of an ego and enjoys being in a spotlight, but the way you presented it and construed it is odd...like the first thing that popped up in your head was (paraphrasing) "Oh well I'm not impressed b/c he's doing it for the fame and glory too!" I just feel that's such a minute aspect of this that it doesn't even warrant being brought up and certainly not enough to detract from the foundation of the story.
who hates him? how's he unwelcome? opinions, of all sort, are always welcome. i appreciate the perspective, doesn't mean i have to cosign everything, but the different plane of thought is nice, unlike a lot of you sheep.

So people who appreciate what the man is doing without worrying about his motive or drive are now sheep?.... :rofl:

sheep don't question, they just take stories and tales at face value. you take a 'feel good' story and let it make you feel good, without ever even wondering what's so good about it. Spending time with his daughter is all well and good. i wonder how different this story would be if it was a healthy 3 yr old (since she's mentally 3) accompanying her father on 75 triathlons...would the fame still pile high?

the fact that she's disabled and has no control over the outcome changes everything. he can say whatever he pleases as far as 'if she wants to stop, we stop' or 'if she's not having fun, neither am I' but come on son, it's a reach from day one to thing the chaos he's subjecting her too, a girl with no real motor skills that can most assuredly not even comprehend her surroundings, is by happenstance, enjoying herself. that's nonsense.

he stays he's doing it because she'll never get the chance too...we'll she's still not getting the chance to. she's not doing anything but being drug here and drug there. he continues to push forward because after every meet he gets to see his name in the local paper as 'Super Dad'. keep it 100.
some people just love to be miserable :x :smh:

This reminds me of when Gabby Douglas won a gold medal, but the media reported on her mom filing for bankruptcy.
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Did this dude just bring up Kim K?

::slits wrists::
How is what he does different from Kim K?

Please tell me.

And yes, i'm going there. You knew it was coming. 

Does Kim K not put her family in a position to make money and to continually win? Are you saying Kim doesn't love her family more than her fame? 

Call it "love" or whatever you want...but after 10 events, this dude knows what hes doing. 

There is more than just "love" to account for.

Mind you, this story is YEARS in the making...AND he doesn't bring her on every event he does. 

You all are COMPLETELY opposed to the idea that IN ADDITION TO "LOVING" HIS DAUGHTER, that this dude gets a rush out of being admired as "a good dad."

Its all about reinforcement and projection of the self. 

Since his daughter won't possibly be able to bring him that joy academically, physically, or even mentally, he's going to bring himself that sort of joy through her. 

I see this sort of thing all the time.

I think its admirable for him to bring his daughter along...but thats not ALL that is at play here. 
Well for starters he does it to raise money for a charity that helps victims of domestic abuse: http://www.safehavenministries.org/...his "Team Maddy" group does positive things and encourages other people to become physically active and better their health if capable so he's not exactly in the same vein as the Kardashians at all....And dude was a chronic smoker and quit to become capable of working out and participating with his daughter in the events....the fact that this just became real news in the past month after doing this over a period of 4 yrs is a decent sign that the guy doesn't go out and seek interviews and get his name in the public. 
The flaw in this argument is that this is a new story.

Its not.

Dudes have heard about this guy for years.

And Kim K doesn't support charities? Oh really? 

Dudes are seeing what they want to see. 

It is what it is.

Props to the dude. He loves his daughter and NO ONE IS CHALLENGING THAT. NO ONE.

..but to assert that he gets no fame or personal ego boost...is just flat-out naivety. 

And whats worse, granted it could have been presented a little better, was that when you bring it up, people think you don't "love the daughter too"

Its absurd. 

Do you all ever think about public proposals in the same light? Do dudes really need to get a flash-mob to tell their girl to marry them? Do they need the world knowing that? 

Its the same sort of thing.

The first 10 times? Alright. Cool. 

The next 65?...and you don't even bring her alone all the time OR refuse to compete when she can't join you?

That tells me that she has become part of the act as much as she is the beneficiary. 
I'm not even in total disagreement with your premise, every human has a bit of an ego and enjoys being in a spotlight, but the way you presented it and construed it is odd...like the first thing that popped up in your head was (paraphrasing) "Oh well I'm not impressed b/c he's doing it for the fame and glory too!" I just feel that's such a minute aspect of this that it doesn't even warrant being brought up and certainly not enough to detract from the foundation of the story.
The thing that initially popped in my head was "Oh this again?" 

But the thing that really got me was how quick people were to dismiss how much fame he has garnered.

THAT really bugged me. The reflexive dismissal of the notion was what prompted me to respond.

People were really incapable of seeing that the father has gained a lot of recognition and reinforcement of his own abilities from this. 

Fame is a funny thing and people qualify it differently depending on how you present it.
sheep don't question, they just take stories and tales at face value. you take a 'feel good' story and let it make you feel good, without ever even wondering what's so good about it. Spending time with his daughter is all well and good. i wonder how different this story would be if it was a healthy 3 yr old (since she's mentally 3) accompanying her father on 75 triathlons...would the fame still pile high?
the fact that she's disabled and has no control over the outcome changes everything. he can say whatever he pleases as far as 'if she wants to stop, we stop' or 'if she's not having fun, neither am I' but come on son, it's a reach from day one to thing the chaos he's subjecting her too, a girl with no real motor skills that can most assuredly not even comprehend her surroundings, is by happenstance, enjoying herself. that's nonsense.
he stays he's doing it because she'll never get the chance too...we'll she's still not getting the chance to. she's not doing anything but being drug here and drug there. he continues to push forward because after every meet he gets to see his name in the local paper as 'Super Dad'. keep it 100.

OR maybe he does believe she's enjoying herself and thats the only satisfaction he is after, MAYBE JUST MAYBE....how would you know?....
some people just love to be miserable

This reminds me of when Gabby Douglas won a gold medal, but the media reported on her mom filing for bankruptcy.
Not even the same thing. Are you serious?

THAT was ridiculous in and of itself.

But the thing is that Gabby garnered that recognition from her OWN efforts. 

Is she seeking fame? Sure. The cereal boxes and interviews come with the territory...but the initial standard was her gold medal. 

HOWEVER if Gabby rests on those laurels, then yes she is doing it more for the fame.

You all aren't getting how this is different. 

This dad in the first few times wasn't doing it for recognition, he just may have wanted to do it for the hell of it. But after the first few times...what is he really doing at that point?

He gets to be called the worlds best dad a few times if he brings his daughter with him.

You're telling me that after having a disabled kid that hearing that doesn't boost your ego? It doesn't remind you how great of a man you are? How able YOU are by not letting nature dictate how weak your family is? 

Its about image at the end of the day. And no, Gabby doesn't relate to this at all. 
Who cares?

I do. 

Its funny that everyone else seems to think this isn't a valid question. You're so focused on praising this guy that you don't understand that you might have been baited into doing so under the guise of an act that he knew society would appreciate. 

Its about understanding the whole picture being painted. 

Oh really? Why is that?
Because carrying an extra 80 lbs during a triatholon just so your daughter can experience what it's like to be in one is a feat in its own. Because doing that 75 times, is a feat in its own. I'm not going to act like I know what it is to have a child. But I've heard from many many people that bringing a child into this world is truly a life changing experience. That you care more about them then yourself.
No one is questioning his "love" for his child.

No one.

I bet he loves his daughter more than his wife. You'd kinda have to, to put up with that.

But this is what he is known for. Period.

When he stops doing this, he stops getting recognized.

I wish someone with some experience in marketing or psychology would come in here or something and phrase this in a better manner for me if i'm not being clear.

At this point, its more than his daughter. Its about the recognition he gets from doing this.

If you can't see it, then I don't know what to tell you.

The first 10 times, we got the point...75? And you don't even take her on all your events? So whats the point of bringing her on the ones you DO enjoy? You might as well say you don't do anything she can't do. That'd be more interesting.
Stop stating things that you have no clue about as fact.  I understand that this is what you do, but it really is quite annoying.  So now you have direct insight into this man's motivations to the point that you can definitively say that "its about the recognition he gets from doing this"?  And even more, you can use that direct insight to be smug towards others who aren't privy to that info?  **** outta here with that pompous nonsense.  
So how do you KNOW he loves his daughter then as his main motivation? Because he says so? 

See how that works? 

You can't validate that beyond what he says he claims to do...now can you? 

You all take the "love and altruism" angle without question, but never address his new-found fame and the amount of recognition he has since gained from this. 

This is precisely what i'm talking about. 

There is more to this story than "love" and you all are getting REALLY defensive over the possibility that a man with a disabled child MIGHT on some small level want to reinforce his own status by not letting his ability to have a "normal child" speak negatively about him. 

Parents can be equally as selfish, you know. You're aware aware of this, right? 
B-b-b-b-but, I have NEVER stated WITH FACT, as you do, that love is his main motivation.  I would like to think it is, but I'll never truly know because I'm not that man (and I think I've already stated that).  As you won't.  

So again, please stop stating with fact that you know dude's motivation.    

Personally, his motivations don't mean a whole lot to me, so no, I'm not getting upset.  I just don't understand the point of even questioning them when you truly can't know.  So tell me sillyputty, what is the motivation for questioning dude's drive to do what he does?  What does that bring to the table?  Just wondering.  Why does it matter?  
Some of y'all hate y'all life huh? Log onto NT antagonizing everything without solid facts. Y'all don't knw dude personally, so how would you know he's using is daughter? Maybe he actually loves his daughter.

The difference between him & Kim K is that he wouldn't go thru any means to be famous. If he comes out with a sex tape then I'd understand your arguement. But until then take this story as a positive thing. ****'n numbskulls
Not even the same thing. Are you serious?

THAT was ridiculous in and of itself.

But the thing is that Gabby garnered that recognition from her OWN efforts. 

Is she seeking fame? Sure. The cereal boxes and interviews come with the territory...but the initial standard was her gold medal. 

HOWEVER if Gabby rests on those laurels, then yes she is doing it more for the fame.

You all aren't getting how this is different. 

This dad in the first few times wasn't doing it for recognition, he just may have wanted to do it for the hell of it. But after the first few times...what is he really doing at that point?

He gets to be called the worlds best dad a few times if he brings his daughter with him.

You're telling me that after having a disabled kid that hearing that doesn't boost your ego? It doesn't remind you how great of a man you are? How able YOU are by not letting nature dictate how weak your family is? 

Its about image at the end of the day. And no, Gabby doesn't relate to this at all. 

in the same toll, don't you think after getting a section with Bryant Gumble and the recognition he so seeked he would have stopped, that crave for fame would have been satisfied....i mean he was not gonna get any more fame than that, obviously there is something else diving him, perhaps this is something special him and his daughter share, maybe is his way of encouraging other parents who are going through the same difficult struggle of raising a disabled child and showing them that there is more to it, that they can be out there having as much fun with their child as if they were healthy.....seems like you dudes are too caught up as always going against the popular opinion and trying to swamp the whole thing with a negative motive....get over yourself!!!!!
Who cares?

I do. 

Its funny that everyone else seems to think this isn't a valid question. You're so focused on praising this guy that you don't understand that you might have been baited into doing so under the guise of an act that he knew society would appreciate. 

Its about understanding the whole picture being painted. 

Oh really? Why is that?
Because carrying an extra 80 lbs during a triatholon just so your daughter can experience what it's like to be in one is a feat in its own. Because doing that 75 times, is a feat in its own. I'm not going to act like I know what it is to have a child. But I've heard from many many people that bringing a child into this world is truly a life changing experience. That you care more about them then yourself.
No one is questioning his "love" for his child.

No one.

I bet he loves his daughter more than his wife. You'd kinda have to, to put up with that.

But this is what he is known for. Period.

When he stops doing this, he stops getting recognized.

I wish someone with some experience in marketing or psychology would come in here or something and phrase this in a better manner for me if i'm not being clear.

At this point, its more than his daughter. Its about the recognition he gets from doing this.

If you can't see it, then I don't know what to tell you.

The first 10 times, we got the point...75? And you don't even take her on all your events? So whats the point of bringing her on the ones you DO enjoy? You might as well say you don't do anything she can't do. That'd be more interesting.
Stop stating things that you have no clue about as fact.  I understand that this is what you do, but it really is quite annoying.  So now you have direct insight into this man's motivations to the point that you can definitively say that "its about the recognition he gets from doing this"?  And even more, you can use that direct insight to be smug towards others who aren't privy to that info?  **** outta here with that pompous nonsense.  
So how do you KNOW he loves his daughter then as his main motivation? Because he says so? 

See how that works? 

You can't validate that beyond what he says he claims to do...now can you? 

You all take the "love and altruism" angle without question, but never address his new-found fame and the amount of recognition he has since gained from this. 

This is precisely what i'm talking about. 

There is more to this story than "love" and you all are getting REALLY defensive over the possibility that a man with a disabled child MIGHT on some small level want to reinforce his own status by not letting his ability to have a "normal child" speak negatively about him. 

Parents can be equally as selfish, you know. You're aware aware of this, right? 
B-b-b-b-but, I have NEVER stated WITH FACT, as you do, that love is his main motivation.  I would like to think it is, but I'll never truly know because I'm not that man (and I think I've already stated that).  As you won't.  

So again, please stop stating with fact that you know dude's motivation.    
I never claimed to KNOW his motivation, but if you're going to speculate as you've done here:

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE  


Nobody will ever be able to prove why the dad does this, or whether or not he likes the accolades and attention. But as a father, I can say with 100% certainty that I don't do good dad **** for the attention. I do it because as a dad, that's what you're called to do. And I do it because my kids enjoy it.

When you're a parent, there's a lot of joy in engaging in activities that you enjoy with your kids. And kids love it too. Why do you think so many kids end up following in the footsteps of their parents when it comes to sports, careers, etc.? His girl can't engage in what he enjoys, so maybe this is his way of helping her do that. Maybe this is a bonding time for them. Maybe she enjoys it too.
Then why can I not propose a situation in which the father enjoys his fame and recognition from this as well? 
Personally, his motivations don't mean a whole lot to me, so no, I'm not getting upset.  I just don't understand the point of even questioning them when you truly can't know.  
His motivations dont MEAN anything to me either.

Its the fact that some versions of his speculated motvations aren't being discussed is what irks me.

We're cool with the "love" aspect but everyone reflexively opposes the "egotistical/narcissism" that also accompanies this.

Why is that?
So tell me sillyputty, what is the motivation for questioning dude's drive to do what he does?  What does that bring to the table?  Just wondering.  Why does it matter?  
It paints a more well-rounded, and if you ask me, realistic portrayal of this man.

Not everything is rosy out here but like I said. You all will embrace the narrative that makes you more comfortable WHILE refusing to admit that you're just believing everything he says because it makes you feel good.

Call me a contrarian but the replies to TruthGetsBusy really made me wonder what you all had to hide in not considering it just as equally.

Dudes really said he "must not have children" or something, as if that matters. Ya'll calling into question this guys sense of "love" or his own emotional state because it doesn't jive with the rest of you all...and its entirely subjective because it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. 

Everyone enjoys the happy part of the story while rejecting the SLIGHT idea that this guy gets to be called the Dad of the Year for this. 

You telling me he doesn't enjoy that? 

Come on now. 

If someone can't say that without people getting offended, then we have a problem with the discussion as a whole.
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