FAT Shaming

It’s like I always say. They’re overlapping the people still on the couch and for that I give them props.
If you're waking up, making an impact in this world with whatever you are doing it shouldn't matter what you look like.

It's the lazy, incompetent, broke, jobless people that are the problem. Race, gender. It don't matter

They're pathetic white people. Pathetic black people. Pathetic Asian people. Pathetic every race.
I'm at my heaviest right now and I'm ashamed of my damn self. I blame the holidays and a new job where I'm not moving around as much but that's not true. I've felt myself getting heavier and heavier the last 8-9 months and conned myself into thinking I was managing and hiding it. Then I saw a recent photo of me and couldn't even see my chin :smh:

I wish others had pointed it out to me. If my friends or my ex had just told me I was getting heavier I might have caught it before it got this point.
Dude. It's okay.

It comes with age. Stress. Job. Life. Holidays. Etc.

You caught it. No one wants to be "that" person to call someone out. Just not cool and mean but it should be done.

Cut back man. You'll feel better. If you feel hungry it's okay but you got enough fat stored that it won't hurt you. Not saying don't eat but cut back.

Hope you're good man.
I'm at my heaviest right now and I'm ashamed of my damn self. I blame the holidays and a new job where I'm not moving around as much but that's not true. I've felt myself getting heavier and heavier the last 8-9 months and conned myself into thinking I was managing and hiding it. Then I saw a recent photo of me and couldn't even see my chin :smh:

I wish others had pointed it out to me. If my friends or my ex had just told me I was getting heavier I might have caught it before it got this point.
I hit my heaviest all time somwhere in the last quarter of 2022, 318 iirc. I am currently 280 and have been to the gym everyday this year and even hooked up with a trainer. I use myfitnesspal to track my calories just for the sake of being able to share it with her as well as she sends me workouts through trainerize app outside of the 2 days we workout together

You can do whatever you put your mind to if you want to lose it. If
I'm at my heaviest right now and I'm ashamed of my damn self. I blame the holidays and a new job where I'm not moving around as much but that's not true. I've felt myself getting heavier and heavier the last 8-9 months and conned myself into thinking I was managing and hiding it. Then I saw a recent photo of me and couldn't even see my chin :smh:

I wish others had pointed it out to me. If my friends or my ex had just told me I was getting heavier I might have caught it before it got this point.
I was there for about 4-6 years.

I remember telling my boys I was the fat one in the group and dudes would say “nah man you ain’t even fat” .. looking at pics now, they were 100% lyin or just used to seeing me.

It’s reversible. The realization is the turning point. Make small incremental changes every week, take your time, find a gym routine you like doing, and find joy in the process of getting back to your prime.

Also don’t be too hard on yourself. Most people don’t even get to where you are right now. (Realizing something’s wrong)
Also if you have good insurance or are willing to pay out pocket, look into terzepatide (monjauro) or semaglutide (ozempic, wegovy).
I'm at my heaviest right now and I'm ashamed of my damn self. I blame the holidays and a new job where I'm not moving around as much but that's not true. I've felt myself getting heavier and heavier the last 8-9 months and conned myself into thinking I was managing and hiding it. Then I saw a recent photo of me and couldn't even see my chin :smh:

I wish others had pointed it out to me. If my friends or my ex had just told me I was getting heavier I might have caught it before it got this point.
Bro, I hear you man. I have always been a slim dude but had ankle surgery a few years back and blew up a little more than I should have. Funny because I only started to take notice when people kept on mentioning how "good" I looked, I remember thinking wtf are they talking about? Haha, then I realized they must have thought I was self conscious about my weight not knowing I was clueless :lol:

Realizing it is the toughest part! Bounce back, I know you will, Start with manageable goals and go from there. No reason why in 6 months you can't be BETTER physically than you were before. Good luck king!
Found the right job for some of you
Bro, I hear you man. I have always been a slim dude but had ankle surgery a few years back and blew up a little more than I should have. Funny because I only started to take notice when people kept on mentioning how "good" I looked, I remember thinking wtf are they talking about? Haha, then I realized they must have thought I was self conscious about my weight not knowing I was clueless :lol:

Realizing it is the toughest part! Bounce back, I know you will, Start with manageable goals and go from there. No reason why in 6 months you can't be BETTER physically than you were before. Good luck king!
There's a large segment of the population that think you look sickly if you're too thin. Perhaps they thought you finally eating and getting healthy :lol:
:sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:

Model?! Which vogue issue she in? This body positive stuff has got to stop.

Bow wow made a million for Like Mike but nobody calling him a hooper.....
I think it's fair to call yourself a model if you're making $500k/year doing it.

That said.... I don't believe *****es is really making as much money as they say they do on OF.
I think it's fair to call yourself a model if you're making $500k/year doing it.

That said.... I don't believe *****es is really making as much money as they say they do on OF.
So what's your cutoff? 50k? 100K? And what do you define as modeling? I am not familiar with this womans page, but she aint modeling nothing but her body. That's not the standard definition of modeling.

Look, theres been a lot of movement in the right direction, and women/especially models should not look like twigs that they looked like in the 90's, that's not healthy or representative. But a models have to be modeling something no?
I think you're looking too deep into it :lol:

If you get paid to take pictures and show off your body, you're a model these days... Especially if you're making over half a million dollars a year doing it.
There's women getting paid handsomely to take pictures of their feet. Just because I ain't checking for them don't mean they aren't legitimate models.
I think it's fair to call yourself a model if you're making $500k/year doing it.

That said.... I don't believe *****es is really making as much money as they say they do on OF.
Iono mane I seen some of these models pull up OF receipts of their total made .. it’s available to them on the site.

It’s wild
If everyone’s a model then no one is

There’s also this old thread. Before OF’s time
Exactly, my only point. I don't know why I am dying on this hill, but here I am. I guess just at that point your an adult worker or whatever they are called, which is fine. Just don't group yourself with Tyra Banks :lol:
Exactly, my only point. I don't know why I am dying on this hill, but here I am. I guess just at that point your an adult worker or whatever they are called, which is fine. Just don't group yourself with Tyra Banks :lol:
They still do the same things though.
Regardless of Tyra's status, at the end of the day, she's known for posing for pictures :lol:

I'm not saying big girl is on the same level as Tyra, but if you play professional ball in Turkey, you're a basketball player, just like Lebron is.
If posing in front of a camera is someone primary means of making money then how are they not a model? It’s not like it’s a hobby or a side gig.
If posing in front of a camera is someone primary means of making money then how are they not a model? It’s not like it’s a hobby or a side gig.
I can list about 100+ clients and companies Tyra was modeling for, countless more products. With only fans, the woman IS the product.

would you call pornstars models? If so, we can agree to disagree and I can go about my day.
I would call them adult film actors (or pornstars) because they are getting it in in a video format. If they were captured via stills then I would just say they are adult models or nude models or something akin to that. So I’m a roundabout way, yes I would.

If the model listed the wardrobe she was wearing then would it be considered modeling? At a certain point, it feels like arbitrary gatekeeping or it’s not official because a brand isn’t associated with it. I don’t think I can rock with that.

Similarly to the point moonman818 moonman818 was making with basketball, the product being promoted may not be the same but the work (from what we see) still is. But we don’t have to continue cause we’ll just be typing in circles
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