FAT Shaming

Admittedly ignorant to the situation since I've only read the last 2 or 3 pages with combo, and with that being said from what I've read yall are trippin! He hasn't said anything that's false or inaccurate as far as health goes. It is possible and ideal to rid one's self of disease through natural means and more importantly restricting/eliminating what you're putting inside. The responses to him, be like "yea iight" "you're leaving parts out" but has anyone actually refuted what he's saying with emperical....? I have stories of helping ppl rid themselves of conditions that the doctors couldn't for years with their drug model...

It's good to challenge and debate. For thinkers, that can only lead to a positive. Either I learned new/better or I've been able to reaffirm my stance while learning how to combat some opposing perspectives that I may or may not have heard.

I eat natural (think vegan but clean...I'll never eat a impossible burger or even wheat, yeast, rice, seedless fruit, etc.) and I'm healthier than everybody I come into contact with by 1,000 miles.
Admittedly ignorant to the situation since I've only read the last 2 or 3 pages with combo, and with that being said from what I've read yall are trippin! He hasn't said anything that's false or inaccurate as far as health goes. It is possible and ideal to rid one's self of disease through natural means and more importantly restricting/eliminating what you're putting inside. The responses to him, be like "yea iight" "you're leaving parts out" but has anyone actually refuted what he's saying with emperical....? I have stories of helping ppl rid themselves of conditions that the doctors couldn't for years with their drug model...

It's good to challenge and debate. For thinkers, that can only lead to a positive. Either I learned new/better or I've been able to reaffirm my stance while learning how to combat some opposing perspectives that I may or may not have heard.

I eat natural (think vegan but clean...I'll never eat a impossible burger or even wheat, yeast, rice, seedless fruit, etc.) and I'm healthier than everybody I come into contact with by 1,000 miles.
The problem is he himself hasn't proven his own assertions with any empirical data. He made the assertion that he cured his stage IV cancer through positive thinking, weed, and changing his diet. He also has made the assertion that is approach cures ALL cancers. He's done no actual research and has never as much as used the scientific method in order to demonstrate the validity of his assertions. The burden of proof is on him, and he has failed to provide any compelling evidence to support his claims.

That's not even getting into his Jay-Z penis conspiracy theories or the fact that he's been admitted to psychiatric units on multiple occasions. I'm happy that he's physically healthy now, but a quick glance at his post history paints a pretty damning picture of the state of his mental health.
Admittedly ignorant to the situation since I've only read the last 2 or 3 pages with combo, and with that being said from what I've read yall are trippin! He hasn't said anything that's false or inaccurate as far as health goes. It is possible and ideal to rid one's self of disease through natural means and more importantly restricting/eliminating what you're putting inside. The responses to him, be like "yea iight" "you're leaving parts out" but has anyone actually refuted what he's saying with emperical....? I have stories of helping ppl rid themselves of conditions that the doctors couldn't for years with their drug model...

It's good to challenge and debate. For thinkers, that can only lead to a positive. Either I learned new/better or I've been able to reaffirm my stance while learning how to combat some opposing perspectives that I may or may not have heard.

I eat natural (think vegan but clean...I'll never eat a impossible burger or even wheat, yeast, rice, seedless fruit, etc.) and I'm healthier than everybody I come into contact with by 1,000 miles.

Thank you for reading, synthesizing, and understanding what I wrote.

It is unfortunate that some NT members seemingly want to be intentionally ignorant...and want to intentionally attempt to shame, ridicule, and silence who is intentionally trying to share positive information on health.

I believe you when you say you are healthier than most people you know.

Why don't you like impossible meat? I am open to know why I shouldn't, if it is bad for me.
Admittedly ignorant to the situation since I've only read the last 2 or 3 pages with combo, and with that being said from what I've read yall are trippin! He hasn't said anything that's false or inaccurate as far as health goes. It is possible and ideal to rid one's self of disease through natural means and more importantly restricting/eliminating what you're putting inside. The responses to him, be like "yea iight" "you're leaving parts out" but has anyone actually refuted what he's saying with emperical....? I have stories of helping ppl rid themselves of conditions that the doctors couldn't for years with their drug model...

It's good to challenge and debate. For thinkers, that can only lead to a positive. Either I learned new/better or I've been able to reaffirm my stance while learning how to combat some opposing perspectives that I may or may not have heard.

I eat natural (think vegan but clean...I'll never eat a impossible burger or even wheat, yeast, rice, seedless fruit, etc.) and I'm healthier than everybody I come into contact with by 1,000 miles.
No one is against eating healthy or even the fact that he believes that it made him feel better. It's just irresponsible to throw out hundreds of years of scientific method/medical practice in favor of something that's at best, unproven treatment. We all know that stress, inflammation, unhealthy food, depression, and a sedentary lifestyle can cause adverse effects to a person's health, but even addressing all of that still isn't scientifically proven to get rid of cancer.
The problem is he himself hasn't proven his own assertions with any empirical data. He made the assertion that he cured his stage IV cancer through positive thinking, weed, and changing his diet. He also has made the assertion that is approach cures ALL cancers. He's done no actual research and has never as much as used the scientific method in order to demonstrate the validity of his assertions. The burden of proof is on him, and he has failed to provide any compelling evidence to support his claims.

That's not even getting into his Jay-Z penis conspiracy theories or the fact that he's been admitted to psychiatric units on multiple occasions. I'm happy that he's physically healthy now, but a quick glance at his post history paints a pretty damning picture of the state of his mental health.


Bad diet, bad emotional intake, bad emotional output




Good diet, good emotional intake, good emotional output



Is documenting my entire cancer experience... the trials and errors... the successes and failures... the protocol and results... not a longitudinal study?

Are the results of me attempting multiple healing methods during a 7 year period... not data?

Is actually living through the experience and providing results... not research?

Are pictures and videos of before, during, and now... not compelling enough evidence?

Comparison Ford Comparison Ford
danikerhino danikerhino
jape jape


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Is documenting my entire cancer experience... the trials and errors... the successes and failures... the protocol and results... not a longitudinal study?

Are the results of me attempting multiple healing methods during a 7 year period... not data?

Is actually living through the experience and providing results... not research?

Are pictures and videos of before, during, and now... not compelling enough evidence?




Not taking this any further with you though. If you want a more detailed reply, it's gonna have to come from someone else.
I asked peacefully bruh smh not another thread detailed or ruined with this

And yet here we are.

Again, take it to TAN or even Unpopular Opinions and sound off in there




Not taking this any further with you though. If you want a more detailed reply, it's gonna have to come from someone else.

No problem.

I will keep providing proof of my past condition, my past and current health regimen, and my past and current results from both.... to anyone who is interested.

Ya... like the part he told an NTer that it was his fault and his wifes bad energy that she had cancer, after said NTer shared that his wife has cancer.

From a critical & objective perspective....is it IMPOSSIBLE or even HIGHLY IMPROBABLE that the cause of her cancer was that....? If it's not impossible or highly improbable (one would have to categorically prove) then that was just his opinion/assertion in which he actually could be right in that case. I don't know details to speak on it, but logically speaking if not impossible or highly improbable then it would have to be chalked up as a difference in opinion and not some extreme insensitive take by someone trying to troll and ruffle. If man was a cig smoker and his wife caught cancer and he said "it's your fault she has cancer for smoking those cigs by her, kissing her, etc."...... would it still have been taking as negatively by yall?

For me personally, commenting ignorantly on that matter I'd prob be able to name 100s of culprits that have higher prob of being contributing factor to cancer before the energy but again ignorant to that personal case.
I asked peacefully bruh smh not another thread detailed or ruined with this

And yet here we are.

Again, take it to TAN or even Unpopular Opinions and sound off in there

Proof of healing is ruining a thread?

Am I ruining a thread... or are you health shaming?
The problem is he himself hasn't proven his own assertions with any empirical data. He made the assertion that he cured his stage IV cancer through positive thinking, weed, and changing his diet. He also has made the assertion that is approach cures ALL cancers. He's done no actual research and has never as much as used the scientific method in order to demonstrate the validity of his assertions. The burden of proof is on him, and he has failed to provide any compelling evidence to support his claims.

That's not even getting into his Jay-Z penis conspiracy theories or the fact that he's been admitted to psychiatric units on multiple occasions. I'm happy that he's physically healthy now, but a quick glance at his post history paints a pretty damning picture of the state of his mental health.

What would be your requirement for him to satisfy the burden of proof that what he says is indeed to be true? If he gets a test and it says he's cancer free.....and also shows the results from his medical treatment (documenting that chemo and the like didn't rid him of cancer) would that be enough? Tell him what he needs to provide, so he can provide it. Don't we all win that way...? You can spread what he did to ppl you know may be suffering. Don't see the negative in that one bit.
From a critical & objective perspective....is it IMPOSSIBLE or even HIGHLY IMPROBABLE that the cause of her cancer was that....? If it's not impossible or highly improbable (one would have to categorically prove) then that was just his opinion/assertion in which he actually could be right in that case. I don't know details to speak on it, but logically speaking if not impossible or highly improbable then it would have to be chalked up as a difference in opinion and not some extreme insensitive take by someone trying to troll and ruffle. If man was a cig smoker and his wife caught cancer and he said "it's your fault she has cancer for smoking those cigs by her, kissing her, etc."...... would it still have been taking as negatively by yall?

For me personally, commenting ignorantly on that matter I'd prob be able to name 100s of culprits that have higher prob of being contributing factor to cancer before the energy but again ignorant to that personal case.
But there's plenty of documented evidence that cigarette smoking can cause cancer. There's no legitimate evidence demonstrating that "bad energy" causes cancer. Horrible comparison.

Also I'm fairly confident people wouldn't appreciate some ******* on a message board telling someone that it's their wife's fault that they have cancer for ANY reason. That's incredibly tone-deaf, insensitive, and serves no constructive purpose.
What would be your requirement for him to satisfy the burden of proof that what he says is indeed to be true? If he gets a test and it says he's cancer free.....and also shows the results from his medical treatment (documenting that chemo and the like didn't rid him of cancer) would that be enough? Tell him what he needs to provide, so he can provide it. Don't we all win that way...? You can spread what he did to ppl you know may be suffering. Don't see the negative in that one bit.
I would need something more than one bit of anecdotal evidence. I would like to see it tested using the scientific method with consistent repeatable results. Familiarize yourself with the evidence hierarchy.

I have asked him to provide these things and he can't do it.
No one is against eating healthy or even the fact that he believes that it made him feel better. It's just irresponsible to throw out hundreds of years of scientific method/medical practice in favor of something that's at best, unproven treatment. We all know that stress, inflammation, unhealthy food, depression, and a sedentary lifestyle can cause adverse effects to a person's health, but even addressing all of that still isn't scientifically proven to get rid of cancer.

Unfortunately we live in a society where science and medicine is part of a capitalistic system. Hundreds of years of scientific research hasn't stopped a society from advertising sugar to kids. We still have fast food and happy meals lol. Can't disregard the conflict of interest in the medical/science world when nutrition is involved. Soda is legal....which science shows has ZERO benefit and a world of detriment.
What would be your requirement for him to satisfy the burden of proof that what he says is indeed to be true? If he gets a test and it says he's cancer free.....and also shows the results from his medical treatment (documenting that chemo and the like didn't rid him of cancer) would that be enough? Tell him what he needs to provide, so he can provide it. Don't we all win that way...? You can spread what he did to ppl you know may be suffering. Don't see the negative in that one bit.

Thank you gotjz gotjz

I want us all to win.

I do not want anyone to suffer like I did.

I am not sure how anyone could see any negative in that.
I would need something more than one bit of anecdotal evidence. I would like to see it tested using the scientific method with consistent repeatable results. Familiarize yourself with the evidence hierarchy.

I have asked him to provide these things and he can't do it.

Which would require him getting other cancer patients, utilizing his same protocol on them and repeating this over and over to have a reasonable sample size of....... for it to not be anecdotal. I'm with you on the fact that anecdotal isn't valid enough on its own. Too many variables/factors. But at the same time the burden of proof you're setting for him would be quite unattainable for one individual without the backing of institutions, money, and willing participants correct? How would he ever be able to accomplish that lol? It's easier to investigate WHY what he claims to have worked, worked or why it usually can't.

Just a few replies. Def not trying to ruin thread about fat shaming. Back to the fat ppl lol.
From a critical & objective perspective....is it IMPOSSIBLE or even HIGHLY IMPROBABLE that the cause of her cancer was that....? If it's not impossible or highly improbable (one would have to categorically prove) then that was just his opinion/assertion in which he actually could be right in that case. I don't know details to speak on it, but logically speaking if not impossible or highly improbable then it would have to be chalked up as a difference in opinion and not some extreme insensitive take by someone trying to troll and ruffle. If man was a cig smoker and his wife caught cancer and he said "it's your fault she has cancer for smoking those cigs by her, kissing her, etc."...... would it still have been taking as negatively by yall?

For me personally, commenting ignorantly on that matter I'd prob be able to name 100s of culprits that have higher prob of being contributing factor to cancer before the energy but again ignorant to that personal case.
You made a comment about people saying "leaving parts out". I gave the parts that he is intentionally leaving out as why he got banned from the food thread so he looks as some kinda innocent victim. I dunno about the rest of what you typed.
Which would require him getting other cancer patients, utilizing his same protocol on them and repeating this over and over to have a reasonable sample size of....... for it to not be anecdotal. I'm with you on the fact that anecdotal isn't valid enough on its own. Too many variables/factors. But at the same time the burden of proof you're setting for him would be quite unattainable for one individual without the backing of institutions, money, and willing participants correct? How would he ever be able to accomplish that lol? It's easier to investigate WHY what he claims to have worked, worked or why it usually can't.

Just a few replies. Def not trying to ruin thread about fat shaming. Back to the fat ppl lol.
Ah I once had your viewpoint (a fair one) on his posts.

He ruined it when he kept posting and made outlandish claims and line crossing remarks about others. Including asking someone else if they’re “as physically capable” as him or some ish.

He plays innocent and then eventually crosses lines and ruins things. Which is why I asked we leave that nonsense out of this thread.
Which would require him getting other cancer patients, utilizing his same protocol on them and repeating this over and over to have a reasonable sample size of....... for it to not be anecdotal. I'm with you on the fact that anecdotal isn't valid enough on its own. Too many variables/factors. But at the same time the burden of proof you're setting for him would be quite unattainable for one individual without the backing of institutions, money, and willing participants correct? How would he ever be able to accomplish that lol? It's easier to investigate WHY what he claims to have worked, worked or why it usually can't.

Just a few replies. Def not trying to ruin thread about fat shaming. Back to the fat ppl lol.
The way you'd do that is by getting the proper credentials and establishing a body of ACTUAL research in order to get said backing. The same way every person before him has contributed to scientific research.

...which you'd think you'd be willing to do if you thought you had the cure for cancer. Dude is writing books and dedicating his life to this cause, but when it comes time to ACTUALLY put in the work, get the education, and prove it scientifically he throws up his hands and says "nah that's too much"?

Sorry, but I'm not buying it.
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