Fake 11's?

I would also like to add:

Even if you have a DS pair of Jams with minimal yellowing because they were kept well, in the dark, humidity free, etc., YES you can still clear the soles with sauce, or seaglow, or whatever. And they will have virtually no yellowing after that, and you'll have an icy pair of Jams. But DS Jams are very expensive.

But the point I am slowly getting at here is that DS soles with minimal yellowing that have been cleared with sauce, seaglow, etc DO NOT look the same as NEW ICY SOLES. 

First off, Jams have clear icy soles. Almost all GM soles have blue tinted icy soles. Secondly, even when you clear up icy soles with blue tint, or icy soles with no tint...they still look different. You can tell they aren't DS....they are slightly milky, or cloudy, or whatever....but they will never have that brand new clear look to them again.

SOOOOO....NEVER BELIEVE EBAY RESELLERS SAYING THEY CLEARED THE SOLES, AND "THAT'S WHY THEY HAVE NO YELLOWING". Because we all know what a perfectly cleared sole looks like. Looks damn amazing....but not crystal clear like these fake Jams with soles that are only a couple weeks old.
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