
OP you say this girl is your best friend. That's one of the main problems of your depression, you still keep in contact with her. You can't expect to get over her if you're still speaking to her. It just doesn't work that way, you don't have to be a **** but you MUST dead that connection. But this may be in direct link to the other main problem. Sounds like you were in love with her, or at the very least obsessed. Just to give you the benefit of the doubt I'll say it's love. And the best way to spell love is actually T-I-M-E. It's what you spend with her, that's why you see her as perfection, because the more you got to know her the more you found out you had a lot in common. Well, that can happen with everybody so long as they pu the time and effort into it. The solution is simple, yet complicated. You need to spend that same amount of time with someone else, but not now, the timing is off and it'd only hurt someone else. But when you're good and ready that time with someone else will feel special just like how your intimate feelings with your ex are now.

And I agree with everything SCShift said, she just wasn't for you. The sooner you realize that the better off you'll be.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Your girl probably met dude while ya'll were together. She's getting her back pounded out by him and you're talking about she's your best friend?

You need to get out the house more bro. Breakups suck but there are other girls out there.

This seems to be the standard answer whenever someone makes a thread about an ex...the more !##%!@ up you sound the better and more Lulz + quotes you generate...kinda foul.
It's called tough love bro. Wasn't mean to be foul, more so than it is the harsh reality of the situation. Maybe her back isn't being blown out, but the fact of the matter is - she isn't with dude now. He needs to move on.

...I swear OP, thats the toughest advice to follow being in your shoes. I've been there before, but the fact of the matter is, you have to for your own sanity.
Originally Posted by toast1985

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Your girl probably met dude while ya'll were together. She's getting her back pounded out by him and you're talking about she's your best friend?

You need to get out the house more bro. Breakups suck but there are other girls out there.

This seems to be the standard answer whenever someone makes a thread about an ex...the more !##%!@ up you sound the better and more Lulz + quotes you generate...kinda foul.
It's called tough love bro. Wasn't mean to be foul, more so than it is the harsh reality of the situation. Maybe her back isn't being blown out, but the fact of the matter is - she isn't with dude now. He needs to move on.

...I swear OP, thats the toughest advice to follow being in your shoes. I've been there before, but the fact of the matter is, you have to for your own sanity.

Yeah tough love is good, sets you straight...and I'm not really sure on the posters intentions, perhaps he did mean good....it just becomes kind of annoying and douchey to see that type of response time and time again..."oh my girl is not picking up her phone.." followed by "she's getting her back blown out"
I mean c'mon....OP talking about off'in himself...perhaps is $*#!%!%$, but we don't know that...no need to be THAT harsh.
Come on man, if your seriously thinking about offing yourself over some chick then you need to get out more. You said spare the theres other fish out there excuses etc but what do you want us to say. Work out and put your sadness or frustration into something useful. Go for a jog or lift some weights or something that requires you to take your mind off her. Hang out with your friends or better yet try to find a new group of people to kick it with. Out of the 3+ billion women on earth i highly doubt she was the one and only one for you. You'll find someone soon and you'll laugh at yourself in the future with all this offing myself nonsense. Stay up and good luck.
Originally Posted by TeamCharisma69

Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Move to Daly City.
Daly City = Phillipines
Your height will never matter OP.
This is true. When i was in the Philippines i had peeps staring at me like i was Yao Ming.
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

OP you say this girl is your best friend. That's one of the main problems of your depression, you still keep in contact with her. You can't expect to get over her if you're still speaking to her. It just doesn't work that way, you don't have to be a **** but you MUST dead that connection. But this may be in direct link to the other main problem. Sounds like you were in love with her, or at the very least obsessed. Just to give you the benefit of the doubt I'll say it's love. And the best way to spell love is actually T-I-M-E. It's what you spend with her, that's why you see her as perfection, because the more you got to know her the more you found out you had a lot in common. Well, that can happen with everybody so long as they pu the time and effort into it. The solution is simple, yet complicated. You need to spend that same amount of time with someone else, but not now, the timing is off and it'd only hurt someone else. But when you're good and ready that time with someone else will feel special just like how your intimate feelings with your ex are now.

And I agree with everything SCShift said, she just wasn't for you. The sooner you realize that the better off you'll be.


OP, I went through the same as you. Matter of fact, she came back into contact with me 1.5 years after she broke up with me. "Just because"....and unfortunately, the feelings started coming back for some odd reason (I was still single). So I told her it was best to not keep in contact for this reason.

I've smashed 9 different girls since we broke up. But I have yet to actually want to settle with a new girl. Not because I have "hope" that there's "another chance" with the ex...just that she's still not out of my system I guess.

CUT CONTACTS with her. After my ex broke up with me, I did this because I've learned from past relationships. Cold turkey. Trust, it helps. A lot.

But let time do it's thing, OP. Trust...you'll get through it. Unfortunately, time is the only thing that's promised.

Keep your head up.

You can hit me up if you need to chat, homie.

Sad post is sad.

But on the real OP, I feel you. It ain't much NT can tell you though. I'm still gettin over my ex but I've taking leaps and bounds since I was in the stage/mindframe your in. Not gonna lie, I skimmed the #%*+ outta your post but that struck me as amazingly downtrodden. You gotta do somethin bout that bruh. Find a new shorty to kick it with, try new hobbies, go to new spots, just don't off yourself. You don't get a second chance at lovve if your not alive son.
Serious question: do you have close friends that you love like family? Hobbies? Anything that you're passionate about?
If not, then start there. Everything else starts to fall into place when you love something that's good for you.
Originally Posted by scshift

How can you base your life and all your happiness and emotions on another person? Are you living your life for yourself or for your ex-girlfriend? You can't seriously want to think about even harming yourself because of someone else. Other people are unreliable. They aren't robots... they'll fail you, they'll betray you, they'll throw salt on your wounds when you're down. You're the one who has to look out for yourself and set a foundation for yourself.

I hate to break it to you, but she wasn't perfect. At all. She didn't accept you for who you were, and it isn't your fault, it's hers. Whenever people get hurt by someone, they always assume they did something wrong. Nah man, she didn't break up with you because of you, she broke up with you because of her. She didn't want to be with you like that and you shouldn't feel negativity because of the actions of someone else.

Stop kicking yourself. The girls who don't give you a chance cause you're short, do you REALLY want to be with someone who would judge you based on your height? I'm not good with females either. I'm short, like you. I don't have a lot of money. Hell, I don't even have a car. Doesn't matter. I have the tools to be the right person and exactly who I want to be in my life... and other people can't take that from me. The good people will love you always, no matter who you are or how you're doing. And the others, the ones who care about what you look like, what you drive, does it really matter if they don't like you?

Be the king in your own life. Build your happiness off of your own achievements and feelings. Even if someone was worth pouring your heart into and hurting yourself for, it surely isn't the girl who left you.
Came in and was ready to drop that exact first line. You're basically letting this girl control your whole life OP. Read scshift's post and then read it again.
OP your pathetic
.... nah i'm joking....given that this girl had something you really coveted (probably her looks) but she's just not for you.  You really have a self-esteem problem and you need to stop guessing what she's doing right now cuz thats really none of your business.  The major point is that she left...idk if you *%+!$% up or not...probably not...but she probably wanted to leave for a while.  I say be optimistic....worry never got anyone anywhere so be glad you had some good times and move on with your life. 

It's probably hard to comprehend right now, but you really need to have a healthy sense of self.  I have this book of bruce lee's sayings and he told one of his students who was having problems doing a high kick that he shouldn't put a majority of focus on the things he can't do so well, but instead master the things he can do like the side kick.  You can't do anything about your height but  theres probably other aspects of yourself that attracted that girl to you in the first place.  Do work.  Try something new once in a while just to change it up...don't look back keep marching forward.

yea thats about it...
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

O.P. I'm going to have a real heart to heart with you as a man to a man. I read your post and honestly I was disgusted at first. I understand being heart broke and all that but when a person loses a male/female and they say "I can't go on in life" I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Sir you cannot be older than 20 and you are ready to quit in life over your first little heartbreak? I'm not going to feed you the truth about loving yourself etc because its easier said then done and frankly you issues are deeper than this girl. The reality is she was a artificial womb for you. You are a very sad and alone person in general and you need to get your mind right. You depended so heavily on this girl you are questioning life and hurting while she is not even thinking about you getting pounded out by this new dude, going to see movies with him and holding hands just as happy as can be. You're sulking over someone that feels your so fragile that telling you she has moved on would be so unhealthy for you she is sparing you. Nobody sad be an alpha male DUDE BE A MALE! You sound so coochie when I opened your page glitter started coming off the screen. Butterflies and estrogen started leaking from my receiver. You straight up sound so %**@+ its repulsive. I'm telling you this out of love. Dig yourself out of the mud for christ sakes and go cure cancer or something. *@!@%! come and go dude, maybe you find that "one" maybe you don't but you are top priority princess.


better will come along, stay strong op
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

O.P. I'm going to have a real heart to heart with you as a man to a man. I read your post and honestly I was disgusted at first. I understand being heart broke and all that but when a person loses a male/female and they say "I can't go on in life" I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Sir you cannot be older than 20 and you are ready to quit in life over your first little heartbreak? I'm not going to feed you the truth about loving yourself etc because its easier said then done and frankly you issues are deeper than this girl. The reality is she was a artificial womb for you. You are a very sad and alone person in general and you need to get your mind right. You depended so heavily on this girl you are questioning life and hurting while she is not even thinking about you getting pounded out by this new dude, going to see movies with him and holding hands just as happy as can be. You're sulking over someone that feels your so fragile that telling you she has moved on would be so unhealthy for you she is sparing you. Nobody sad be an alpha male DUDE BE A MALE! You sound so coochie when I opened your page glitter started coming off the screen. Butterflies and estrogen started leaking from my receiver. You straight up sound so %**@+ its repulsive. I'm telling you this out of love. Dig yourself out of the mud for christ sakes and go cure cancer or something. *@!@%! come and go dude, maybe you find that "one" maybe you don't but you are top priority princess.



OP Height has nothing to do with it. Your self concious about your height 
. At least your not 4'10 
. There are alot of guys out there 5'5. Im 5'7 barely taller than you. Go to the gym and start lifting and getting in shape. Your mind will be clear of her and your confidence will improve.  Start going out and meeting new females.

Stop acting like a female too OP. Dont ever let a female do this to you. It should be the opposite way around. 
Bro i was in the same boat two months ago. Coming to NT for answers and feeling like i lost the one. Two months later im still not over it. Meet a new girl but she is nothing compared to my ex. Was about to give her the business but thoughts of my ex made everything awkward. INS. its all with time bro, take it day by day. Its the only way to go. Plus i have Kim by emimen engraved in my head because i listened to it non stop for weeks.
Originally Posted by Crook

I don't really have a purpose for making this thread, just don't know who else to reach out to.
My girl broke it up with me 3.5 months ago after 1.5 years, and every single night and day has been as bad if not worse than the day before it. Won't bore people with the details of our breakup, sure the whole situation was pretty complicated but so is everyone's story.

I don't want to depress my friends with the details of my heartache and agony anymore. I'm tired of going to my psychologist that gives me the same mundane and generic responses. I can't stand seeing how sad I'm making my parents. I realize more and more that I'm sick of the majority of my friends - even the real good ones - I just don't see eye to eye with many of them.

I'm not very good with girls. Not an alpha male or any of that *#@% by any means. I've had serious relationships in the past but this last one was just - yeah the stars really aligned for me. Not only was she amazing in every department, but we clicked on every level. Eff that plenty of fish in the sea thing: not only is finding a girl who's as incredible as her AND with whom I'm as compatible difficult enough, gotta factor in that very few girls would even give a 5'5" dude like me a shot. So odds of finding something like that again are extremely slim to zero.

She says she cares about me and offers to help out in any way she can - but I know we're never getting back together again, that ship sailed a while ago. And as much as she's my best friend in the whole world, I know it'll never truly work out on a platonic level. I think she's lying to me too: she met a guy a couple months ago who was in town for an elective, and she's visiting the city he's in and staying with him right now for a 2nd time since vancouver. She said she's just there for fun since she has time off work and when I asked her if she's dating anyone right now she answered no. Don't know if she's just trying to spare my feelings or what but I find it pretty insulting.

I seriously got no hope for the future - what's the point of going on with everything when I'm not going to find something as good or better. There's maybe 15 minutes or so during each day that I don't feel like complete *#@%, and think that maybe there's hope in the future - that maybe things happen for a reason and better things will present themselves - but that seems like extremely wishful thinking. I've been thinking about this a lot lately: why not just off myself and save the agony of the many years ahead? Only thing stopping me is the hurt I'd cause my parents.

Proceed with the simp, emo, beta male, didn't read, people have it much worse than you in other parts of the world, man up, things will get better, etc. and so on.
I just went through a breakup too bro. I can't say focus on work or anything because it's hard to move on when someone was a focal part in your life, but it happens.  Find a passion in life to take your mind off of it. Honestly I just thought about it like this, enjoy the time you shared with her and cherish the memories because this is your life.  Don't spend all your time drowning in sorrow over one woman.  There are billions of women out there, go love another one dammit.
What exactly do you want to accomplish with this thread? You want to be consoled? Is this a cry for help?

Be honest and answer. There's something you can do about the situation, but you just have to be honest with yourself first. EVERYTHING starts with self.
OP you'll be fine.  Move on.  Be thankful that it ended now rather than later.  I was in a similar predicament last year.  My grades slipped because I was spending time with this chick.  Long story short we broke up and instead of feeling bad, I purged it out my system, focused on school, and ended up having the best semester I ever had.
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